Minato used to think that the so-called ninjutsu requires ninjas to practice hard, learn from countless failures, accumulate experience slowly, and finally learn it successfully.

Moreover, he himself has a good talent, and he can learn anything at once.

But now, he watched Future learn it just by sticking a note and activating chakra!

He learned it!

He got it!

He got it!


Where can I find justice with this?

He looked at Future, and was extremely miserable, "Future, you said you would always be my little brother, you can't surpass me, your big brother!"

Hearing this, Future, who was originally happy, suddenly had a sour face. He squinted at Minato, "Who are you?"


"And don't recognize your little brother randomly! Otherwise, I will sue you for defamation!"

Minato: ( ̄ェ ̄;)


Just keep being skinny!

Kushina had long been immune to the "eye-to-eye contact" between them. She looked at the three stickers and asked curiously, "There are three more here. Where are you going to put them?"

This brought the two back to reality. Mirai ignored Minato's eager expression. After thinking for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"One on my tailbone, so that even if I am tied up, as long as I am not given drugs that restrict the flow of chakra, I can stick out the snake from the tailbone that has little effect and let it help me untie it!"

The three of them were stunned and looked at him in astonishment.


"Where else can it be put?"

"Oh my god, you have such a strong taste. You can think of a place that I can't even think of!"

Mirai looked at them with a beaming face, "Yes, you can't think of it, who would think of it!"

This idea of ​​his was really genius.

As we all know, ninjas make a living with their hands. They are real craftsmen.

Therefore, many ninja villages will teach ninjas what kind of knots can effectively prevent ninjas from condensing chakra.

Or make their bodies uncomfortable and unable to concentrate.

So when they tie people up, they will pay special attention to the arms, wrists, and even fingers.

Not to mention that they can't make hand seals, even if they condense chakra, it is difficult to mobilize.

But my idea is very feasible.

Ninjas will focus on people's hands, at most they will count the feet, and other places will not be too concerned unless they are different from ordinary people.

And the tailbone is just the place that people are most likely to ignore.

After all, unless you are a pervert, who would like to look at people there.

If I really fall into the hands of the other party, I am lucky enough to be tied up by someone with a rope.

Then just condense a lot of chakra in the flower place.

Even without the hand seal, it is difficult to mobilize chakra, but because the mark is on the tailbone, as long as the amount of chakra is large, there will always be chakra flowing into the mark, so the snake can be summoned to help him escape.

Divine skill!

The more Mirai thinks about it, the more he feels that this possibility is very high.

Nawase covered his head, unable to bear to look directly, and decided not to talk about the tailbone.

Then he asked: "Then there are two!"

Mirai heard him ask this, and said without thinking: "It must be on the mouth!"

"On the mouth?!" Minato was stunned, "What is this for?"

"The tattoo seal on the tailbone is to prevent me from falling into the hands of the enemy and being held hostage. The same is true for the front."

As he said, he pulled Minato's hand with his hand, and said at the same time: "Come, like this, you hold my hand tightly!"

Kushina and Nawase looked at him curiously. When they saw Mirai being clamped and unable to move his hands, they seemed to understand.

"You mean, you can use your mouth to unexpectedly summon a big snake to resolve the disadvantage!?"

Mirai nodded at Nawaki and gave him an appreciative look.

This guy is not that stupid. Look, he still has some brains.

"That's right. In this way, no matter the front or the back, I have a backup plan, so I won't be afraid of being attacked from both sides!"


Kushina's face became more and more weird.

This guy puts a tattoo seal in his mouth, so he is not afraid that when he is kissing his girlfriend in the future, he will summon a big snake subconsciously in excitement.

Directly pierce his girlfriend's mouth?

"This... Forget it... Just be happy!" She wanted to persuade him, but when she thought about the other party's abnormal neurosis, she estimated that the other party would not listen even if she said it.

Besides, if this guy doesn't change his character, I'm afraid no girl will be willing to be with him in the future.

She simply didn't bother to say it.

"What about the last one?" Minato asked.

HeI agree with the vision of the future. He will no longer be afraid of being captured by others in the future.

After all, he should be very beautiful in women's clothes.

"The last one!" The future had a headache for a while.

In fact, according to his guess, he really wanted to put these tattoos all over his body.

But the teacher only gave him four, and now he has them on his mouth, tailbone, and left hand.

The only ones he didn't have were his right hand and two feet.

For a while, his choice difficulty came back.

Although he held a knife in his right hand, if the knife fell, he could let the big snake bite it back for him.

It can help him fight for every second in the battle.

The same is true for the feet. If he falls off the cliff, or head down, he can let the feet summon a big snake to catch himself.

You know, the length of the big snake is limited, not infinitely long. If you do this, he can save a body length and distance.

Maybe he can save his life at that time!

However, if you think about it this way, it seems a bit of a waste to put a tattoo seal on your foot.

You can summon a big snake from two places in an instant, just let the latter bite the former and let the former grab somewhere on the edge of the cliff.

You will not die anyway.

So... where should I put it!

Thinking about it, he suddenly lowered his head and paid attention to his big treasure.

His eyes lit up immediately, "My second brother is unparalleled in the world. If it is equipped with a tattoo seal, wouldn't it be even more powerful... mehahaha... I've decided... I want..."

Minato didn't wait for him to finish, and directly hit him with a big mouth, angrily scolded: "Tick your head, this disgusting idea, you have eaten a few pounds of shit to come up with it!"


(ノ ̄ー ̄)ノノ(º_ºノ)

"Ouch, why did you hit me!" Mirai was stunned

Just as Mirai often said, only Minato understood him the best, and in fact it was true.

When Mirai looked at his lower body and his eyes gradually lit up, Minato immediately had a bad guess.

His words later verified Minato's guess.

He looked at Mirai who was crying and holding his head, with a look of regret on his face.

"Mirai, don't you realize that you have gone further and further on the path of perversion!"

"If you continue like this, you will lose such a handsome friend of mine!" Minato advised earnestly.

Why didn't I realize that he was so perverted before!

At this moment, he finally knew why Kushina often said that the two of them were perverts.

He didn't know much about himself, but today from Mirai, he deeply felt the two big words hanging on his face.


But the problem is that his teacher Orochimaru is not a pervert, he is just a pervert.

His uncle, aunt, and sister Hong all have normal values.

How did Uchiha Mirai become like this?

"Mirai, change back to your old self. You are so perverted and bad now. I don't like you!"

Miray listened to him and his face gradually became weird.

There was still some pain on his face. Minato was really ruthless just now!

But none of this mattered. He just wanted to defend himself and prove that he was not a pervert.

"What are you talking about? How am I perverted!"

Three people: ((´-_-)-_-)-_-)

The three of them looked at him in unison, their eyes were surprisingly consistent, and for a moment, Mirai was stunned.

Could it be that he was really a pervert?



How could he be a pervert when he was so handsome, so proud, and so idealistic?

It must be these three people who teamed up to tease him on purpose!

He just wanted his second brother to be the best in the world.

Which boy doesn't have such a dream? Don't you have it? !

So far, he came to a conclusion that it was not himself who was wrong, but this world!

It was the cognition of this world that defined his thoughts as abnormal.

Thinking of this, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "Minato, I don't mind if you say I am abnormal now, because it is not your fault.

It is this world that is wrong. Just wait, I will definitely create a world with correct three views!"

Minato: (。-ω-)-ω-)-ω-)

The three of them were silent again, all looking at the future with strange eyes.

For a long time.

Looking at the look of enlightenment on the future's face, the three of them had no fluctuations in their hearts, and even wanted to laugh a little!

"What should we do?" Rope Tree looked at Kushina beside him and asked lightly.

Kushina didn't answer, but looked at Minato, "What do you say?"

"I've been putting up with him for a long time!" Minato clenched his fists and imitated the future.子,想要舔一下唇角,可惜他舌头不够长,做着这举动很是滑稽。










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