Chapter 925

“What? What did you say? Victoria, you, you say it again!”

Religalia’s ‘old’ body ‘swishly’ stood up and asked in a trembling voice:

“Victoria, you, what did you say? Who, who has the news?”

In Religalia’s impression, Victoria has always been a gentle and dignified lady, and she also pays attention to etiquette, but the appearance that Victoria showed after entering the room just now made Religalia frown. At the same time, there are some doubts.

You must know that even when the Augustine family was under “siege” by other families, Victoria did not panic at the slightest, which made Religalia relied heavily on Victoria.

But when Victoria said that there was news about the child who had been identified as “fallen” on the earth, Religalia was also excited.

For that child, Religalia has always had a complex emotion intertwined in it.

Since Yuzan’s disappearance, Religalia has not only asked himself whether his decision to agree to Yuzan to go to the earth circle is correct, although many of them have guilt for his old friends back then, but there is also the irony in his son. After his death, the kind of “grand-grandchildren” affection for Yuzan was in it.

“Yes! Your Majesty, you heard it right, really, really, it’s Yuzan! Yuzan, he, he was on the seed island where Earl Zazbalum and the others descended. These three years… This is the news that Earl Zazbalum just sent back! Your Majesty!”

Victoria said excitedly.

In the past three years, despite Victoria’s prosperity, it even surpassed the time when her husband was alive.

Especially under her leadership and with the royal family’s “acquiescence”, the Augustine family not only did not weaken, but also had a tendency to go to another peak, which also made her become a member of the noble circle of the Visser Empire. There is not one of the most influential women. In recent years, I don’t know how many people approached her for various purposes and wanted to be her guest, but they were rejected by her.

The reason for this is that she is a more traditional woman herself, and of course her love for her husband does not allow her to do so, but the more reason is that her son who “lost” the earth three years ago, don’t look at it. She is beautiful outside, but only she knows that she is thinking of her son all the time…

Today, three years later, after she suddenly received news from the earth circle, she immediately became ecstatic, but still more excited.

At this time, she is no longer the most powerful woman in the Visser Empire, and no longer the duchess in the noble circle. At this time, she is just a woman, a mother who misses her son!

“Assholes! Those damn earth assholes! They dare to deceive me! Dare to imprison my’grandson’ in a secret base as a test subject… I, I will never forgive the earth… come! Immediately convey My order…”(Read more @

Earth, Japan, and Tanegashima secret base.

“Bang! Bang!”

Two consecutive noises came, and as the heads of the two figures bursting slightly, there was no one in the entire Tanegashima base except for Yuzan and Vorayin, and Jeff, who was held by Vorayin with a gun. Living humans.


Slowly leading the way, Yuzan was exuding extremely violent and killing Lu aura at this time.

Wo Leiyin, who followed in Yuzan’s footsteps, looked at the thin figure of Yuzan ahead, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Since the arrest of herself and Yuzan three years ago, she had never thought that one day she could go back. She thought that the next half of her life might be spent in the room of’dark day’ forever, maybe the next half of her life would be. Being a’little white mouse’ endures a future that is worse than death… Maybe…

But today, she first met Jeff taking advantage of her to Raikiri. She originally thought she would die under the opponent’s “conspiracy”, but then, Yuzan’s sudden “spiritual army” made her worry about the other party. After that, she thought that Yuzan was killed, she lost her mind and was stunned but was awakened by Yuzan…

All of this is like a dream, it seems so unreal, but afterwards, watching Yuzan’s relentless killing of Lu and his mysterious ability along the way, there is too much in Vorayin’s heart. Question.

But she also knows that she shouldn’t ask more in this situation, and she still clearly remembers that the first words Yuzan walked into her room was to help him keep it secret, since Yuzan ignored Lu’s secret cards. To save her, this also made Wo Leiyin secretly make up her mind, even after returning to Visser, she won’t ask more, or even let Yuzan’s secret violent Lu…

Unlike Vorayin, Jeff, who was held by her gun, was full of fear at this time. He really did not expect that the quiet little ghost in his own impression turned out to be completely’in human skin’. “The Devil”, the other party uses the “superpowers” that I have only seen in science fiction movies, such unpredictable abilities, and the other party’s ruthless killing and resolute appearance, if not myself Now Xiao Ming is in the hands of the opponent, I’m afraid he would have escaped long ago…

“Jeff, you should have the authority to know the communication password in the main control room of this base!”

Finally, the three of them stopped in front of the main control room of the base. Yuzan turned his head and looked at Jeff calmly and asked. The whole body did not exude a trace of murderous aura, even to those who did not know it. A naive, no one can imagine that just now, this kid killed everyone in the entire base in one breath… You know, there are nearly a thousand people…

“Guru…I, I know, Yuzan, Yuzan-sama, also, please don’t count on the villain, let it go, let it go, let it go…”

Swallowing hardly, Jeff looked at Yuzan who was standing like a leader boy, his legs trembled slightly, and he stuttered and replied.

“Don’t worry, the hostility in my heart has almost vented. I won’t do anything to you. As long as you cooperate with me, I promise that I will never kill you!”

With the signal from the main control room of Tanegashima’s secret base, within half an hour, almost the entire upper level of the earth united and the Yanglu city of Earl Zazbalum in the earth’s space, and even far away on Mars Visser The local Duchess of Victoria Augustine and the Veiser Emperor Religalia and others all learned the news… For a while, the situation between Veiser and the earth, which had been peaceful and stable for three years, became microseconds again…

“call out…”

With the “Dios Curry” flying out of the city of Zazbalumyanglu and the five Visser Empire tactical transport planes carrying armored cavalry behind it, they flew towards the Japanese region of the earth at high speed. Suddenly the entire earth circle knew that something big happened!

“Wait for me, Vorayin, and Yuzan, I will never let you suffer any more harm, absolutely!”

In the cockpit of “Dios Curry”, Earl Zazbalum looked at the earth with tears of joy and excitement in his eyes and said to himself.


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