"Oh! Have you found Fenghua Xiaoxue?"

At this moment, in the Land of Waves, Shisui looked at his men in front of him and said.

As their organization continued to grow, the shortcomings of the Land of Waves began to emerge. It was small in area and its geographical location was not very advantageous.

Located in the southeastern coastal area of the Land of Fire, there is only one bridge leading to the outside world. Although it is relatively hidden, basically no ninjas from other places will come to this small country!

But there is no hidden place, and it is adjacent to the Hidden Mist Village.

So Naruto and Shisui plan to move to a suitable place, try to get to the south, and there is another place, the Land of Snow!

In the south, choose the Land of Tea. It is isolated from several major countries and surrounded by the vast ocean. Only the Land of Fire is relatively close. However, due to its geographical location, it is not troubled by war, but its land area is not small!

As the saying goes, eggs cannot be put in one basket. It is very normal to develop everywhere. Their organization members are all over the world, and the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce almost covers the ninja world!

So it is not a problem to establish several bases!

The business of the Land of Tea is very developed, and it is a grain exporter of 30% on the market!

Therefore, it is necessary to establish an Umbrella base, which can also become a food pocket for the Umbrella, thereby controlling the lifeline of food in the ninja world!

Although it will not lead to death, if the Tea Kingdom does not sell food, it will definitely be injured. After all, ninjas are also human beings, and humans need to eat!

Once a battle occurs, a supply of food and grass is needed!

Therefore, Naruto must win this country!

The Tea Kingdom is also a country without a ninja village, so it is easy for Shisui and others to take over this country!

As for the Snow Kingdom, Naruto had proposed to seize the power of the Snow Kingdom before, mainly to obtain the chakra armor technology of the Snow Kingdom Ninja Village.

However, the information obtained before was that the chakra had not been completed yet, and now the chakra armor has been researched, so it is time to pick peaches!

Now there are a lot more people, in order to cause unnecessary waste, it has been delayed until now.

The purpose of searching for Fenghua Xiaoxue is to legitimately change the regime. After all, this world attaches great importance to bloodline. This is why Fenghua Xiaoxue's uncle planned for so long to get the throne of king, and finally Fenghua Xiaoxue's supporters and Naruto and others regained the throne. He got the throne in an unjust way and lost the support of the people!

At the same time, this is also a more ambitious character. He wants to use the chakra armor he developed to become a great power. However, due to insufficient research funds, he hit the treasure of the Snow Country. However, this so-called treasure is just a geothermal device!

In the end, it had to end miserably!

Shisui looked at the information collected by his men. Fenghua Xiaoxue, the daughter of the former daimyo of the Snow Country, was forced to leave her hometown by her uncle. Now she goes by the alias Fujisan Fengxuehui and has become a well-known actor! The current Fenghua Xiaoxue is not what she will be a few years later, so her reputation is not as loud as it was then!

"It's really dark under the lamp. Who would have thought that a famous actress is actually the daughter of a famous person? Even Feng Hua Nu Tao couldn't have thought of it!"

Shisui looked through the information and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"What has Zabuza been busy with recently? Why has he attended fewer meetings?"

Shisui asked warmly, looking at his subordinates standing below.

"Lord Zabuza seems to have been practicing hard recently, as if the strength of the Uchiha family has improved rapidly recently, and Lord Zabuza has a sense of crisis!"

The person who spoke was Hinata Shoyo, who was kept by Shisui as an assistant.

He was also very surprised when he first came, and even thought about reporting the situation here to the village, but after a few days, he gradually let go of his prejudice against Uchiha!

The life here makes him feel very relaxed. Unlike the oppressive feeling in the clan, he began to gradually like the life here and the ideas here! Here

, ability is very important!

And everyone here works very hard, just like Lord Zabuza mentioned just now!

He has heard of the reputation of this adult, the legendary demon Zabuza, who killed all the candidates of the same period during the graduation examination, and later became a rebel ninja because of the assassination of the Mizukage!

The cruelty is outrageous!

But after getting along with him, he found that this adult is not bad. Although he looks cold, he is actually a pretty good person. people!

In fact, the reason why Zabuza killed his classmates was to fight against the policy at that time. The Blood Mist Village was very cruel at that time, and killing and blood filled the Hidden Mist Village!

Zabuza's killing also successfully made the Hidden Mist Village change its assessment policy, but it was only a temporary solution. Coupled with Obito's secret control, the Hidden Mist Village fell into the blood mist again after a period of time, and it lasted until Zabuza failed in the assassination!

Recently, Uchiha Izumi has grown up thoroughly and has stabilized at the level of Kage!

And Uchiha Yu's strength is also around the quasi-Kage!

In addition, the Uchiha little beans have grown up one after another, and the older ones can already stand on their own. With the blessing of hatred, their Sharingan opened quickly and their strength improved quickly!

Naruto is worried about what kind of psychology those kids from the Uchiha family have. Problems, and people have been sent to guide their psychology.

After all, there are very few normal people in the Uchiha family who have opened their eyes, or there are many abnormal people in the ninja world. If this situation were in Naruto's previous life, it would be a mental illness!

So Naruto first proposed the term"psychologist" in the ninja world. Of course, it is now only circulated in the Umbrella Protection!

In order to train psychologists, Naruto used dozens of shadow clones to explain!

The core members of the Umbrella Protection need to go to the psychological counseling center to see a psychologist regularly.

Coupled with the education of red ideology, most members of the Umbrella Organization have very positive outlooks and a fanaticism!

It can't be completely normal, it can only be said that their fanaticism is very suitable for Naruto's requirements!

It is also suitable for sacrificing their lives for the organization!

Naruto feels that the ninja world needs the profession of psychologist too much, it is really indispensable!

Few people pay attention to this psychological issue!

After all, in the eyes of others, isn't it normal for ninjas to kill people?

The reason why Uchiha Itachi was so easily deceived by the third generation and others, and even felt that he did nothing wrong, thinking about this and that all day long, and not communicating with anyone except Shisui, is that there are psychological problems.

In addition, the speed of opening the Sharingan is too fast, it would be strange if he didn't have some mental illness!

Maybe he realized his mistakes in the later period, but there is no turning back. He can only choose to bear everything by himself and put all his hopes on his younger brother Sasuke!

In other words, many people in the ninja world are not mentally normal. Uchiha Madara, not to mention big problems, must have small problems, and Uchiha Obito has very serious psychological problems. In addition, the death of Nagato and Yahiko directly made him like a different person. What about the third generation, what about Danzo?

If you want to say who is the most normal and has the most correct values in the ninja world, it is probably Jiraiya. He has his own ninja way, understands politics, and has no big ideas about power. In addition to the personal problem of lust, this is a very admirable person!

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