Four days had passed since the search.

The highest level of the palace.

The decision-makers of the Otsutsuki clan were all sitting here.

But they didn't make a big fuss and beat people up like before.

Their faces looked very ugly at the moment, and even their eye sockets were all stained black.

They looked very tired.

Because they hadn't had a good sleep in the past four days.

Especially the two chief and deputy chiefs, Zong and Fu.

They were very concerned about the [Reincarnation Eye] and wanted their people to get this pair of eyes.

So they also joined the search team.


At this time, a clan member's report came from the door.

It drew everyone's attention.

Some of them immediately showed hope in their eyes.

Could it be that they found it...

Even the two clan leaders who were sitting upright couldn't help but stand up and looked at the newcomer with sharp eyes.

It seemed as if the previous fatigue was an illusion.

As the messenger rushed to the center of the hall, he immediately knelt on one knee and said loudly: "Clan leader, the seventh sweep has ended, and the foreigner has not been found!"

Hearing this, the two clan leaders' breathing stagnated, their bodies swayed slightly, and they sat down on the chairs.

The fatigue on the clan leader's face reappeared.

He couldn't help but put his hand against his forehead, his crutch resting on the armrest, and waved his other hand, saying helplessly: "Let them rest, and then let the second team continue the carpet search! "

They divided all the Otsutsuki clan members into three teams, and took turns searching for 24 hours.


As the messenger left, many people in the center of the hall looked very unhappy.

Some people couldn't help but talk about it.

"Damn it, this is the seventh big search, we have searched everywhere, but why can't we find the man's trace?"

"You say, that man is not on the moon anymore, right?"

After this was said, many people became even more silent.

Because this possibility is getting bigger and bigger as the number of failed big searches increases.

At least half of the people now believe this possibility.

The other half of the people said they didn't believe it, but most of them thought the same as the other half.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! "The clan leader directly rejected it.

But not many people answered.

They all looked at the person in the main seat silently.

The branch clan leader stood with the clan leader for a rare occasion. He said: "We all looked in that direction when the breath of the bat cave leaked.

At that time, you also saw the bats he hit when he rushed out of the cave, and the situation when he brushed against the water surface after leaving the cave.

That speed was not fast. Our people arrived in a short time, and the clan leader directly cast [Summoning Wind and Rain] at that time.

The activation speed of this spell is very fast.

With that person's speed, it is absolutely impossible to exceed the speed of wind and rain. "

As he said, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at a huge map placed next to him, pointing to several islands, drawing a circle and saying: "At that time, he was most likely to find a cave on the island and hide in it, so as to avoid being exposed by the rain! "

After this, many people nodded involuntarily.

Some of them thought of it, some did not, but with the words of the deputy clan leader, they once again confirmed the idea that the man was still on the moon.

But some people also raised questions, "But deputy clan leader, our people have focused on these places, and even dug the ground three feet deep, but still can't find them!"

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking.

Yes, they have searched these places for more than ten times, in addition to the general search, there are also personal searches.

But they can't find them!

Just when the deputy clan leader had nothing to say.

A young man walked in.

He is the son of the deputy clan leader of the branch family, and his status is second only to the two clan leaders and the son of the clan leader.

He is the fourth noble person in Otsutsuki.

Of course, his strength is also good, at least the young master of the main family can't beat him.

"Clan leader, father! "After the young man came in, he respectfully saluted and shouted to the two people in the chief and deputy seats.

When the head of the branch family saw his son coming, the sadness on his face also dissipated a lot. He smiled and asked, "German, why are you here?"

He is most satisfied with this son, and he is also the proudest of his life.

He is strong, smart, and has a very good character, which is very consistent with his name.The word "德" in the word.

The most important thing is that he is born with leadership qualities.

As long as the people of their branch family and the people of the main family have been in contact with him for a long time, they will be involuntarily impressed by his temperament and willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

The purpose of his great efforts to find the [Reincarnation Eye] this time is to give it to his son.

Many people looked at Otsutsuki Tokuto. They all had a good impression of this man who was full of noble temperament.

Even if they didn't like him, they wouldn't have any malice or anything.

Otsutsuki Tokuto nodded to everyone, as a greeting, and then answered his father's words.

He walked to the front of the huge map and stretched out his hand to touch the bat cave.

He looked at everyone and asked, "I know everyone has searched this area, but I found that the intensity of the search for the bat cave here seems to be the lowest, so I have an idea, is that person hiding in this cave!"

After his reminder, everyone was stunned.

"Bat Cave?!"

"Fuck, it's true. I only sent people to search there once. After finding nothing, I stopped searching!"

"Me too!"

"We're all the same!"

"Our search was very intense, but after ten minutes of heavy rain, we found nothing unusual. The chieftain stopped the search for the sake of our crops.

That person might have run out of the caves on these islands at that time, and then avoided our searchers and returned to the Bat Cave."

"Very reasonable. Reason, after all, there is a saying from our ancestors that the most dangerous place is often the safest.

That thief must have hidden in the bat cave.

After all, that cave used to be a mine cave, and the space inside is bright. Our people will just take a look at it at most, and not many people will check it too carefully! "

"That's right, let alone them, we are all affected by inertial thinking!"

"Yes, we all saw the signs that the man was away from the cave entrance, so we instinctively thought that he would not return to the bat cave again!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were bright.

Otsutsuki Tokuto's words opened up a new direction for them to explore.

After the head of the branch family heard his son's words, he and the head of the clan couldn't help but look at each other, and their eyes were full of realization.

The two of them didn't even think of this.

It was still a young man in his twenties who pointed it out before they reacted.

For a moment, they were all a little ashamed.

Otsutsuki Tokuto listened to everyone's compliments and said politely: "You are all respected people, and you have to deal with many complicated affairs all year round.

Originally, you adults could have thought of this, but the [Reincarnation Eye] is of great importance, and it is normal that you adults did not react for a while!"

Hearing this, everyone's evaluation of him was a little higher.

Look, this child is good at talking, and he speaks so nicely.

We really like what he says!

The head of the clan immediately clapped his hands and shouted loudly with righteousness: "Okay, this time we will search from the outside to the inside.

It is imperative that the distance between people should not exceed ten meters. I will use rain to cooperate with the search!"

In the hall, everyone stood up in unison and responded loudly in unison: "Hi!"

This time, they felt that there was a great hope to find the hiding place of that person.


In the bat cave.

The future woke up faintly.


He murmured instinctively.

Linghua's face lit up immediately after hearing this.

She rushed to Weilai and knelt down on her knees, letting his head rest on her legs. At the same time, she took out the water bag and handed it to Weilai's mouth.

"Water is coming!"

As the cool water entered his mouth, Weilai sucked it instinctively.

Gulp... Gulp...

Seeing that Weilai was about to drink up all the water in the water bag, Linghua hurriedly took it away and stopped him, saying: "Weilai, you have been in a coma for four days. It is not advisable to eat and drink too much at once!"

And there will be more to drink later.

After hearing Linghua's words, Weilai came back to his senses.

He looked at Linghua's chin in some astonishment and asked incredulously: "I have been in a coma for four days!?"

Why does he feel like he just fell asleep!


He suddenly remembered something.

Before he fell into a coma, the last chakra was sucked away by the White Zetsu spores.

He sat up suddenly in shock.

"Where are those White Zetsu?"

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