Naruto didn't know that the old El just now was a member of the umbrella. If he knew, he would probably sigh.

Transform the ninja world, pursue dreams in longevity, and witness everything at the top!

With goals and plans in mind, Naruto is not confused.

Even if the future is bumpy! It is also a kind of fun, after all, this is life!

At this moment, Naruto has come to the oasis to rest, and when he entered the oasis, he used the transformation technique to become a very ordinary man from the Wind Country with the appearance of all living beings.

That is what modern people call a popular face. You look like anyone and look like no one. Isn't it a popular face?

You can't find that kind of face in the crowd! How can you be as handsome as the readers!

Naruto rested for a while and then set out on the road to the Sand Village again.

He didn't use his flying ability to fly, after all, he had to keep his chakra.

Although Naruto not only used his own chakra this time, but also asked the Nine-Tails for a ball of chakra, he still had to save it, in case of any situation, he would have enough chakra and confidence.

Before coming, Naruto also used a sealing technique to isolate the detection of the perception and make Naruto's chakra fluctuations unable to be captured by others. It only lasted for a month and dissipated automatically after a month.

But it was enough.

Naruto walked quickly on the road and began to feel the throbbing of the wind!

But it was useless!

The ability of God's reward for hard work does not seem to be able to be blessed on the clone!


After a day's journey, Naruto finally arrived at the edge of the Sand Village. At this time, Naruto began to be extra careful!

Because there are a large number of ninjas in the Sand Village. Although it is not necessarily impossible to defeat them, but if you use less chakra, it will not recover.

"Earth escape·Nuclear submarine!"

The ninjutsu was activated, and a submarine formed by earth swallowed Naruto and began to sneak in the soil.

When he arrived underground in the Sand Village, Naruto began to use Kagura's heart's eye to sense the position of the One-tail Jinchuriki.

Kagura's heart's eye is a ninjutsu that only a few Uzumaki clan members can master. It is a super-large-scale perception ninjutsu. Although it is called a ninjutsu, Naruto feels that it is a half-ninjutsu from the blood!

Because only the Uzumaki clan can use it, and it is a minority.

If you know the other party's chakra, you can also accurately locate it.

The prototype of Naruto's perception is the chakra of the Nine-tail in his body. Although the chakra of the One-tail is different from that of the Nine-tail, they are both tailed beasts. It is easier to distinguish it from the chakra of ordinary ninjas when perceiving it, and it can also reduce Naruto's unnecessary consumption!

Closing his eyes slightly, Naruto activated the ninjutsu. After a few seconds, Naruto suddenly opened his eyes.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly!

"Found it!"

Naruto began to move again by burrowing into the earth. With the sealing technique, it was difficult for Naruto to expose his own chakra!

As long as he didn't make too much noise!

Naruto kept sneaking and gradually came to where Gaara was. What surprised Naruto a little was that there was no ninja monitoring Gaara's residence!

Then he thought about it, that's right!

After all, if he was monitored, he might be discovered by Gaara and killed directly by Gaara!

After all, Gaara was still a problem child at this time!

Thinking about what happened to Gaara, Naruto shook his head. This was all because of the ambitious people. Basically, every Chuuriki was unfortunate!


It is always terrifying, especially the uncontrolled power!

Especially Gaara's father, Rasa, is really an irresponsible father. In order to allow Gaara to control the power of Shukaku, he actually He kept sending people to assassinate Gaara!

What a clever guy!

This also made Gaara gradually become a bloodthirsty person who was eager to prove his existence by killing people!

Gaara didn't know the meaning of his existence. His father wanted to kill him, and his uncle was sent by Rosa to test him!

Gaara thought so himself!

Even his sister and brother were afraid of him!

The villagers were also afraid of his existence!

This gradually forced Gaara into the abyss of darkness!

This is simply the blackened Naruto!

If Naruto turned black, Naruto would generally have some identification with Gaara, probably because of the same identity and experience of the two.

However, Naruto did not turn black in his previous life probably because of the influence of Ashura's chakra.

However, Naruto has never felt the Ashura chakra in his body. Carat, and didn't feel affected at all.

Maybe it's because his strength is too low to sense it!

Naruto didn't come out from the ground. It was almost evening now. Coming out now would probably attract other people's attention, even though there was no one around Gaara now.

According to Naruto's observation, Gaara lived in a single-family room, and there were no residents living around, probably because of Gaara's identity. As for the Kazekage Rasa, he was not there either. He was probably panning for gold in the sand or in the Kazekage Building.

Temari and Kankuro were not there either. This was a good time to contact Gaara!

However, Naruto did not act rashly, but waited for the night to fall.

Night is the best time to contact Gaara!

Because the sealing technique of the Sand Village is so crude, I... As soon as Gaara falls asleep, Shukaku will compete with Gaara for control of his body. At this time, Shukaku can easily penetrate the chakra through the gaps in the sealing technique!

This also caused Gaara to have two big dark circles under his eyes, just like a little panda!

When night fell, Naruto also saw Gaara's sister and brother Kanjiro, who looked more immature than in the original book.

Temari should be about thirteen years old now, Kanjiro is about twelve years old now, and Gaara is about the same as Naruto now, about ten years old!

Temari's neck showed a little ninja fishnet outfit, and the outside was tightly wrapped in ninja clothes, with a pair of long legs. Even Naruto couldn't help but smack his lips when he saw the long legs.

The three of them did not live in the same room. Compared with the two people, Gaara's room was a little far away.

Suddenly, Naruto found that Temari actually began to take off her clothes and started to take a shower, just facing the window, just facing the roof that Naruto had turned into a small stone.

A piece of white, at least one C is estimated by eye. Suddenly, Naruto's face turned red, and he felt inexplicably sorry for Shikamaru.

If Shikamaru knew, he would probably say,"Are you polite?"

Just like that, Naruto waited with an inexplicable mood, while Temari and Kankuro slowly fell asleep.

When the moon hung overhead, Gaara felt inexplicably uncomfortable in the room. Damn the one-tail!

He forced himself to look at the ceiling!

At this time, a voice suddenly came into Gaara's mind.…


Gaara stood up and looked around vigilantly.

"Dare to come? Just come to the desert outside by yourself!"

The voice in my mind sounded again. Gaara was puzzled and stimulated by Naruto.

Could it be another assassin sent by my father?

Gaara's heart began to overflow with murderous intent!

He left directly from the window, leaving the curtains swaying slightly. I don't know if it was the wind or if Gaara touched it...

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