Chapter 880

Three days later, the head of Jelock City.

Looking at the imperial army forming a square formation directly in front and below, whether it is the leader of Anning Taoist or the elders of Huangquan Temple, and even other high-level Anningdao who don’t know how to fight, you can see it, let’s not talk about it. The battle of fortifications requires a siege. Even if the opponent’s forces are much smaller than the defender’s own, the opponent is all the elite of the Central Army, and its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

But now it’s nothing. The other party didn’t pay attention to their hundreds of thousands of troops in Jerooc City at all. They were just like coming out to play, not to say anything about it, they just wanted to go straight from the front. Forcibly conquering Jelock City, does the legendary and magical regent of the opposing commander in command of the empire have so much confidence? Or is he so conceited that he will surrender unconditionally as long as he sees the other side’s posture?

“Masters, although I don’t know what medicine the other party is selling in the gourd, whether the other party wants to cover up or make a fuss, but what I want to say is that I believe that we with lofty goals will definitely win the final victory!”




As the very contagious voice of the Taoist Master Anning fell, the entire Jeloc City was boiling, and the soldiers and civilians in the city were united and morale increased.

Unlike others, although the Taoist Master Anning was also surprised at the confusing way of the imperial army, as a hybrid of the king-level dangerous species and humans, he was born with a spirit that surpassed humans Jue’s ability to foresee, it is precisely this ability that has allowed him to avoid all kinds of dangers for so many years…

But what he didn’t know was that his foresight would actually make wrong judgments. If his enemy’s strength exceeds a certain limit, then his foresight ability is almost in vain…

“Everyone of Jelock City Anning Road and Huangquan Temple, we have been missing for a long time. I think you all know who I am. I, the imperial regent Yuzan Augustin, you, as an imperial subject, don’t want to serve the country. Instead, I’m here to take advantage of the empire. Amid internal and external troubles, spreading cults and gathering people to rebel, now alone can give you a chance to reform and surrender unconditionally. If not, kill without mercy!”

Just as the huge cheers resounded in the city of Jelock, a majestic black war horse that was taller than an ordinary horse and had a crystal single horn on its head suddenly appeared at the forefront of the Imperial Army!

With the exclamation of the city, I saw that the black “war horse” stepped naturally toward the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the sky above Jelock, and at this moment, Yuzan did not bring it. The slightest emotional voice came over immediately. Although the voice was not loud, it instantly overwhelmed the voice of the entire city of Jelock, and there was also an emotion in this voice that made people unable to resist emotions and worship…

“Huh! The yellow-mouthed kid is not ashamed!”

“You yellow-mouthed kid who deceived the master and annihilated the ancestors, the reason why the empire has become like this now is because of an ambitious person like you!”(Read more @

“Yellow-mouthed kid, looking for death!”


Yuzan sat on Midnight’s back and fixedly looked at the four volley figures that had surrounded him, with an inexplicable smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and glanced at the four of them with disdain:

“Presumably you are the elders of Huangquan Temple? Unexpectedly, you Huangquan Temple really can look up to me, this time it has sent four top 10 powerhouses to come! But, don’t you have such a long memory in Huangquan Temple? Huh? The two level 10 powerhouses in the imperial capital some time ago are also from your Huangquan Temple, right? I want to see how many level 10 powerhouses in your Huangquan Temple let me kill!”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

“Damn it, Brother Zhenzhen and Junior Musician have already been brutally dealt with by you. Give me blood!”

The elders of the Four Emperorquan Temples, including those who usually always have a smiling face, stared at Yuzan with an angry face. If the eyes can kill, Yuzan’s body is now full of holes…

With the emergence of five human superpowers in the sky and a king-level dangerous species, the taboo-like powers of level 10 finally appeared in front of the world again after years of hiding in human society.

“What’s that in the sky?”

“Can human beings have such a powerful force?”

“The few people are flying without the help of anything…”

“Hahahaha, the brutal empire, the arrogant regent is over, we have four powerful men who can fly!”


For the blatant appearance of level 10 powerhouses, this is a great stimulus for the two parties who are about to start a fierce battle. Until this time, whether it is the soldiers inside and outside the city, the ordinary people, or the peaceful Taoist believers. , It was the first time that I realized that the manpower could reach this level.

For the soldiers on both sides, it was a different feeling.

The defenders of Anning Road in Jerok City are more than twice as powerful as the enemy at level 10, and their morale is immediately higher. As for the Imperial Army, although the soldiers have a blind trust in Yuzan Worship with fanaticism, but after seeing that the enemy hides so many powerful men, although there has never been such an idea of’ruined down’, there are always some more pessimistic ideas.

But what everyone didn’t know was that as early as the moment when Yuzan commanded the fifty thousand army and came to Jelock under the city, he had already sensed the few hidden level 10 powerhouses on the top of the city that were not angry. Ziwei’s momentum.

So Yuzan made a plan long after the elites of Yuuki and Esters arrived.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent does not know his true strength, he will quickly defeat the four 10th-level powerhouses with lightning speed, and use this time difference to use the 9th-level powerhouses such as Yuuki and Esdes. The leading elites quickly rushed to the city to kill the enemy’s mid- and high-level officers, making the enemy’s command system nearly paralyzed, and even in the moment of crisis, midnight can be used to help!

But there is still a loophole in the plan that Yuzan is making now. He himself knows that if he tries his best to explode for too long, he will be immediately perceivable by other demi-god-level powerhouses on the entire continent. The plan to still hide oneself must be seen through.

However, if there are strong enemies outside the empire at this time, if you cannot quickly unify, I am afraid that in the future, even if Yuzan can once again dominate the world, the civilization of the entire human continent will suffer extremely severe damage due to years of battles… …


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