The Land of Waves...

Shisui has learned that the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi sent ninjas to test them. After this test, Mei Terumi must have been quite afraid of their organization.

In fact, when they were exposed to the eyes of the Kirigakure, he discussed with Naruto, and the result was to hide their organization under the Kirigakure, let the Kirigakure become the leader of the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce, and they would hide behind the scenes. Let the Kirigakure attract the attention of other countries.

In Naruto's words, it is to grow as low-key as possible in recent years. In a few years, it will be different. In a few years, Naruto will almost grow up. At the very least, he is a Kage-level strongman!

In addition, the Uchiha little beans before are also a group of people with outstanding talents. Now they can no longer be called little beans. They are older than Naruto and Sasuke. The oldest one has become a jonin, and after a few years, he has almost grown up. However, the most important thing for Naruto is ideological education.

Over the past period of time, the pride of being an Uchiha has been almost wiped out by the dozen or so Uchiha boys, and they have been branded with Naruto's red ideology.

In the past, the entire Uchiha clan was proud of being an Uchiha, and some of them were even extremely proud. Naturally, these children have been infected with some of the Uchiha's arrogance.

Fortunately, their values have not yet been completely formed, so it is still relatively easy to change them.

""Shisui, what do you think?"

Naruto said with a smile. Recently, Xiao Li has returned to Konoha. After all, he still has to practice with Might Guy during the holidays. He doesn't know the Shadow Clone Technique like Naruto and the others.

Also, Neji and Sasuke began to target some wandering ninjas!

The thieves made them bleed, and now fighting with ninjas can increase their experience between life and death. However, Naruto still secretly sent clones to follow them to prevent encountering powerful ninjas due to emergencies.

Shisui looked at Naruto and asked him, smiled lightly, and said:"The purpose of the Fifth Mizukage must be because we have threatened the people's livelihood in the Land of Water. At the same time, the huge profits of the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce also make the Mizukage jealous. Who wouldn't be jealous of such a big industry? Since she wants it, we will give it to her!"

"In addition, we can also hire their ninjas. Since they are going to share some of the profits, they should also contribute, right? Then we can reveal that the Hidden Mist Village is the real mastermind behind the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce, and Mei Terumi will definitely not be able to refute it."

"After all, if the Hidden Mist Village is not the real controller, then it will definitely attract the covetousness of other hidden villages! So Mei Terumi will naturally bear this pressure."

"At the same time, with the participation of the Hidden Mist Village, one of the five major ninja villages, our Chamber of Commerce will develop better!"

"Even if Mei Terumi says that the Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce is not theirs, how many people will believe it in the end? At the same time, we can use this opportunity to assimilate their ninjas. Ninjas are also human beings, and they naturally have seven emotions and six desires. As long as our Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce is good enough, I believe that even if the Mizukage wants to eliminate us, he will be hindered by the ninjas in the village!"

Listening to Shisui's talk, Naruto smiled with satisfaction. Now Shisui has become more and more like a general.

He has also grown a lot!

"Well said, but you're still a little bit lacking in consideration!"

"First of all, you have underestimated the madness of human nature. People are greedy. It is impossible for the Mizukage to withstand all the pressure. There are other families supporting the Mizukage, and other families will definitely want to get a piece of the pie!"

"There are also the nobles and even daimyo behind the Water Country. It is impossible for them to leave a cash cow entirely in the hands of the Hidden Mist Village. The reason why they trust the ninjas is that they control the economic power of the ninjas, right?"

"After years of development in this world, many ninjas have formed inherent concepts. Ninjas rely on mission bounties to make a living, and only those with poor family talents will be relegated to the family industry. After all, in this world, the strong are respected!"

"The first thing you have to do is to control those nobles and make them give way to our Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce!"

"At the same time, you have to secretly develop some hidden industries. It is impossible to put all of them in the Seven Colors Chamber of Commerce. The most important thing is that we must take control of the dominance of food...."

Naruto spoke slowly, and Shisui looked at Naruto with brighter eyes. He thought he had grown a lot, but he was thinking too one-sidedly.

Naruto changed the subject and continued,"At the same time, we will open up an umbrella company, build a high-end brand, and focus on the aristocratic market. This industry must be firmly in our hands!"

"The Umbrella Company’s main industry is the cosmetics industry!"

That's right! Cosmetics!

In this world, cosmetics already exist, but the concept of brand is not strong. With the experience of the previous life, Naruto naturally knows how broad the prospects of the cosmetics industry are!

Many female ninjas also use cosmetics.

Not to mention those noble ladies and wives!

In many cases, the development of ninjas will also be affected by these nobles. After all, there are more ordinary people. If the ninja village has military power, then these nobles will have political power!

As the one-country-one-village system of Senju Hashirama became widely spread, this system gradually became a system recognized by everyone!

In this world, the concept of bloodline is extremely important, so the true essence of this world is a world where nobles are in power!

One of the reasons why the Wind Country is the poorest is that the daimyo of the Wind Country gives the least military expenditure to the Sand Village, and even often cuts funding, and the Wind Shadow Luosha is angry but helpless.

After all, after the defeat of the Wind Country, it has to pay the defeat funds to the daimyo of the Fire Country. The daimyo of the Wind Country naturally blames Luosha for this matter.

In the Naruto world, the power of these nobles is definitely the ignored party!

And because of his concept, Naruto will never be soft when pitting these nobles!

"Isn't there a kind of medical ninjutsu that can stimulate cell activity? We can use it to develop medicines that can keep women young and beautiful, and even stimulate human cells to look a few years younger. Although this effect can be achieved using herbs, we can make a cut-down version that requires continuous use of our products to achieve this effect, so that we can continue to attract customers to consume!"

Naruto proposed the idea again.

At this time, Shisui frowned. He didn't think many people would buy the cosmetics that Naruto mentioned. To look a little younger and more beautiful, you have to spend expensive money in exchange for a period of beauty. Will anyone really pay for it?

"Naruto-kun, will anyone really buy this cosmetic that has almost no effect? "

Shisui said hesitantly.

Naruto smiled and said,"Shisui, you underestimate the importance women place on their appearance!"

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