Chapter 790

Moonlight is like water.

Today’s day is extremely dark. At this moment, a bright moon hangs in the sky, and the soft and delicate moonlight is spreading evenly on the land. The white moonlight shines on the land and casts a piece of light on the earth.

Because I spent the whole day serving as the escort for Miss Alia who kindly took him in last night and walked around with her in the imperial capital, Tazmi was exhausted.


Lying on the bed thinking about making great achievements in the imperial army in the future…Thinking about the rich and colorful life and prosperity of the imperial capital…Tazmi couldn’t help smirking, thinking about it, his consciousness began to blur. The double eyelids also began to fight constantly… Then, Tazmi fell asleep deeply…

“Huh? This is… Murderous!? Could it be…”

However, at this moment, a faintly looming terrifying aura made him suddenly awakened. Tazmi, who had been fighting with the dangerous species outside the village all the year round, understood that this looming terrifying aura was the legendary murderous aura, and, The murderous aura this time is even more terrifying than the dangerous species that I have encountered over the years…

At this moment, in the corridor of the Edward family manor, Mrs. Edward was walking slowly with a diary that looked a little old in her hand. She seemed very happy, and there seemed to be something in her happiness. A hint of excitement and excitement.

“Then, let’s write about what happened today… Hey, this interest is really not enough if you don’t do it for a day!”

Just as Mrs. Edward was muttering to herself about some exciting things she had done today, she did not notice that a slender figure suddenly appeared behind her as she muttered to herself.



In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Edward only felt a slight coolness in her waist, and then she suddenly found that her vision became slanted, and then she saw her hands holding the diary and the bright red flowers blooming in the air and following Looking at it, I saw my lower body that was still standing on the ground and still spraying blood…


Until then, Edward realized that she had… But at this time, she had never been conscious…

Behind the scattered corpses of Mrs. Edward, stood a girl with a rare purple hair and an expressionless face of Kagami. The girl’s hand was holding a huge pair of scissors that were completely disproportionate to her body. …(Read more @


“very sorry!”

Randomly throwing away the dripping blood and pieces of meat remaining on the huge scissors, the girl with purple hair and eyes suddenly bowed and apologized to Mrs. Edward’s corpse very politely, and then disappeared in the dark and narrow. In the hallway…

Here, after Mrs. Edward was killed by a sudden violent blow from a girl with purple hair and eyes, she walked outside Tazmi’s room at the manor. Tazmi looked shocked through the window and stood in mid-air. The figure on the silk thread.

“That’s… it can’t be wrong, that’s the wanted guy I saw on the street today…Night Raid, is it possible to attack here?”

Tazmi muttered to himself.

And outside the manor, among the five people standing on the silk thread in midair, the young man with long green long hair and a cynical smile on his mouth suddenly looked at the figure running hastily in the manor below and said calmly:

“Hey, it has appeared, the three guards are all targets, Chitong!”


On the side of the green-haired boy, his face was solemn, his eyes were calm and there was no wave of waves, and his eyes were quietly watching the three people running away. After calmly speaking her usual mantra for performing tasks, he jumped directly from the mid-air. …


The three manor guards who were fleeing looked at the red pupil who suddenly descended from the sky and the guy in armor who appeared with the red pupil and their expressions were on guard.

“Listen, you must not be touched by the knife in that girl’s hand, absolutely! Drink!!!”

The three guard squadron captains recognized that the other party was the famous red pupil of the imperial capital when they saw the appearance of the red pupil. When even said something to his companion, he gritted his teeth and roared. Draw a knife and rush towards the red pupil…

However, despite the strength of the captain of the guard, at level 3, how could the strength of the red pupil coming out of Yuzan’s membrane be beyond the imagination of these ordinary guards? In the blink of an eye, the captain of the guard was in the hands of the red pupil. “One Slash Must Kill Village Rain” cut his throat… and the other two were also instantly resolved by the red pupil without even reflecting.

At the same time, in the manor’s bedroom, Edward, the Patriarch of the Edward family, who was fairly influential in the imperial capital, was also dealt with by the blond Leonai at the same time…

This night was destined to be a bloody yiye for the Edward family, but this yiye seemed a bit boring to Yuzan in Montrose, a land far away in the west.

“Hughes, what happened to the NightRaid killer organization in the Imperial Capital recently created by Najiexitan? Can they still be settled? In addition, are there any countermeasures in the Imperial Capital?”

After just attending the boring banquet the prefect to greet him, Yuzan looked a little listless.

Don’t blame Yuzan. The banquet held by the prefect for Yuzan is really boring. If some of the guys who came to the banquet are relatively easy to deal with for Yuzan, then those noble ladies or It was a lady, but it made Yuzan a headache.

This is also really because Yuzan is too good and handsome, his power, plus God, there is no news of the young imperial regent’s engagement or marriage, and even if they are married, they must be willing to fly. The noble ladies and noble ladies who are phoenixes on the branch are also…

“Yes, Your Majesty! According to our information, Night Raid’s actions began to grow after Esthers left the imperial capital. During the period, they assassinated many famous clan or wealthy members of the imperial family, and even killed all of them. In this regard, the guards in the imperial capital seem to be inadequate, and there are obviously revolutionary soldiers in the imperial capital helping them, otherwise their assassination will not be so smooth, and their escape route afterwards, etc…”

After receiving the report from Hughes, Yuzan groaned for a while, then suddenly spoke to him:

“Huh? It’s so interesting. I really want to see Na Jiexi Tan with my own eyes. There are a few talents besides Chitong! Besides, Chitong didn’t fully reveal herself. Strength, otherwise, even if Najiexitan fears Esdes again, with the strength of her group of people, even Esdes and the three beasts around her can at least retreat in their entirety…In this way, You order to go down and we will speed up the process a little bit. Although I do have the purpose of inspection along the way, now, I want to return to the capital soon…”


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