Chapter 827

The sound of the crisp armor cracking came out, and then I saw that Brand was knocked into the air by Yuzan’s abrupt palm, and a large gap had appeared on the breastplate of his armor!


After falling to the ground, Brand’s position at this time had reached the edge of the deck of the giant ship.

“How could this guy’s strength be so strong! Even the legendary Esders is absolutely impossible to be so strong! It seems that I’m really bad luck today!”

Looking at it secretly, Brand found that although he was injured by Yuzan’s palm, he was not seriously injured and unable to resist. However, because of this, he had a deeper understanding of Yuzan’s strength. .

Because Yuzan’s palm was heavy and then he would be shot from the deck into the Grand Canal without exception. He also believed that it was impossible with Yuzan’s strength, so there was only one possibility, the other party. It was deliberate, and the opponent’s control of power has reached the level of perfection!

“Ah…cough… Unexpectedly, I don’t expect Brand to be buried in this kind of place all his life, but it’s worth it to be able to die in the hands of a super master like you! Come again!”

Struggling to stand up again, Brand yelled and rushed towards Yuzan again. This time his aura was even more different. Unlike before, he still had a hint of luck to win in his heart, but now, just With the strength shown by the opponent, he is completely unsure, and he is even very likely to be killed. He is ready to die. This time, he is fearless, with the determination to die, and will never move forward!

“Well, there is still a breakthrough in the mood, Brand, you are indeed a talent, but our positions and paths are different, so I’m sorry!”

Although Yuzan also appreciates the other party, whoever can achieve such an achievement is not strong, so he has no idea of ​​persuading the other party to work for him!

When Brand rushed again, Yuzan also moved, but this time, instead of winning with speed, he slowly walked towards Brand step by step, as if ignoring the gleaming “red” “Shrike”, just walked calmly.


Although he didn’t understand what the other party wanted to do, Brand rushed towards Yuzan indefinitely, and let out an anger. At this moment, the spear in his hand exploded with the most powerful aura in his life, this moment. Brand, the energy of his whole body has been concentrated to one point, and he rushed towards Yuzan!

“Success? Huh? What is this!?”

However, Yuzan did not evade in the face of Brand, the strongest attack he had ever played. Brand was still a little bit happy in his heart the moment before, but his expression changed drastically afterwards, because of him. I found that although I was successful in this attack, I didn’t stab Yuzan, but at the moment I stabbed it, it seemed as if there was something blocking Yuzan before it, blocking all my attacks!(Read more @


Gritting his teeth, Brand’s strength in his hands is still increasing, but no matter how hard he increases his strength, he finds that instead of narrowing the distance with the opponent, the spear in his hand is gradually being blocked by that invisible force. The line goes further! Even “Red-backed Shrike” has cracks on the tip of the gun due to pressure, and the gun body is slightly curved…

“You don’t have to work in vain. Unless it is someone of the same level as me, there are few that can be broken. It seems that you are already at your limit! Give me a shot!”

Glancing indifferently at Brand who was still clenching his teeth. Although he couldn’t see the other person’s complexion, the appreciation in Yuzan’s eyes did not diminish. Suddenly everyone saw Yuzan’s whole body emit a visible light. The air fluctuations spread towards the surroundings!



The destructive impact caused by the air wave is an indiscriminate attack towards the surroundings, but as the closest Brand is the first person to be directly affected. He has already suffered a lot of injuries before, and it is even more at this time. Injuries and injuries, the armor was almost shattered, suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated, but after Brand was knocked into the air, his body no longer had the physical strength to support the “evil-ridden operating armor”!

“This, what a powerful force this is!”

“What is it? The Regent is so mysterious!”

“Big Brother!!!”

On the other side, Liva, Niu, and Tazmi looked at the Brand who was knocked out by the invisible force, and Tazmi was even more worried about Brand.

It was only at this moment that he understood the gap between himself and such a super strong. The 1V3 strength of Brand had already deeply shocked him, but now, Brand, who was still majestic before, was caught by that mysterious. The regent was unable to fight back, and it even seemed that the regent was playing more…


“Huh? My power has increased a little? Liva, help me take Cornelia and Tsukushi, and don’t let Tazmi die! This ship is sinking!”

Yuzan hadn’t noticed it just now, but after defeating Brand, the ship was nearly shattered by the repulsive force emitted by Yuzan just now, and dense cracks began to appear in the entire hull. At this time, Yuzan did not know his own. If his strength has increased again, he will live in vain.

After giving Liwa a quick command, Yuzan stepped forward again towards Brand!

“Uh, okay, okay, your highness, then, what about you?”

Among the people present, only Liva, who has a water control tool, is not afraid of sinking the ship. Although the others will not die if the ship sinks, they will eventually be very embarrassed in the water. After seeing Yuzan’s strength with his own eyes, Liva is more obedient to Yuzan. Up!

“Don’t worry about me, why don’t you have a shipwreck! Brand, do you have any last words?”

At a glance, I saw that Brand was shattered by the repulsive attack just now. Yuzan knew that the opponent was dead soon, but he still asked in the principle of admiring the opponent.

“Ah…cough… I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong! Look, it seems, so, everyone underestimates you! No, but, I, I’m very curious, why, why your strength is so strong, but But if Ornest is allowed to come in disorder, aren’t you also a member of the royal family? Do you hope that the empire will continue to be so rotten and be overthrown?”



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