Similar to this shape

A group of people sat down around six treasures.

These treasures have been cleaned up, like the short blade of Okamoto 0.01, a bit like the kitchen knife used by Sister Baoer.

One side is sharpened, and the tip of the blade is very sharp.

An exquisite teapot, after being washed by Linghua, it exudes a bronze color, and the pattern on it is very complicated, just like morning glory.

After Linghua's inspection, it is a storage treasure.

The medicinal materials washed by Kushina, after she and Linghua looked through the book for identification, were finally determined to be thousand-year-old water ginseng, a kind of ginseng, which is extremely rare.

The medicinal properties are mild, and it is very tonic to eat. Even if the elderly who are so old that half of their bodies are buried in the ground eat it, they can increase their lifespan by about one year.

If this precious ginseng was given to Grandma Mito, she could live at least another half a year.

In addition, its therapeutic effect is also top-notch.

Even if there is only one breath left, swallowing this thousand-year-old water ginseng can pull people back from the hands of the King of Hell.

"I have heard of wild ginseng and artificial ginseng, but this is the first time I have heard of ginseng in water!" Shengshu looked at this precious ginseng in amazement.

Weilai glanced at him directly and muttered: "You short-sighted guy, what's wrong with ginseng in water, who said that ginseng can't grow in water!"

Shengshu: (╰_╯)#

He glared at Weilai, always feeling that this kid had eaten explosives. He didn't even flirt with Honghong, why was he so angry.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Honghong hurriedly said: "Okay, stop quarreling, let's divide it!"

Hearing this, although everyone was very tempted, they all waved their hands to refuse.

"No, no, no, you found it, we can't take it!"

"Yes, Sister Honghong, these are all yours!"

"We didn't do anything, we don't deserve it!"

"Sister Honghong, please take them all, this place is so big, we can find other good things!"

The previous treasure box belonged to the Hyuga clan, and the animal skin inside had disappeared, leaving only the treasure box.

And the picture recorded on the treasure box seemed to be a sacred tree in ancient times.

It was of no use to them, so they gave it to the rope tree.

But every treasure here is very helpful to people, so they didn't want it.

Seeing them like this, Honghong couldn't help but smile.

This reminded her of when she had just graduated and had just formed a team with Lezi and the others.

When she was dividing the treasure, the teacher and teammates also looked like this.

She had experience with this, so she smiled and said, "My luck is good, but luck is not good, just like a bucket, if it is too full, it will overflow.

Everything must be done in moderation.

If I accept all these treasures, I am afraid that good luck will turn into bad luck!"

In the past, Minato and his friends did not believe in fate, but since they became apprentices and experienced the death god's clone thinking about Rope Tree, they also have a certain concept of God.

This time, they all saw Sister Honghong's good luck and believed it more firmly.

In this world, there are always some people who are blessed by good luck, but as Sister Honghong said, if it is too full, it will overflow.

You have to master a degree.

Just like humans planting crops, if you demand too much, the fields will slowly no longer be able to support the growth of grains.

This luck is good and bad, and they all looked at each other for a while, and they all didn't know what to say.

Seeing their expressions, and the previous experiences, but the previous ones were just small things, not as valuable as this time, Hong Hong knew that she had convinced them 70% to 80%.

So she continued: "Besides, I don't want anything."

As she said that, she picked up the special stone she dug out from the stone.

As she injected chakra into the stone, a peaceful light gradually emanated.

"My Uchiha clan's mentality is not very stable, I will accept this relic!"

As she said that, she put the relic aside, then picked up the sharp kitchen knife and handed it to Yile.

"Yile, this knife is a good tool for cooking. I know you have also learned a good knife technique. This sharp-edged kitchen knife is the most suitable for you!"

Yile's eyes lit up with joy. He liked this knife very much, otherwise he would not be the first to clean it.

But he quickly suppressed his desire, shook his head, took a step back and said: "No, no, no, this is too expensive, I can't take it!"

After all, he has graduated and worked as a ninja for half a year, so he knows the approximate price of these ninja tools.

This ninja sword is priceless at first glance, the wooden handle is rotten and broken, but the blade is intact.

And just now he triedIn one stroke, it can be said that it can cut iron like mud.

In the future, you can use it to cut vegetables and chop bones.

Seeing that Yile refused, Honghong winked at her brother.

─━_ ─━✧

‘Help your sister persuade him! ’

Future understood instantly.

He nodded, indicating that he received it, so he walked to Yile's side, put his arm around his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Brother, my sister gave it to you, you just take it. Besides, a good knife is very important for a chef. Don't you want to try to use this knife to cook a table of delicious dishes!"

He knew where the boy's heart knot was. He attached great importance to food and believed that food was an important wealth given to mankind by nature.

And making food delicious, allowing diners to feel some beautiful things from the food, and making people cherish their current life more.

It is their duty as kitchen ninjas.

Ile said this to them after he glared at the senior ninja.

"But..." Yile said but, but was interrupted by Weilai.

He took the kitchen knife from his sister and put the handle directly in Yile's hand, "Don't say but, besides, if this knife is given to me, it will only gather dust in my body, and I may forget it after a while."

Weilai said, he looked at Shengshu again, "If I give it to him, do you believe that with his violence, this knife will be useless within three days!"

Yile: (°Д°)

I believe it, I believe it very much.

The material of this knife is indeed good, but it can't withstand the violence of Brother Shengshu.

This guy is more fierce than a hundred wild bulls, a beast among beasts.

If this knife is in his hands, it will be useless!

Shengshu was immediately unhappy.

<( ̄﹌ ̄)>

Weilai, you can say it, why use me as an analogy.

And Yile, what do you mean by this look!

Do you dislike me!

Just when he wanted to grumble, he suddenly saw Honghong's comforting eyes.


'I'm sorry, Nawaki-kun, please don't mind our brother's rudeness!'

After understanding, the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated and turned into a sweet smile.

'Hehe... For your sister's sake, I won't bother with it!'

Future's mind was on Ichiraku, so naturally he didn't notice the "eye contact" between his sister and Nawaki.

He continued: "As for Minato, he fights at super high speed. For him, this short sword is longer than a kunai, but much shorter than a sword. It's not suitable and a bit off."

Minato just smiled at the two of them and didn't say anything.

Although this sword has a combat power blessing for him, it is far less than that of Ichiraku.

Besides, he is not very proficient in swords.

It's like being happy if you have it, and it doesn't matter if you don't have it. !

Thinking of this, he subconsciously glanced at the bird egg. He still had a special liking for this bird egg.

He had never eaten such a big bird egg before!

Mirai counted the kitchen knife that was not suitable for Reika, Kushina and his sister one by one. Although the reason was a bit far-fetched, he successfully made Ichiraku accept the kitchen knife.

The latter looked at the kitchen knife in his hand and couldn't let it go.

He originally thought that this knife was black, but when the mud was washed off and the lead was exposed, he found that the blade of this knife was pure silver and the blade was black.

Rather than saying it was a killing knife, it was better to say it was a cooking knife.

After seeing Ichiraku finally accept this weapon, Mirai blinked at his sister.

A telegram was sent.


'Mission accomplished! ’

Honghong: ヾ(●゜ⅴ゜)ノGreat

She gave her brother a thumbs up, which made the latter extremely happy.

Even looking at the rope tree was not so disgusting, but rather had a kind of delicate and handsome feeling!

If the situation did not allow it, he would have wanted to hug him and kiss him to show his happiness.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but as long as it is started, the rest will be much easier.

Honghong looked at the water ginseng, her eyes wandering between Kushina and Reika-chan.

Both of them were involved in medical skills, and Reika was more advanced than Kushina.

After taking a look at the puppet, she quickly had an idea!

"Kushina-chan, please accept this thousand-year-old water ginseng!"

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