Chapter 1077

“Big brother, are you hungry? I brought you the rice ball. You can eat it while it’s hot.” The little girl said sweetly to the pirate hunter Sauron.

“Little devil, let’s go, if you want to die, let’s get out of here.”

The pirate hunter pretended to be very angry and said to the little girl, because he knew that the little girl would be dangerous here, and the people in the group of naval bases were not good.

“But elder brother, you haven’t eaten anything.” The little girl was not at all frightened by Sauron’s ferocious expression, but was very worried about him.

“Although this is only the first time I made it, I did it very carefully, big brother, you must finish them.” The little girl once again passed the two rice balls to Sauron and said with a smile.

“Um…” Sauron, the pirate hunter, was actually very moved in his heart, but he knew that he couldn’t let the little girl stay here any longer. So he pretended to be very annoying and said to the little girl.

“You are an eyesore, go back quickly, I’m not hungry.”

“But…” the little girl said a little aggrieved.

“I said I don’t want to, go quickly, be careful I beat you.” The pirate hunter Sauron glanced aside and found that the people in the naval base had already walked out, so I hurryed to be even more angry. The girl said, you just want the little girl to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely be hurt by the bastards in that group of naval bases.

“Sauron, can’t you bully people, hahahaha.” At this time, three people came out from the iron gate of the naval base, and one of the leaders said trivially.


“Hehehehe…Roronoa Sauron, I didn’t expect your spirit to be so good.”

“Another strange person appeared.” Lu Fei leaned over the fence and observed.

“Those three must be members of the Navy. Then, that child’s client will be safe.” Kerby exhaled and said lightly. He thought that the pirate hunter Sauron would hurt him. Of a little girl. He felt that the three navy personnel would definitely protect the little girl’s safety.

“This rice ball seems very delicious.” The man who took the lead in the naval base grabbed a rice ball in the little girl’s hand and took a bite.

“Ah, why is it sweet, shouldn’t salt be added to the rice ball?” The Hello Hao staff said to the little girl very angry.

“But, because I think sweet is better, so I added sugar in it.” The girl saw that the man was violent at herself, and she felt very wronged and felt she was crying, so she said with her mouth closed. .(Read more @

“This kind of thing, this kind of thing is not eaten by humans. It’s just rubbish.” The navy officer threw the other rice ball in the little girl’s hand to the ground, stepped on it with his foot, and said grimly.

“Don’t be like this, this is what I did so hard, how can you do this, oh oh…” The little girl looked at the rice ball she worked so hard to make, and was stepped on her feet by that person, and she burst into tears. .

“That bastard, it’s too much.”

“My lord, you must teach him a little lesson.” Kerby. He became angry because he looked at the little girl as if he saw himself being bullied.

“Don’t worry, I will let him pay the price in a moment,” Uchiha Yuzan said while looking at the distant scene.

“Have you seen this notice? Those who help the criminals must also be sentenced to death, Colonel Monka.” The navy officer took out a notice from his arms and muttered very gloomily.

“Hehehehe, even a kid, now you know the horror of my dad.”

“Dad?” Lu Fei said very suspiciously on the wall in the distance.

“That person should be what you call the navy colonel, Monka’s son.” Uchiha Yuzan said analytically to Luffy and Kerby.

“Hey, you two, throw this child out quickly.” Monka’s son ordered his two men.

“Ah… it doesn’t seem good to do this, she is still such a small child.” Two of his men suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because they couldn’t do anything to such a small girl. That’s the talent of beasts. Things.

“Did you not hear my order? Be careful that I file a lawsuit with my dad.” Seeing that his men dare not follow his order, Monka’s son rushed over and grabbed their collar. , Growled.

“Yes, I’ll do it right away.” Although Mengka’s men are very reluctant, they can’t help it, because if Mengka’s son goes to sue his father, their fate will be very miserable, so they too Had to obey the orders of Meng’s son.

So the two hands squatted up, ready to hug the little girl who fell on the ground and shivered.

“Child, don’t be afraid, you hurry up and curl up.” Although they were reluctant, they were still cruel, picked up the little girl, and then forcefully threw the little girl out of the naval base.

“Ahhhhh…” the little girl screamed loudly in the air.


Uchiha Yuzan disappeared in the same place in an instant, and the place where he appeared in the next second was where the little girl landed. He hugged the little girl and squatted firmly on the ground. The little girl was unconscious. hurt.

“This group of bastards must not be able to let them go. Fortunately, she is fine.” Luffy was the second to react, and immediately relayed from the wall, bounced to Uchiha Yuzan’s side, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth.

“Thanks, thank you, big brother.” The little girl who stood up looked at Uchiha Yuzan and felt very cordial, and said thankfully to him.

“My lord, are you okay?” Kerby also jumped up from the fence, and saw Uchiha Yuzan squatting on the ground, so he asked with concern.

“I’m not injured. Look at the little girl and see if he is injured.” Uchiha Yuzan shook his arm and moved his joints. After all, the impact just now was still great.

“Big brother, I have nothing to do.”

“The group of bastards inside must not let them go. For such a small little girl, they have the heart to do it. It’s really unforgivable.” Luffy gritted his teeth.

“You bastard, what do you want?” Sauron, the pirate hunter in the naval base, gritted his teeth while looking at Monka’s son. ..

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