On the way home, Mirai was surprised to find that his injuries had healed more than half.

And the recovery speed was much faster than before. After careful perception, he could find that there was an unknown and unclear energy wrapped around the wound.

It was repairing his injuries.

He looked at himself with some doubt, "Could it be that the doctor used some medicine, and the effect of the medicine began to take effect at this time?"

But soon, he shook his head, this idea was completely wrong.

Because he remembered that the medicine he took was just an ordinary healing medicine, and it was impossible to have such a good effect.

He would not admit this, because he was injured most of the time in the battle with Minato, so he went to the hospital more frequently.

The effect he had at this moment was like receiving treatment from a medical master's [Palm Immortal Technique].

But he did not feel any discomfort, not even the weakness caused by the rapid division of cells.

And this recovery speed was far less than the domineering [Palm Immortal Technique].

The recovery speed was slower than [Palm Immortal Technique], but the recovery effect was better than ordinary means!

More importantly, there are no side effects!


Future was a little surprised.

If Konoha had this method, it would have been used on the battlefield long ago. After all, there were more injured people there and this technology was more needed.

And as an Uchiha, he would definitely hear about this from his family.

Since no one has heard of or seen it, there is only one possibility now.

"When materializing Tessaiga, will it also passively repair my injuries!!"



Sure enough, it is worthy of my own golden finger, the effect is so powerful.

Even the recovery effect that did not exist in the original book actually appeared.

"From the results of this battle, it seems that I have not lost anything!"

Not only did I not lose anything, but I also made a lot of money!

The unsealed Tessaiga brought me too many benefits.

Moreover, he also opened the [Sharingan]. Although for him, opening the [Sharingan] now would do more harm than good, how can I put it? The [Sharingan] would increase his strength incomparably.

It was the reason for opening his eyes that made him feel overwhelmed.

He actually opened his eyes because of a little loli with a baby face and big breasts. What's more outrageous is that he opened his eyes after seeing the other party's lower body.

This is simply outrageous, and there is no scientific basis at all.

If other Uchiha people knew about this, they would squat in the bathhouse.

If that happened, Jiraiya would probably cry in the toilet because he couldn't find a place!

So far, his strength has increased rapidly.

His normal strength has been steadily at the Chunin stage.

If he opens the [Dual Magatama Sharingan] and [Chakra Body Activation Mode], he can even fight against the Jonin.

If he holds Tessaiga, he might even be able to defeat ordinary Jonin.

To become a jonin, even if it is an ordinary, mediocre jonin, its comprehensive ability is far superior to others.

Combat experience, ninjutsu control, fleeting opportunities, which one is not honed from life and death.

Just to save his life, the skill points must be maxed out.

Can't I escape if I can't beat him!

Unless I meet someone who is two or three times stronger than me, I may not be able to escape.

"Huh?!" The future, who was in a very happy mood, suddenly noticed a familiar back in front of him and exclaimed in surprise.

Although it was night now, there was a bright moon in the sky, and with his own [Sharingan], he could clearly see the figure walking in front of him with his current vision.

It was a girl in a red kimono, with her hair tied in a simple ponytail, and her walking movements were a bit rigid, as if she was thinking about something.


Yes, that person was his sister, Uchiha Hong.

After being called by the future, the girl in front paused slightly, turned her head in surprise, and looked behind her.


"Why are you here?!"

Seeing that it was really her sister, Future hurriedly trotted forward and replied: "I just finished practicing and was about to go home!"

Uchiha Hong was a little puzzled. She looked around. This was near the Uchiha Nanga Shrine. Logically, the clan members rarely practiced here, and as far as she knew, her brother had a place to practice.

Why would he practice here tonight?

However, this was not a certainty. What if Future-chan had a whim and wanted to practice in this place?

Future stood in front of Honghong. He was a head shorter than his sister. Looking at his sister's beautiful face,He scratched his head and asked curiously, "Sister, it's so late, what are you doing here alone?"

Uchiha Hong was wearing a home kimono. This kind of clothes looks good, but it is not suitable for strenuous exercise, so he wondered why his sister was here.

Uchiha Hong heard this, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

The reason why he was here was to meet his sweetheart without telling his family.

This matter must not be known to the future.

So she pretended to be calm, subconsciously lifted her hair and said, "Nothing, it's just that the night is long and I can't sleep, so I want to go out for a walk and see this beautiful night!"

After hearing this, the future nodded in understanding, and he looked around.

The bright moon in the sky, the river on the ground, and the dark sky are covered with dense stars, which converge into a magnificent Milky Way.

Next to it is a slowly flowing river, and the stars in the sky are reflected on the river surface.

There are insects and birds chirping around, and there are fireflies swaying and flying with green light.

One is active and the other is quiet, complementing each other.

Not to mention, the environment here is really good.

He sighed: "It's really good!"

Uchiha Hong didn't want the future to have any suspicions, her brother, but he is very smart.

Although once the younger brother encounters something involving her, he will become a little excited and excited, and his IQ will plummet.

But as long as he recovers, he will naturally notice something strange.

So she smiled and changed the subject: "How is it? Have you made progress in your training tonight?"

Hearing this, the future couldn't help showing a hint of pride on his face.

"Of course!"

As he said, he waved his hands and made a big exaggerated gesture for her to see.

"I tell you, I can beat at least ten Minatos now!"

Uchiha Hong looked at his brother in front of him with amusement. Seeing his childish but cute movements, he couldn't help but reach out and touch his head, and laughed: "Ah! Is it this big?!"

After being touched by Uchiha Hong, Mirai squinted his eyes slightly in comfort, and he replied: "Yeah!"

"I had an epiphany in my practice tonight, and I have a deeper understanding of swordsmanship!"

When holding Tessaiga to materialize, in addition to feeling the sense of power that he could beat ten, he also had the experience light balls generated by practicing swordsmanship in the past, all of which were fed back to him from Tessaiga.

It was equivalent to practicing the whole process again.

Wen Gu's all the insights from holding the sword gave him a more intuitive feeling of the sword.

Uchiha Hong slightly widened his eyes, "Epiphany!?"

Ninjas also have epiphanies. That feeling is very mysterious, as if he saw through the essence of the world in an instant.

Her comprehension was greatly improved in a short period of time, as if there were no secrets in this world. As long as she thought about it, she could quickly figure it out.

To put it more bluntly, it was like getting on the highway and suddenly having diarrhea.

But she couldn't poop, so she could only hold it in all the way, trying her best not to let it flow out, not even daring to fart.

After enduring for an unknown period of time, she finally arrived at the service area.

The feeling of complete liberation when she squatted in the toilet.

When the shit gushed out without reservation, the whole person seemed to have been sublimated to the extreme.

A moment of smoothness and ease wrapped her whole body.

She felt alive again and saw the beauty of the world.

Enlightenment is similar to this feeling.

She was lucky enough to experience it three times.

Once a year.

But apart from herself, she had never heard of anyone else having an epiphany, not even her instructor.

For them, epiphany is a beautiful thing that can never be encountered or sought in a lifetime.

I didn't expect to hear this from my brother tonight.

At this time, she looked at her brother seriously.

As she looked, her brows slightly frowned, and a hint of coldness rose in her heart.

A scarlet color appeared in her eyes unconsciously.

His body was weak, his steps were slightly exaggerated, and there were slight dents on his chest clothes, which seemed to be caused by his palm.

He was also in extreme pain, which caused the muscles of his cheeks to deform, but it was not visible if you didn't look carefully now. It should be that someone had treated him, so only slight pain remained.

This pain was because the stiff part of his cheeks was not easy to recover, so it was retained for a short time.

This was not an epiphany at all! Instead, he had a fight with someone, and it seemed that he lost.

Who was it?

How dare you hurt your own brother! !

You must be tired of living!

Could it be Minato Namikaze?

No, it's unlikely. That guy doesn't use a palm, and he won't hit so hard!

In Konoha, there are not many ninjas who can use palm techniques, and most of them rely on kunai or fists and feet to fight.

As forPeople from other villages, that's even more impossible. If they really meet, with my brother's personality, he will fight if he can beat them, and run away if he can't beat them, and then ask others to fight back.

Only people from the same village will my brother not say anything.

And there is only one kind of person who can defeat the genius brother.

'A person from the Hyuga clan! '

'Very good! '

'They actually bully the weak. Such people are not worthy of being called a powerful clan with us Uchiha! '

She felt a trace of anger in her heart that she hadn't felt for a long time.

According to the palm marks left on the chest of her brother's clothes, the other party was obviously going to kill him.

She was very sure of this, which was the result of the insight of the [Sharingan].

However, the palm was slightly small, and it should be a girl over ten years old. However, because the marks left on the clothes were not obvious, she could not infer the specific age of the owner of the palm print through the palm.

People of the same age, or even ninjas who had just graduated, were no match for her brother.

So she felt that only a half-grown girl who had experienced real combat would cause such serious injuries to her brother.

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