Following Iruka, we came to the training ground. Although it was a small training ground, it was enough for the students of the Ninja School.

"Next! Let's do the kunai throwing training!"

Iruka said loudly.

He asked everyone to line up. There were a total of ten targets in this training ground. Ten people were in a group and they were throwing kunai. There were about twenty people in their whole class, which meant that two and a half groups could do one round.

Uchiha Sasuke was in the first group and stood side by side. After Iruka gave the order, everyone threw the kunai in their hands at the target. Swish, swish, swish!!!

A few slight sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and soon the kunai was thrown onto the target. It can be clearly observed that Uchiha Sasuke slightly pressed down his wrist when throwing the kunai. Obviously, he had specially trained the kunai training. Uchiha throwing technique? I didn't expect Sasuke to start training now.

As for the others, none of them missed the target. The worst was one ring. Some people seemed to be training kunai throwing for the first time. It seems that they are still a little talented. They are worthy of being Class A!

The most dazzling one is Uchiha Sasuke, who actually hit the bull's eye!

"Uchiha Sasuke! Ten rings! Early Spring Ooi! Three rings!"

"Inuzuka Kiba! Seven rings! Fujii Itsuki! Two rings!"

Iruka kept announcing everyone's results, while Uchiha Sasuke raised his proud head again and looked at everyone. Naruto found it funny. After all, he was still a child, with a competitive mentality.

Especially Inuzuka Kiba, seeing Sasuke being warmly welcomed by the girls, he couldn't help but sneer:"Huh! What's so great, I just made a mistake just now!"

Although Inuzuka Kiba had been exposed to the practice of kunai throwing several times in the family, he was not interested at all. He was more interested in the family's ninja dogs. In a few years, he would get his own ninja dog!

Naruto was in the second group, and Hinata was there too. He smiled and encouraged Hinata. He knew that the girl needed encouragement.

Soon, another round of kunai was thrown, and Naruto deliberately threw eight rings. With the ability of God rewarding hard work, Naruto quickly mastered the throwing skills and reached the level of proficiency. Now he can throw as many rings as he wants. After all, it is just a dead object that can't move.

When he got the kunai, he also used the big tree to practice accuracy.

"Uzumaki Naruto! Eighth Ring! Nara Shikamaru! Nineth Ring!"

"Haruno Sakura! Five rings!"

Surprisingly, Haruno Sakura, who had never thrown a kunai, actually threw five rings.

No wonder she was able to become Tsunade's apprentice later, it seems that she is talented. Although Naruto dislikes Haruno Sakura a little, he has never found any ill will towards him in Haruno Sakura.

This may be the reason why Naruto likes Haruno Sakura in the original work. In fact, Haruno Sakura is not ugly, with pink hair and big eyes. She looks quite cute, except that her forehead is a little wide. Basically, she is a kawaii loli. Almost everyone in this class has no ill will towards Naruto, which makes Naruto wonder if they were specially selected.

"Hyuga Hinata! Nine Rings!..."

Soon everyone finished throwing, and two people in the last group missed the target. This was normal, but being able to throw accurately for the first time still showed that some people had talent in this area.

In the following time, Iruka asked everyone to practice on their own. The first time was just to see how talented everyone was.

Of course, it was just to test the talent for kunai. He also knew that some of the family members must have been exposed to kunai training when they were in the family.

Naruto was a little bored. It would be better to let him train himself than to let him train this. Practicing these things was simply a waste of his time.

After training for more than two hours, most people's arms were sore.

As for a few people who were lazy, such as Shikamaru, these trainings were too simple for him. As for Choji, I don't know when he took out a bag of snacks and started eating.

At this time, Iruka suddenly asked everyone to take a break and conduct actual combat training later.

For a while, several people screamed, especially Inuzuka Kiba, who already disliked Uchiha Sasuke.

Always stealing his limelight!

Half an hour passed quickly.

"Fujii Itsuki vs. Ono Jiro! Seal of Opposition!"

Soon the two students came to the middle. After forming the Seal of Opposition, they looked at each other warily, and then rushed towards each other at the same time. There was no beauty in their fight, but both of them used chakra, attached to their hands and feet to make simple attacks. Although they looked small, with the help of chakra, the damage caused by their punches and kicks actually made a dent in the ground.

With the help of chakra, the power of the two was even more terrifying than that of ordinary adults!

It must be said that ordinary people, even children, are more respectful in front of ninjas, because the power of ninjas is like that of gods in their eyes.

After the two fought for a few minutes, the chakra was almost exhausted. The amount of chakra of the two was still too little. After that, the two relied on physical strength to fight, and finally Fujii Itsuki slightly defeated Ono Jiro with his physique!

""Make the seal of reconciliation!"

After the two made the seal of reconciliation, it meant that the previous grudges were wiped out. Soon, the groups of people fought. During the battle, Inuzuka Kiba protested because he was fighting others. He wanted to challenge Uchiha Sasuke!

But Iruka refused.

"Uzumaki Naruto vs. Uchiha Sasuke! Seal of Opposition!"

After the two of them made the Seal of Opposition, Naruto had a headache. He knew he couldn't win, otherwise it would definitely attract attention. The news of defeating the son of the Uchiha clan leader would spread everywhere the next day.

When Naruto was thinking about how much strength to use, Uchiha Sasuke seized the opportunity and attacked. It must be said that Uchiha Sasuke's attack was much faster than the previous attacks of Fujii Itsuki and Ono Jiro.

Naruto quickly counterattacked and punched Sasuke!

""So fast!"

Sasuke sighed, and their fists collided tightly together. Suddenly, a huge force came from his arm. Sasuke endured the numbness of his arm and continued to attack.

Naruto felt the power of his attack on Sasuke, and saw that Sasuke could actually bear it!

Well! As expected of the second pillar, he can actually withstand one twentieth of his own power!

I must survive! I must not expose my strength!

The two kept moving around and attacking, and Naruto suddenly found that Sasuke's arm was trembling a little. Damn!

Second pillar! What are you pretending to be when you can't hold on? Naruto suddenly pretended to be physically exhausted. After fighting with Sasuke for a few minutes, he was kicked by Sasuke and flew out with the force.

With Naruto's current superb acting skills, others can't see the problem at all.

As for Sasuke, he was a little confused. Is it really physically exhausted? How can he have such great strength? Humph! After all, he is physically weak! The arrogant Sasuke trembled again

"Yeah! Sasuke won! Sasuke is awesome!"

Sasuke's girl group started cheering, causing the boys to gnash their teeth, wondering why they were not as popular.

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