The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

Shangguan Mo landed outside a town and asked someone to find out the specific location of the Frost Village.

Not long after, Shangguan Mo flew the Wind and Thunder Eagle again and came to the sky above the Frost Village.

This is already a relatively remote area in the Frost Country. At least there is only one place where people gather within a hundred miles around.

And the Frost Village is really the same as an ordinary village. If Shangguan Mo hadn't seen the words "Frost Village" written on a stone tablet at the entrance of the village, he would have suspected that he had come to the wrong place.


The Wind and Thunder Eagle lowered its head, and Shangguan Mo just jumped lightly and landed on the ground with both feet.

He looked at this inconspicuous little village, and then looked at the "Frost Ninja Village" stone tablet beside him, and suddenly he had an urge to turn around and leave.

In such a small place, Shangguan Mo could just send a subordinate here and dominate it!

Just as he was about to turn around, Shangguan Mo's eyes flashed with various thoughts. He looked at the smoke rising slowly inside, and finally walked towards the village.

In his heart, he persuaded himself in the traditional way of the Chinese people.

"Forget it, I'm here..."

Thinking of this, Shangguan Mo felt much better. Anyway, he was free, and there was no loss in taking a trip. It seemed that it would be nice to see the customs and customs of the ninja world.

Walking through a loess road that had become gully-like due to the trampling of pedestrians and horses, the houses around him finally became more and more.

At this time, Shangguan Mo felt a sense of vigilance.

As a ninja, you should always be alert no matter what situation you face.

This was taught to him by Jingxia Rino in class at the Ninja School, and Shangguan Mo would naturally not forget it.

While continuing to walk towards the house with smoke coming out of it, Shangguan Mo looked around from time to time, and his ten fingers of both hands rubbed slowly and unconsciously.

He was keeping his fingers flexible, so that if anything went wrong, Shangguan Mo could make a seal at any time.

When he came to this mud house with smoke coming out of it, Shangguan Mo showed a kind smile on his face, and was about to knock on the door, but he retracted his right hand that was stretched out.

The next moment, the wooden door was pushed open from the inside, and a boy with ragged clothes and a yellow face walked out.

In his hand, he was holding a semicircular pot of slightly burnt rice crust that was steaming and fragrant.


When he pushed the door, he found a strange man standing at the door, which obviously scared the little boy.

Fortunately, his hands were steady, so the rice crust in the basin did not fall.

Shangguan Mo smiled at him gently and looked over.

This was a child who looked about ten years old, wearing a coarse linen shirt, and looked pale and thin, obviously suffering from long-term malnutrition.

It was similar to the time when Shangguan Mo first came to the ninja world.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart, and his eyes became more sincere.

"Little friend, who are you going to give the rice crust to?"

Shangguan Mo looked at him with a smile on his face, but he couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Is this Frost Ninja Village so poor? Even the children in the village look like they can't even get enough food..."

The little boy didn't say anything, but he didn't close the door. He just stood inside the door and looked at Shangguan Mo with some curiosity.

His bright eyes looked up and down, and the next moment, he seemed to think of something, looked towards the village entrance, and then looked at the few houses around without smoke, showing an expression of sudden realization, and said softly.

"Are you also fleeing here? Did you come here because you saw smoke coming out of my chimney?"

Looking at the boy's affirmative expression, Shangguan Mo couldn't bear to hit the boy's confidence.

So he nodded approvingly.

"You guessed it right!"

"Alas! It's just that you are lucky. I went to Uncle Chunxia's house next door to borrow some rice today, so I steamed so much rice crust and prepared to send some to Uncle Chunxia."

After a brief moment of pride, the boy's face gradually became gloomy.

Thinking that the rice crust, which was not much, would have to be shared with this poor young man later, he was full of reluctance.

He hadn't had a full meal for a long time...

Shangguan Mo didn't know what this little boy with a very fast changing mood was thinking. He just subconsciously

Following the little boy's pace, he walked towards a house a few dozen meters away.

Knock knock knock!

As the little boy knocked on the door, the shabby wooden door opened, and a thin man showed up.

His face was straight, with a fringe of bangs hanging down naturally, and his eyes were sharp, but his gaze towards the little boy became gentle in an instant.

The next moment, he saw Shangguan Mo behind the little boy, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

He had never seen this young man in the village!

When he came, Shangguan Mo took off the Tangyin forehead protector that represented his Tangyin ninja identity, and at this time, he also deliberately concealed his chakra.

He was not a perceptive ninja, so it was indeed not easy to discover his ninja identity.

"Who are you? What are you doing with Xiaoqi!"

The thin man shouted at Shangguan Mo, and even the boy called Xiaoqi could clearly sense the hostility.

Shangguan Mo narrowed his eyes slightly.

He felt the faint chakra fluctuations coming from the man in front of him, and then his eyes subconsciously looked at the thin man's forehead.

No forehead protector!

This made Shangguan Mo even more puzzled.

Holding back the doubts in his heart, Shangguan Mo showed a harmless smile to the man and spoke softly.

"I also passed by here accidentally. I was a little hungry. I saw someone's house with smoke coming out of the kitchen, so I came to ask for some food..."

The thin man's face eased a little, but his eyes still swept over Shangguan Mo's clean and tidy clothes with some suspicion.

At this time, the little boy between the two also spoke quickly.

"Uncle Chunxia, ​​this man is not a bad person. He also fled here..."

The thin man smiled without comment, but did not deny the boy's words.

He is not a child, and he will never easily believe what others say.

"I don't know if he's a bad guy, but he's definitely not a refugee!"

The thin man muttered to himself. He had never seen a refugee dressed like Shangguan Mo!

Thinking about it, he patted the little boy's head and smiled gently.

"Xiao Qi is the smartest. Come in quickly. I'll talk to this young man."


Xiao Qi nodded, and then walked into the room with the rice crust.

The gentleness on Chunxia's face suddenly disappeared. He turned to look at Shangguan Mo, curled his lips, and leaned against the door with his hands folded across his chest.

He spoke lightly.

"Tell me, young man, what do you want to do when you come to the Frost Ninja Village?"


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