Soon, Rope Tree knew what the so-called [Speedy Legs Technique] was.

This is actually a technique that uses leg hair to attack!

Mirai is wearing a short-sleeved shorts jumpsuit today, which is the picture we saw last time.

Everyone knows that as long as the smell of Uchiha Red (actually the smell of laundry detergent) remains on his clothes, he will not be willing to change them.

It has been almost a month since he last changed his clothes.

So Rope Tree clearly saw that countless tiny hairs on Mirai's legs quickly became thicker and longer.

This change is very obvious, even if he is in the water curtain, he can clearly see it.

Rope Tree: (´-ι_-`)

Damn it!

So this is what Speedy Legs means!

Although the name is appropriate, it is indeed the leg hair that is flying, but... but...


Forget it, I'm tired, let's finish the game and admit defeat.

There is no benefit in fighting with Mirai, and there are a lot of shit.

Thinking in his heart, he took over the seal that he had not completed before.

Mirai looked at the rope tree, and then at his leg hair.

He didn't care before, and even if he saw it, he didn't think it was a big deal. He was only seven years old, what leg hair would he have?

At most, it was just fluff.

But at this moment, it looked no less than that of a big chimpanzee.

It was black, dense, and very long.

From a distance, it looked like he was wearing a pair of woolen pants.

The two Minatos fighting in the distance, and the speechless Hyuga Reika who watched them openly train and secretly show affection, also turned their heads and looked at Mirai curiously.

Kushina's face was a little stiff. She had seen Uncle Jiraiya's technique, which was very glorious and upright.

But why did Mirai look like this, a little disgusting, not only perverted, but also revealing a hint of vulgarity.

Minato had a different opinion.

He nodded and praised in a low voice: "This move of the future is good. The leg hair is also hairy, and it is a low-level move. Once it is launched, it is difficult for the enemy to react!"

Kushina looked at him and didn't want to talk.

This person is like this. Once it comes to Uchiha Future, he always has his eyes full of him.

Even if the other party farts, he will say it is a spiced spicy fart!

However, Hyuga Reika, who had been in contact with Minato for a short time, looked at him curiously.


This attack move is very obscene.

After hearing this, Minato glanced at her and instantly understood that Hyuga Reika was still thinking wrongly.

He explained: "The so-called lower three routes are not low-level moves.

There are many routes to attack people, such as the upper three routes of the head, throat, and chest; the lower three routes are the abdomen, crotch, and legs!

It is reasonable for the future to attack the enemy's lower three routes with his own lower three routes!"

"And the name of the move is also very deceptive. When the enemy hears the three words "speedsters", they will subconsciously think that he will launch a technique to make himself faster.

But this technique does not increase the speed of the caster, but uses his own leg hair to attack the enemy.

But in fact, it is not, which is enough to catch the opponent off guard!"

But in my opinion, this technique still has a lot of room for improvement! "As he said, he smiled and planned to go to him to give his suggestions after the future is finished.

With the relationship between the two of them, the future will definitely listen.

Kushina, who had been speechless, looked at him curiously.

"Is there still room for improvement? ! "

Although she was speechless about this guy's changed feelings for the future, she had to admit that this guy was really talented.

Hinata Reika also looked at her curiously. With her eyesight, although she could see the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, she really wanted to hear what this talented classmate had to say.

"Yeah!" Minato nodded.

Without waiting for Kushina to ask, he smiled and looked at the two of them.

"For example, the name of this technique can be more meaningful!"

Hearing this, Kushina froze, she seemed to understand something and wanted to cover her ears.

"Don't talk!"

"I don't want to listen! "

This made Hyuga Reika on the side stunned. I wonder why the little sister who is always fearless is so afraid of what Minato will say next!

Minato was stunned for a moment, looking at Kushina in a daze.

What's wrong with her?!

I seem to smell the smell of disgust?!

No way, how could Kushina dislike me!

"Do you think this name is not good?" Hyuga Reika asked curiously.

Hearing this, before Kushina's face changed, Minato had already said a name very proudly.

"I think it's called [Physical Skill Secret·Whirlwind Super Shooting Phantom Hair Leg Ninjutsu]!"

Kushina: (.-_-.)

Sure enough, I knew it would be like this!God, you gave Minato a handsome appearance and a sunny personality, why did you give him a perverted nature and a natural idiot who is bad at naming!

Can't he be perfect? ​​Even nine beauties are good!

Hyuga Reika:|( ̄~ ̄)ノ

I'm a bad mouth, really!

Kushina was so resistant to him, why did I ask him?

Now, my mind is full of words such as Taijutsu... Super... Genjutsu... Ninjutsu... etc.

The weird thing is that I didn't remember the order of these words, but I remembered every word.

Mom, this Minato's name is so poisonous!

Minato looked at their dull expressions, thinking that they were all amazed by the names he gave.

His mood suddenly became very comfortable, just like the morning sun on the top of the mountain, so active and dazzling.

He went on to say, "And think about it, this technique uses leg hair to attack the enemy.

It's related to the legs, which gave me a good idea.

As we all know, the legs and feet are connected. The feet have athlete's foot, and the legs are no exception.

In the future, you can wear high boots to cover your foot sweat into athlete's foot.

Let all the leg hairs be marinated with this athlete's foot."

As he said, he pointed to the waterspout that had changed color. The water was full of leg hairs, and each one was as long as a finger.

You can dye a four-meter-high and one-and-a-half-meter-wide waterspout into this color, which shows how many leg hairs there are in the water.

In the future, he still worked tirelessly to produce new leg hairs on the original leg hairs and shot them into the waterspout.

And the rope tree was still making seals.

The two of them were in a stalemate.

But if you look closely, the speed of making leg hairs in the future is getting more and more skilled and faster.

Minato continued, "According to the method I mentioned, once these leg hairs are shot into the human body, athlete's foot will also enter the human body through the wound, causing the enemy to also get athlete's foot.

Or the kind with athlete's foot all over the body.

And if the enemy uses a water tornado to defend like Rope Tree, then the athlete's foot on the leg hair will also be infected by water and become water with athlete's foot.

Even if there is no water, as long as the future releases a large amount of leg hair around the enemy, the athlete's foot carried by these leg hairs will also evaporate into the air, causing the enemy's respiratory system to also get athlete's foot!"

Future: (#`皿´)

Although he was fighting with Rope Tree, he could also hear Minato's words.

And Minato's words made him extremely uncomfortable.

Immediately he looked at Rope Tree in the water tornado.

There was only one meaning in his eyes.

I'm going to kill him!

Rope Tree paused for a moment. He saw that he only needed one seal to release the ninjutsu, but Minato's words just now also made him extremely uncomfortable.

I nodded immediately.

─━_ ─━✧

‘Fuck him! ’

After receiving the look from Rope Tree, Mirai turned around and faced Minato.

“Minato, what are you talking about? How could I have athlete’s foot? Even if I do, it’s you!”

“Since you like athlete’s foot so much, then try its attack!”

As he spoke, the hair on his legs immediately aimed at Minato and shot out nearly 10,000 leg hairs in one breath.

This number was guessed by Mirai, but it was so dense that even if there were not 10,000, there were at least several thousand.

More than half of the chakra was consumed.

Minato’s face changed immediately after seeing this scene.

He looked at Mirai in horror and howled, “Mirai, you can’t treat me like this! We are dear friends!”

At this time, he realized that Kushina and Reika, who were originally beside him, had both stayed away from him after he expressed his opinion.

Seeing him being attacked, he not only did not step forward to help, but moved further away.

"Hiss..." When he thought of the leg hair image in his mind just now, he felt that his whole body was about to lose a layer of skin.

Especially the hair, which was wrinkled and shrunken.

So much so that the skin on his cheeks was pulled tight.

Rope Tree also finished the last seal at this moment, and he breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

He immediately said lightly: "【Water Style·Water Dragon Bullet Technique】!"

The next moment, the water tornado that wrapped him turned directly into a dragon head.

It bared its fangs and claws, and its body made of water looked mighty at this moment.

Seeing the ninjutsu take shape, Rope Tree's eyes flashed, and he looked at the future with his back to him, and suddenly shouted: "Nishine!"


The future, who was shooting hairy at the fleeing Minato, changed his face after hearing Rope Tree's words.

He looked behind him suddenly.

All he saw was a majestic water dragon, with its neck raised high, staring at him intently.

In its body, dense black lines flowed, like a parasite, and looking at it made people feel claustrophobic.It was clearly a dead thing made of water, but Wei Lai felt like he had seen a real dragon.

At this moment, the water dragon had already pounced on him.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his face, which had been angry before, turned extremely pale.

"Sheng Shu, you actually stabbed me in the back!"

"No martial ethics!"

Just when Wei Lai was panicking and wanted to use his trump card to dodge the attack, a flash of yellow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The next moment, he only felt that he fell into a warm embrace.

Looking at that familiar profile, he was stunned for a moment.

Was he being carried like a princess! ?


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