For several days, Naruto did not see Sasuke. He should have entered the hospital just like in the original story.

When Naruto left the Root base, the Uchiha kids who woke up were also extremely shocked. Most of them opened their Sharingan on the spot after learning that the Uchiha clan was exterminated.

One magatama, two magatama, and even some kids who had opened their Sharingan instantly became three magatama Sharingan. Among these dozen people, the oldest was only ten years old, but he had three magatama Sharingan. His talent can be said to be very good.

Unlike the second pillar, he opened one magatama in anger when his clan was exterminated, and he didn't even know that he had opened his Sharingan for several years. He officially opened his Sharingan at the beginning of the original story.

His parents and family were all killed, but he only opened one magatama. After seeing Rin's death, Obito directly upgraded from two magatama to Mangekyō.

The gap between them is so big that the second pillar has become the object of ridicule by netizens.

However, personal talent cannot be completely defined by opening the eyes.

Sasuke's talent is still quite good, and the opening of the eyes of the Uchiha is more related to emotions.

Naruto guessed that it was not entirely dependent on negative emotions to evolve, but it was difficult to have other strong emotional fluctuations except for negative emotions.

After Naruto left the Root Base, Danzo returned to the Root Base and was immediately furious. His ninjutsu library was almost emptied, and the scene was almost full of traces of earth escape ninjutsu. Except for a few traces of ninjutsu, they should be the root ninjas who stayed behind.

Such a strong earth escape attainment, basically only the ninjas of the Rock Village can have this ability!

At this time, Danzo's good mood for obtaining the Sharingan was ruined a little.

Regardless of whether he was a spy from the Rock Village, Danzo remembered that the only ninja who could have this earth escape attainment was the Rock Village, and there was no ninja in the ninja world who showed super strong earth escape attainments.

Danzo looked at the messy Root Base. There were traces of fire escape and earth escape combined ninjutsu attacks on the surface. Although Sarutobi could also create the same attack, the Third Hokage was with him at the time and it was impossible for him to come to the Root to commit a crime.

""Investigate secretly! I will tear this thief into pieces!"

Danzo said to the Root ninjas around him, his hands clenched so tightly that even his nails dug into the flesh. You can imagine how angry Danzo is now.

"Yes! Master Danzo!"

The Root Ninja knelt on one knee and said.

These lost ninjutsu and some information, although not very important, are all important ninjutsu used to train ninjas. With these ninjutsu, more middle and upper-level ninjas can be cultivated.

It can increase the foundation of a ninja village!

Although they can be rewritten, those ninjutsu are the collection of several generations of Konoha. How can he not be angry! The important ninjutsu and information were hidden by Danzo using sealing techniques. Danzo Root also has a scroll similar to the Book of Sealing, which is used to collect some important ninjutsu and forbidden techniques.

It can be regarded as a small Book of Sealing!

As the Dark Ninja, someone actually stole it from him!......

Naruto faced the remaining little Uchiha clan members. After opening their Sharingan, they all shouted for revenge. They did not believe in Naruto at all, so Naruto could only convince them with virtue. After Naruto's iron fist, oh no! It was a sincere teaching, coupled with Naruto's ideological edification and spiritual suggestion, these little Uchiha clan members basically surrendered to Naruto.

After that, Naruto sent these little Uchiha clan members to Shisui for ideological transformation again. After learning that the Uchiha clan was destroyed, especially when the murderer was Uchiha Itachi, Shisui remained silent. For the first time, he realized that it might be a mistake to give the hope of Uchiha to Itachi.

Itachi was really instilled with will by the Konoha high-level officials as Naruto said!

"Naruto-kun! You are right, this world is sick, and only you can save it! I will spread your ideas, and then gradually change the ninja world!"

Shisui said firmly again, his tone full of determination!

"Shisui, don't take too big a step. We still need to take it slow. We also need more talents to lead the development of the world. This world is not the world of one person, but the world of everyone. Our existence is to be a pioneer. One day, the world will change because of our ideas!"

Naruto felt as if he had become a big liar at this moment. It must be said that the people in the ninja world are really easy to fool. Almost none of them can be considered bad people.

Of course, there is one exception, that is Danzo. Naruto thinks Danzo is a bad guy. Naruto knows that when the people in this world are exposed to new ideas and it triggers the beginning of ideological reform, then the ninja world will one day become what he wants it to be.

Naruto looked at Shisui again and said,"Shisui, how is the organization developing now?"

Hearing Naruto talking about the organization, Shisui slowly came back to his senses and said excitedly,"Naruto, our organization now has one yellow talent, five green talents, twenty-six blue talents, sixty-six indigo talents, and a number of purple talents!"

Naruto created the Umbrella Organization, so naturally he had to design a complete framework. Naruto defined the levels of the organization with seven colors.

With red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple as the levels, Naruto is the top red umbrella, and the umbrella's ideology is also called red ideology.

After that, it increases and decreases layer by layer. The lowest level purple is ordinary people. As long as you recognize the Umbrella Organization, you can join the Umbrella and become the most basic purple talent.

This is the lowest level of existence, equivalent to ordinary people. Indigo talents are some people with a skill or the level of Genin.

Blue is Chunin, green is Jonin, yellow is elite Jonin, orange is Kage-level powerhouse, and red is the leader, that is, Naruto!

The closer to Naruto's level, the higher the status, and the closer to the core. Naruto has also made some promotion systems. Some scientists can even be promoted to the orange level as long as they perform well.

And for other ninjas, it is not only the combat effectiveness that can be promoted. Those with special talents can also be promoted to better treatment.

Only with better treatment can the organization burst out better Cohesion and development momentum.

As long as you have talent, you can become a superior person, so Naruto feels that some necessary systems must exist.

There is no order without rules. This is also the case in the world where Naruto lived in his previous life. From elementary school to junior high school, from junior high school to high school, and in the company, you can be promoted step by step! The same is true in society.

After hearing Shisui's report, Naruto couldn't help but be a little satisfied. This force is no worse than some small ninja villages. There is even Shisui. There are no shadow-level strongmen in small ninja villages.

And Naruto also gave some of the ninjutsu he got from Danzo to Shisui. It was the first time that Shisui saw so many ninjutsu. Naruto would not rob Konoha's ninjutsu.

But he was more happy. With so many ninjutsu, more talents can be cultivated.

They will not hide the ninjutsu. After the two discussed, they formulated a points system. Contributions to the organization can be exchanged for points, and points can be exchanged for most resources!

How far you can do depends on yourself!

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