Even Uchiha Hong was somewhat surprised and doubtful.

Her own fire escape technique was actually broken by her brother's sword! ?

This is not scientific at all. Could it be that the wind generated by his sword could break up the flame balls she created using chakra as fuel?

And what puzzled her most was that from the previous attack, she could clearly feel that her brother's sword was very heavy.

But now seeing him swinging it, it seemed very easy. Could it be that her brother's strength has become so great? !

She subconsciously looked at her brother's thin arms and legs, and immediately threw the previous thought out of her mind.

Although some people do look like they have no muscles on the outside, and are even as thin as bean sprouts, they are very strong.

Such people are either born with supernatural powers or have special ninjutsu.

That's why they look very strong.

But as far as she knows, her brother has nothing to do with these two points.

Watching her brother swinging his sword as if it were a kunai, he blew away all the flame balls she blew.

Uchiha Hong also felt extremely difficult for a moment.

Mirai raised Tessaiga in front of her eyes with one hand, and looked at her with a smile through the blade.

"Sister, what should you do?"

"Your ninjutsu and illusion don't seem to work on me!"

I'm not bad at illusion either, and I knocked Minato down with one glance!

Finally seeing the hope of defeating his sister, how could he not be excited.



My sister's future, let me protect it!

Meh hahaha...

Uchiha Hong took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"That's not necessarily true!" As she spoke, the magatama in her eyes spun six times.

It was almost the speed of a small motor.

Her brother's hardware strength has indeed caught up with her, and even surpassed her.

But he still has weaknesses, that is, his arrogance and his untrained perseverance!

Although the younger brother was born very smart, the character is not only affected by time, but also by the environment.

Especially the latter, which is very important.

Although the future seems to have surpassed herself, from this point of view, he is still a younger brother.

Thinking of this, she took out the kunai again, holding it in one hand and the other hand, and put on an old horse fighting posture.

Seeing her sister like this, the future felt nervous, it seems that her sister is not going to admit defeat.

Then I will beat her until she admits defeat automatically.

Thinking of this, he rushed towards his sister again with the mad knife.

This time Uchiha Hong did not dodge, she used the kunai held in both hands to block the future's iron teeth.


Honghong only felt that her arm was hit hard by a powerful force, as if someone was holding an eighty-sledgehammer and smashing it down.

The force was too heavy and too strong. She didn't even react before she was hit hard and fell to her knees.

For a moment, she looked a little embarrassed.

This made Uchiha Dazhuang, who was watching the battle, feel distressed.

As a daughter slave and a henpecked husband, he couldn't bear to see his wife and daughter being wronged.

He shouted immediately.

"Little bastard, hold back!"

Without him saying anything, Wei Lai was also shocked. As a sister control, when he saw his dearest sister kneeling under him, he was also panicked.

He immediately threw the Tessaiga away.

He hurriedly ran to his sister and looked at her in panic.

"Sister, are you okay? I didn't mean it!"

As he said that, he reached out to help his sister, but he felt extremely guilty. For a moment, it was not right to reach out or not to reach out.

He seemed at a loss.

Uchiha Hong smiled and shook his head, saying, "I'm fine, let's continue!"

After hearing this, Wei Li felt relieved.

He looked down at his sister's knee and found that it was just a little skinned.

It's not big, just the size of a fingernail.

Put on a Band-Aid and some healing medicine, and it will be fine tomorrow.

I just don't know if the cartilage and other tissues are injured.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously wanted to use the [Sharingan] to see clearly.

The bones must not be injured, otherwise he will have to chop off his own hand.

Uchiha Hong's face changed slightly, and she interrupted, "Brother, you can finally beat me!"

Hearing this, Wei Li was stunned for a moment, and his eyes couldn't help but look at his sister, and found that his sister was looking at him with a gratified look, which made him blush immediately.

A little shy.

"Sister, I only benefited from the power of Tessaiga. If I didn't use this power, it would be hard for me to defeat you!"

"Tessaiga?! Isn't it called Crazy Blade?"Hearing her sister's curiosity, Weilai hurriedly told her about the mad knife and the special power in her body.

"No, no, no, the mad knife is just a good knife. It has no special ability. It is the power in my body that makes it have its current appearance and form!"

Uchiha Hong nodded and said, "So that's how it is. Brother, you are really amazing!"

As she said that, she held Weilai's face with both hands and said with emotion, "You were so young at that time. I raised you with my shit and my urine. In a blink of an eye, you have grown up so big!"


"Sister, I will rely on you to protect me in the future!"

"No problem, don't worry, sister, I will never let anyone hurt you!" Weilai patted her chest and said very proudly.

There was a touch of ecstasy on her face, and she wanted to eat someone from her hometown to cheer her up.

Sister still looked at her with a smile.

But soon Weilai noticed something wrong.


'Strange, sister usually won't say these words! '

It is undeniable that these words are what I want to hear the most, but my sister never says them.

There is a problem, and when I think about it carefully, I always feel that something is strange.

But I just can't think of it.

At this time, Uchiha Hong spoke again: "Brother, do you have a girlfriend you like?"

"Uh..." Weilai was stunned for a moment, and the idea just now was thrown away by him again.

Then he shook his head and smiled foolishly: "Girlfriends are not as good as knives!"

Although he said this, he couldn't help but think of the big white... cough cough... rabbit milk candy!

Sweet, very pleasing to the eye... oh no... very delicious!


Da Zhuang and his wife looked at each other. They saw Weilai throw the knife away, then kneel on the ground, holding Honghong's feet, with a silly smile on his face.

It looks like the stupid son of the family at the east end of the village.

Honghong's mouth twitched wildly.

I was wrong, really!

She thought that her brother had activated the Sharingan and had two magatama, so his resistance to illusions should be very high.

But she didn't expect that her brother would be controlled by her own trick, the Magical Life.

The Magical Life is a special illusion she developed based on the hypnotic ability of the Sharingan.

It can hypnotize the opponent silently and make the opponent enter the illusion without noticing.

Since everything that happens in the illusion happens according to the thoughts of the person being cast, ordinary ninjas will not easily notice any difference.

Because people are too easy to believe in themselves.

They rarely doubt themselves.

She used this trick just now just to make her brother dazed and buy time for herself so that she could rush to her brother's body and fight with him closely, so as to find an opportunity to knock his sword away.

Without the Tessaiga, her advantage will be back.

I never expected that, with just one look, my brother would be completely trapped in an illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

Look, he's holding his legs and licking them.

Wait... he's licking them! ?



"It smells so good!"

Future's expression→(*´∀`*)

In an instant, Uchiha Hong's whole body was numb.

An electric current came out from the place where he licked and spread to all parts of his body!

An extreme feeling of shame spread from the bottom of her heart.


Her hair stood up, and even her hair seemed to be electrocuted, all in the shape of lightning.

Seeing this, Dazhuang and his wife rushed into the field, one holding Future and the other holding Honghong, trying to separate them.

But Future was so strong that he would never let go after holding her.

His eyes were dull, but he was shouting.

"Let me go, I don't want to be separated from my sister!"

"Damn it, you guys, believe it or not, I will chop you to death in a minute, all of you, let go!"

"Let go, don't you understand what I'm saying!"

"Damn it, don't you know who my father is? Be careful or I'll put you all in jail!"

"My father is Uchiha Dazhuang!!!"

"Dad, your son has been bullied!"

Uchiha Dazhuang's family: ((´-_-)-_-)-_-)

Instantly, the scene was silent.

Good guy, a strong atmosphere of a dandy boy is blowing in the face!

Mieko let go of Honghong, a little speechless, "According to my experience of reading books, my son's personality, if put in a novel, will not survive more than two episodes!"

Honghong, however, recovered at this time, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at the future with anger and amusement.

Without the support of his parents, thisThe boy clung to her again, and this time he hugged her even tighter.

"I don't know what this boy saw in his illusion!"

Mieko looked at him, thought for a while, and guessed: "He probably doesn't want to be separated from you, after all, you have been so close since you were young!"

After listening to this, Honghong thought about it and felt that what her mother said made sense.

So she pointed at his forehead.

"Remove it!"

If the illusion is not resolved, God knows what weird things her brother will do.

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