Although Nawaki only mentioned his sister, many familiar faces flashed in his mind like a movie.

There was Mito, the grandmother who always preached to him, Kushina who was often annoyed by him unintentionally, and Michiko, whom he liked...

Finally, those close friends who played and grew up with him, Mukuro, Tomohiro and Shinichi, emerged.

Especially Shinichi, he had repeatedly told himself to be careful before, but because of his competitive spirit and contempt for the enemy, he finally fell into the trap set by the enemy.

At this moment, Nawaki couldn't help thinking that perhaps others would be grieving because of his departure, but Shinichi would definitely stand in front of his tombstone and ruthlessly denounce his stupidity.

Thinking of this, Nawaki slowly closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

With a loud bang, an explosion instantly occurred behind the boulder, and the flames illuminated Orochimaru's shocked face. This sudden explosion caught everyone off guard.

The Konoha ninja following closely behind Nawaki collapsed to the ground in fear. At the same time, a necklace with a broken rope flew out and landed right at Orochimaru's feet.

He looked down and immediately recognized the necklace. It was exactly what Nawaki told him before the mission today. It was Tsunade's birthday gift to Nawaki.

Suddenly, a figure rushed over from the side. Everyone couldn't see his figure clearly. The figure fell behind a big rock.

""Hey! How are you, Naoki!"

A shout came from behind the big rock, which made the Konoha ninjas come back to their senses. Orochimaru was the first to rush forward and came to the back of the big rock to check the situation.

He found that the person was Hinata Shinichi, and Naoki was not injured by the explosion. He fainted on the ground intact.

The scene in front of him puzzled Orochimaru. He saw that the side where Naoki fell was intact, but the back of the big rock was blown to pieces, and the land became charred, as if it was blocked by something.

At this time, a man who knew a little about medicine walked out of the Konoha Village ninja team.

He quickly stepped forward and began to carefully examine Naoki's body.

While the ninja was checking Naoki's injuries, Orochimaru Orochimaru then asked Hyuga Shinichi what was going on.

It turned out that before the danger came, Hyuga Shinichi, who arrived at the scene, happened to see Rope Tree triggering the detonating trap.

At the critical moment, he immediately condensed wind attribute chakra on the sword, and then suddenly slashed forward with the sword.

In an instant, an invisible sword energy flew out quickly, and when it hit the ground in front of Rope Tree, an updraft instantly formed a wind barrier, blocking most of the impact and debris caused by the explosion.

Orochimaru looked down at the necklace in his hand and found that the end of the rope was not blown up, but seemed to be neatly cut off.

It should be the wind attribute chakra..

After checking, the ninja found that Nawaki was only hit on the forehead by a stone blown away by the explosion, but because he was wearing a forehead protector, most of the impact force was blocked, so he was just unconscious and was not seriously injured.

After confirming that Nawaki was indeed fine, Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the other Konoha ninjas to take Nawaki and the surviving spies back to the village first.

He and Hyuga Shinichi continued to hunt down the group of spies.

Hyuga Shinichi stood beside Orochimaru, listening quietly to his instructions to the Konoha ninjas.

For some reason, he could feel a kind of as if there was something emanating from Orochimaru. There was no murderous intent.

He knew very well that this murderous intent was not directed at himself or the Konoha ninja, but was directly directed at the group of spies.

The reason why Orochimaru was so angry at this moment was entirely because his disciple, Nawaki, was almost killed by the enemy's detonating tag.

Any master would probably feel extremely angry when encountering such a thing.

Just after he finished giving the order, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps from behind. It turned out that Inuzuka Mukuro and Aburame Tomohiro came with the ninja dog Kurozumi.

After understanding the general situation, they also couldn't imagine how sad they would be if Nawaki really met with misfortune.

"They must pay the price!"

Inuzuka Mukuro said fiercely

"Let's catch up first."

Although Aburame Tomohiro's tone was calm, Hyuga Shinichi and Inuzuka Mukuro, who knew him well, knew that he was angry. Hyuga Shinichi calmly analyzed:

"They shouldn't have gotten far, Orochimaru-san, should we chase them?"


So, Orochimaru and the Eyes, Nose, and Ears team rushed in the direction where the spies fled.

Not long after, Hinata Shinichi, relying on his Byakugan, discovered the traces left by the spies' actions.

Then, Inuzuka Mukuro, relying on his extremely keen sense of smell, successfully locked onto the scent of several of the spies along these traces. Led by Inuzuka Mukuro, everyone quickly chased in that direction.

This unique way of chasing made Orochimaru marvel at it, and he thought to himself.

This Eyes, Nose, and Ears team is really extraordinary! It can be said that once they find even the slightest trace of the spies, they will be invincible. If they find any clues or the slightest smell left behind, the target will be firmly locked, and no matter how cleverly they hide, it will be difficult to escape their pursuit.

Unless they possess the space-time ninjutsu that allows them to freely travel through time and space and instantly move to other spaces or places, or master the barrier technique that can block the perspective of Hinata Shinichi's Byakugan and the sense of smell of Inuzuka Mukuro, there is no way to evade their search.

Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, Hinata Shinichi even used the telescopic and perspective abilities of the Byakugan to see the figures in front of him from a distance.

There is no doubt that those people are the spies they have been searching for.!

After determining the target, Hinata Shinichi immediately told the news to others.

After receiving the news, everyone quickened their pace and sprinted forward.

After a while, they successfully caught up with the group of spies.

The spy captain knew that he and his men could not escape, so he decided to take extreme measures and kill the intelligence personnel in the team first to prevent the Konoha ninja from obtaining key information.

Just as he was about to take action, Hinata Shinichi, who had been using the Byakugan, keenly perceived his intention and used the Byakugan·Pressure without hesitation.

In an instant, a powerful pressure came like a tide. The pressure surged and enveloped the group of spies.

They felt dizzy and their bodies were as if they were pressed down by a heavy weight.

They were exhausted after a long escape and had no power to resist. They all fainted on the ground.

Although the spy captain could still barely resist the pressure, he could not take any action. He could only watch himself being tied to the ground by the earth centipede controlled by Aburame Tomohiro.

Orochimaru, who was standing by, witnessed all this and was surprised.

Is this the power of the Byakugan! ?

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