The smoke was so strong that the smoke was so strong that it could not be seen.

At the gate of Konoha Village, two bearded Chunin, whose names were not to be revealed, were chatting boredly across the middle road.

Suddenly, they were startled by a thunderous roar and looked into the distance.

In the distance of the main road outside Konoha, a cloud of dust was approaching Konoha Village.

One of the bearded Chunin was a little flustered and said quickly:

"Cousin, do you want to sound the alarm?"

The other bearded Chunin seemed much calmer, took out a telescope and put it in front of his eyes, trying to see through the smoke.

Finding it difficult to identify the objects in it, he frowned and wanted his cousin to notify the village, but suddenly his nose moved and he tried to smell the smell in the air.

He was very calm!

"No, go inform the village and tell them that Lord Takahashi is back!"

"Cousin, are you so amazing?"

"The blood smells as bad as the beef jerky, what's so amazing about it, go!"

The bearded cousin nodded, moved his feet, and used the instant body technique to rush to the village.

Takahashi Yong and brother Danzo flew a total of 62 kites behind him. Regardless of their status, their speed was really fast.

In less than a day, they ran from Loulan in the heart of the Wind Country to Konoha in the middle of the Fire Country.

Takahashi Yong could already see the wooden walls outside Konoha, and he braked quickly, leaving two long gullies.

He put down the unconscious brother Danzo behind him and the bone-headed guys who were used to the pain of rushing.

"Clean up your face, Hokage-sama!"

"I'm going back to the farm first!"

Takahashi Yong reserved time in advance to help Danzo clean up his face. He knew that since Danzo became Hokage, he still cared about his image in front of the public.

Takahashi Yong ran to the side of Konoha. The last time he came back, Mitsuki and the others left a back door on the outside of the farm.

No need to go around the main gate, you can go home directly.

Takahashi Yong had an inexplicable emotion in his heart. He had not been out for a long time, but he felt like "going home for the New Year".

Controlling the strength of his feet, he did not destroy the dense forests that had grown for who knows how many years. After all, it was "his" home.

Following the road in his mind, Takahashi Yong couldn't wait to "nest" in his favorite sofa and drink some wheat juice.

Eat real human food in the evening!

Turning his feet, if I remember correctly, the wall in front of him was an illusion!


Takahashi Yong blew away the sawdust on his head. Wow, is the Uzumaki clan's deception so real now?

(Sealed Class: What? How dare someone invade!)

Stepping on the specially reserved ridge, Takahashi Yong looked at the lush crops around him with satisfaction.

As expected of the Fire Country, the most fertile country in the ninja world, the weeds around showed that Mitsuki had not had time to take care of them recently, but they were still lush and green.

There were even so many that they could be sold, organic crops!

Walking on the ridge, Takahashi Yong felt extremely at ease. If he changed his tattered clothes, it would be a sure kill.

The breeze gently rustled the crops, and the warm sunlight penetrated Takahashi Yong's tattered clothes, making his body feel a little warm.

A strong sense of security from the land...

The corn stalks in front of us rustled, as if something was constantly moving through them.

Gao Qiaoyong just turned his sight to the cornfield, and a sleek red dog jumped out from the stalks.

Its existence itself was like a vivid picture, with hair showing the color of late autumn maple leaves, deep and layered red, like a piece of fiery red under the afterglow of the setting sun.

It has a sturdy body, strong and elastic muscles, and a firm and powerful pace. The ground seems to feel its steady rhythm when it walks.

Its ears are almost erect, and its eyes are clear and bright. Now, because it smells a familiar breath, it keeps shaking its tail and keeps circling around Gao Qiaoyong's feet.


Gao Qiaoyong was a little unsure.

"Are you fucking taking hormones?"

Simba is like a giant caterpillar, holding the pillar between Gao Qiaoyong's legs, "drawing" "∞".

Still whimpering, Gao Qiaoyong reached out and held Simba in his arms.

"So pretty?"

"I don't even want to give you 'seeds', just treat it as a carefree pastoral dog."

Gao Qiaoyong smoothed Simba's slightly hard hair, put it on the ground, and walked towards the farm.


As expected. Several red-haired people were already waiting at the door of the house. Takahashi Yong looked at the reddish Simba with some surprise.

Okay, I am the outsider...

"Welcome home."

Meiyue said to Takahashi Yong with a smile.

I didn't ask him where he went or what happened.

Takahashi Yong held his head and smiled at the red-haired people.

"I'm back!"


Pushing open the wooden door that he watched the carpenter make, Takahashi Yong took the shirt handed by Miyue and shook the water droplets on his head.

Walking into the familiar living room, like a worker who was forced to work overtime for 24 hours, he sank into the soft sofa weakly.



The dark red murderous aura turned into a long hand, opened the refrigerator in the open kitchen, and took out the wheat juice with frost.

Meiyue also brought some salty side dishes.

Takahashi Yong nodded with satisfaction and thanked Mitsuki.

Holding the beer to his lips, Takahashi Yong first felt the water droplets condensed on the bottle wall, which slowly slid down the bottle.

Gently sip it, the cool feeling of the beer instantly spreads in the mouth, and its slightly carbonated bubbles jump on the tip of the tongue, bringing a gentle tingling sensation and activating the taste buds.

The beer is clear and smooth, with its unique malt aroma and subtle bitterness intertwined.

Takahashi Yong shook the bottle and drank it continuously, and the beer slowly flowed into his throat, forming a cool path, carrying the heat in his body, as if a cool breeze was blowing across the dry land.

The bitterness of the beer echoed deep in his throat, but was soon replaced by the sweetness that followed, leaving a long aftertaste.

The cold liquid spread in the stomach, bringing a sense of coolness to the whole body. Takahashi Yong used murderous aura to "grab" a few edamame prepared by Mitsuki and threw them into his mouth to chew.

Oh~ I'm missing a TV...

Uzumaki Shuiling looked even more like an old woman. She looked at this scene with some amusement and sat on the side of the low coffee table.

Takahashi Yong suddenly realized that he seemed to have never seen this Uzumaki elder sitting anywhere else.

"Yong boy, you look not far from middle age."

Uzumaki Shuiling took a sip of hot tea and said with some emotion.

Takahashi Yong keenly heard some differences in her speech. Before leaving, although this old woman looked very old, she spoke with full energy.

Now it sounds a bit old.

It just so happened that Mitsuki was not in the living room, so Takahashi Yong frowned and said to her:

"Old woman, you seem a little old."

Uzumaki Mizurei heard the implication of Takahashi Yong and answered very calmly:

"Indeed, I am old."

"Yong-san, you can't disappear without a word like this."

Takahashi Yong raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

"I should be almost there."

Uzumaki Mizurei seemed to be talking to Takahashi Yong, but also seemed to be mumbling to herself.

"Mitsuki has almost finished learning, except for the last one, so I have to hurry up..."

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