Ten minutes after Tsunade left, there was a big movement in the camp.

Many ninjas received orders from their captains, rushed out of the tents and ran towards the gate.

Only Mirai and his men were left there, somewhat at a loss.

Rope Tree asked first: "What should we do?"

Although they were already ninjas, they had not been assigned to other teams.

In other words, they were still free.

Minato thought about it and suggested: "Why don't we go to the commander's tent!"

The so-called commander's tent is the command place of the camp.

There, the commander is in charge of the overall situation.

Mirai touched his chin, thinking about Minato's suggestion, and soon he shook his head.

"No, that place is not suitable for us, and we will easily be regarded as errand boys if we go there, even if Orochimaru and his teachers have said hello!"

Who made them too young, those adults will easily look down on them.

He went on to say, "I guess the reason why the teacher and the others didn't put us in the team is to let us play freely!"

This remark actually woke up Minato and the others, and reminded them of the last Konoha defense battle.

"You are right!" Minato echoed, "We acted alone last time, so we could discover and stop the Sand Ninja's back-up plan.

I guess it will be the same this time!"

"I think the future analysis makes sense. Our biggest task is to summon the summoned beasts from the three holy places to help, so it is best to be free!"

Kushina said, and she looked at the gate.

There were many people gathered there, some of them directly climbed over the fence and rushed towards the direction of the Rock Ninja.

She went on to say, "And the place where we command is the target that the enemy focuses on, and we will become a burden if we go there!"

Her words made everyone nod their heads.

This is so reasonable.

"So the answer is obvious. We just need to fight on the edge of the battlefield!"

Future's words made the other four people agree. Without saying anything, they followed the team and ran out of the camp.

Shengshu, who had been unable to get a word in, had the opportunity to ask when no one spoke: "Why should we rush in so directly? We can't set traps or something to avoid a head-on battle with the opponent?"

Hearing this, the four were speechless.

It was Kushina who kindly explained to him: "Brother Rope Tree, we are now engaged in a large-scale group battle, and after so many battles, the Rock Ninja must be familiar with our fighting style.

Even if you want to set up traps and want to consume the opponent's strength first, it is very difficult, because the opponent's ninjas must have strong people leading the way.

Any clues will be discovered by the opponent.

Now at most, we can use strategies such as split troops to attack, flank attack, interception from behind, and three-point encirclement.

Traps and the like may not necessarily achieve the expected effect!"

After this explanation, Rope Tree immediately understood.

"So that's it!"

The future, who was leading in front, couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Brother, I asked you to study, but you insisted on picking up girls. Now you are worried about your IQ!"

Hearing the future, Rope Tree was immediately unhappy.

"Who are you talking about? I was the top student in the ninja school!"

"Bullshit!" Mirai immediately said, "My sister is the top student. You are the last one at best!"

Minato looked at the angry Mirai and couldn't help but laugh. This guy is like this. Once it comes to his sister, he will get excited immediately.

In his eyes, Sister Honghong is the best girl in the world.

Although this is true.

'Uh... Is this considered Honghong blowing! ”

Behind Konoha.

Tsunade and the other two, plus the heads of various families, all gathered here.

When Uchiha Jiang noticed the actions of the team in the future, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

'Uchiha Future... the son of the sixth son of Da Zhuang... is much more upright than his father!'

At first, he thought that Da Zhuang was a simple-minded guy like everyone else, but he didn't expect that the sixth son would be so good at pretending that he even deceived him, an elder.

But it's good, one bright and one dark, which is only good for the development of Uchiha, not bad.

Hyuga deputy clan leader suddenly said: "Jiang clan elder, your clan disciple, Uchiha Future, doesn't seem to have returned to your Uchiha team!"

Jiang clan elder smiled faintly, "They have other tasks, and he is so young. Once he contacts my Uchiha, it will not be good for him!"

For Uchiha Future not coming to him, and returning to the Uchiha clan, he was not angry, but looked up to him.He glanced at him.

This little guy obviously inherited his father's wisdom.

Uchiha is now a thorn in the eyes of the Rock Ninja, because these days, they have truly experienced the horror of the [Sharingan].

On the battlefield, many people want to get the eyes of Uchiha, even some of his own people have evil thoughts.

So after each battle, he restrained his clansmen and tried not to go out, so as not to be provoked and caught.

Fortunately, some people are cautious and not too blatant.

Once Uchiha Mirai enters the Uchiha camp, he will definitely be noticed by the Rock Ninja's spies.

They can't deal with adults, but they can't deal with children.

And Mirai is so young, he can be tied to the village, as long as he is stimulated to open his eyes, and then he can be detained for his own use. Moreover, the Uchiha who lost his eyes can be used again, that is, to give birth to offspring with women in the village. Maybe decades later, the Rock Ninja will have another Uchiha clan!

Besides, Uchiha Mirai is now the disciple that Orochimaru values ​​the most, and he has a tendency to surpass Nawaki.

It would be much better to let him hang around in the Konoha camp.

Even if that guy wants to take action, he will be cautious of Orochimaru.

This is why he did not take the initiative to approach Mirai.

However, when he saw Mirai's position in the team, he couldn't help but raise his mouth.

A disciple of Jiraiya, a disciple of Tsunade, a member of the Hyuga branch family, and a young master of the Senju clan.

These are the top second-generation children in the village.

But they all focus on Mirai. When they grow up, Mirai will have more advantages.

At that time, even if Fugaku cannot win the position of Hokage, Mirai will definitely be the fifth generation Hokage.

Everything is moving in a good direction!


Orochimaru looked at the five future people who had followed Konoha and rushed out of the camp gate.

The corners of his mouth could not help but rise a few degrees.

Jiraiya noticed this scene and smiled with relief.

"It seems that they understand our intentions!"

Orochimaru nodded slightly and said nothing.

And Tsunade did the same.

This time was a test. They all wanted to see what these five little guys would do. Would they ignore her words and rush directly to the front or the core position.

Or come directly to them.

But at this moment, it seemed that they had obviously seen through the test of themselves and others.

"In this case, we will be relieved!" Tsunade crossed her arms and smiled slightly.

"Well, then let's go too! "Orochimaru said, and rushed forward.

Soon he passed everyone and came to the leading position.

The leaders of other tribes also set off and ran towards their respective teams.

Soon, only Danzo and his roots were left.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Orochimaru at the front of the team.

He was so dazzling, like an arrow, leading everyone to the future.

Indistinctly, he already had some of the temperament of a leader.

And at the back of the team, the kid called Uchiha Mirai seemed to have some of Orochimaru's temperament.

Also He is the leader of the team.

Maybe he will become a leader like Orochimaru in the future.

Thinking of this, he had a blank expression on his face, but the cane in his hand was slightly inserted into the ground.

Behind him, Aburame Ryoma said softly: "Sir, do you want us to..."

Danzo understood what he meant, that is, whether to take the opportunity to make this little guy a member of the Naizu group.

In recent events, his family is the most active.

However, thinking of the upcoming battle and the need for Orochimaru's ability to help him with his own research, he finally shook his head.

"Don't worry about him, he is still young, we have plenty of time!"

Aburame Ryoma heard this and took a step back.


"Let's go too, this time we must completely repel the Rock Ninja!"

The masked men behind him immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Yes, Lord Danzo!"

After Danzo nodded, he led them to rush in another direction.

Their mission is to attack from the side.

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