Chapter 915

“Earl Zazibarum! Even if you come to the rescue, it is too late. On the contrary, it will hurt yourself. Don’t worry about us, you can leave quickly, and we will have a way to get out!”

“No! How could I leave your only son to escape! I…”

Without even thinking about it, Zazbalum rejected Yuzan in one bite.

Not to mention that there are now two people on “Deucalion”, and the identities of these two people are not ordinary.

Even if there is only Vorayin on “Ducalion” alone, Zazbalum will not die!

“Earl Zazibarum! Now the moon has collapsed. In addition to the changes in the earth’s magnetic field due to the moon’s collapse, plus some fragments of meteorites of its own… You are too late to save us now, and you will be ruined in vain. Please believe me, I, Yuzan Augustine, swears to you in the name of the family, Sister Vorayin will be fine, I assure you!”

Yuzan now is very different from the usual Yuzan himself.

The current Yuzan seems to Zazbalum and Vorayin to be more calm than usual. Not to mention children, even ordinary adults can’t be as calm as him when encountering such a situation.

And through the picture from the communication video, Zazibarum looked at Yuzan’s slightly immature and determined look, as if after a long time and as if only a moment, he finally struggled to make a decision to retreat. .

“Yuzan, I hope you remember what you said! You are already going to be safe and protect Vorayin for me. This is an agreement and promise between men!”

Zazibarum said solemnly and abnormally.

Even he himself didn’t know why he had such great confidence in a ‘child’ like Yuzan, and he didn’t even let Vorayin, an adult, protect Yuzan…

At this moment, he may be a dead horse doctor, maybe Yuzan is his last hope, maybe…

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Just when Zazibarum just answered Yuzan and was controlling “Dios Curry” to leave the Tanegashima area quickly and fly towards the high altitude, the sky was because of the chain reaction caused by the crash of the moon just now. And the impact of the’meteorite’ made “Dios Curry” almost out of control in the blink of an eye.


However, just as he just pulled the “Dios Curry” back to the normal orbit, he happened to see a meteorite the size of at least five “Deucalion” rushing towards the “Ducalon”. “Leon” smashed.

“Do not!!!”

No matter what Zazibarum yelled, the meteorite still hit “Ducalion” without error. In the blink of an eye, a mushroom cloud rose, followed by the violent shock wave.

At this time, “Dios Curry” was also affected by the shock wave because of Zazibarum’s extremely unstable mood and the distance from “Deucalion” not too far. Suffered serious damage… and flew towards the distance staggeringly…

September 20, 1999, Mars, Wisser Empire.(Read more @

At this time, it has been nearly a week since His Majesty Gilzeria, the second generation emperor of the Visser Empire, publicly declared war on the earth.

At this moment, in the bedroom of Emperor Gilzeria and Queen Vivia in the Visser Imperial Palace, the screams of Queen Vivia continued to be heard.

This is the day when Queen Vivia gave birth.

“Ahhhh! It hurts, it hurts!”

“His Royal Highness, come on, I have already seen my head! Hard! Hard, take a deep breath…”

In the dormitory, I was already busy at this time, the waiter was constantly busy back and forth, the full-time obstetrician kept cold sweat on his forehead, constantly pumping up his air, and observing the data displayed on some surrounding medical devices.

Outside the palace, His Majesty Religalia, who has been abdicated for a long time, is also very anxious. After all, it is the eldest daughter of his only child and his eldest granddaughter who is about to be born today. Although he already knows his gender, as a person Old man, he was still very excited.

“Your Majesty, please don’t be too anxious, your Majesty will be fine!”

Standing next to Religalia and supporting him is a young woman, she is the Duchess Victoria, Yuzan’s mother!

The reason why she is here is also because the relationship between the two families is not ordinary, and now the child in the belly of Queen Vivia has long been married by the two adults, and her husband Leonardo, Duke of Augustine, and Emperor Gilzelli The two of Asia are now commanding this war on the moon…


When Religalia was about to say something, a loud cry of a baby suddenly came from the bedroom, which immediately lifted his spirits.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, you are a little princess! Mother and daughter are safe!”

“Okay, okay, okay! Come, I have many rewards!”

Hearing the words of the doctor walking out of the dormitory, Religalia immediately announced, and Victoria assisted and walked into the dormitory to visit his eldest granddaughter.

“His Majesty!”

“Vivia, don’t get up, let me see my eldest granddaughter!”

Vivia, who had just turned pale because of childbirth, saw the Supreme Emperor being helped by her good sister, Duchess Victoria, and she was about to get up to salute but was interrupted by Religalia waved her hand.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

However, at this moment, the ground of the entire palace began to shake and vibrate, as if there was a sudden earthquake.

“what happened?”

“Beep! Beep! Beep!”

Religalia was unsteady, if it weren’t for the support of many close attendants and Victoria’s support beside him, I would have fallen to the ground, and just as he was asking questions, a sudden burst of urgent communication came, Count Kurouto. That young face appeared in the communication video. At this time, he looked sad and said to Religalia sadly:

“Your Majesty! An accident happened to the moon! Super, Chronicles was caused by the battle between the two sides… The entire moon… At this time our army on the moon has lost contact with us…”

“What? Why, how could this be? Count Kurutou, you made it clear to me! And, where is Gilzeria? Where is Leonardo? How are they?”

Suddenly hearing such a thing, Leligalia asked in a daze.

“Your Majesty the Emperor and Lord Augustine, the two have not been able to leave… I’m afraid at this time, it will be more and more fortunate!”


“Do not!”

“His Majesty!”

“Your Highness!”

Religalia was originally a seriously ill body, but suddenly he experienced such great compassion after the great joy. At this time, he could no longer stand the fainting, and besides the empress Vivia, who was weak because of just giving birth, I also heard Count Kurutou say in the communication, the same coma…


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