At the same time, except for Konoha, other ninja villages received the news that the Raikage had convened a meeting.

This news was not hidden, and Konoha also received the news at this time.


"What is this old Raikage going to do?"

Tsunade looked unhappy. She convened a meeting of the four Kages and excluded her, the Hokage.

"Lady Tsunade, don't be angry. It is obvious that the Raikage has already classified us as part of the Umbrella organization. Such behavior is understandable!"

At this time, Shizune had been called back by Tsunade. Shizune had been with her for a long time. Compared with finding another assistant, Shizune obviously made Tsunade feel more at ease.

Tsunade had calmed down at this time and said,"Huh... I know so too, but obviously this time, the Raikage and others must have some conspiracy against Naruto and others. Perhaps, I was a little impulsive!"

At this moment, Tsunade already regretted exposing Umbrella in advance, otherwise it would not have caused the Four Kage Talks. This was not a trivial matter.

"Lady Tsunade, maybe Naruto-kun already has a solution, why don't you ask him!"

Shizune said with a smile. For that magical boy, Shizune didn't know why, but she always felt that nothing could stop him.

Tsunade was slightly stunned by Shizune's words, and then she understood. Yes, the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is anxious. What if Naruto already has a solution?

Tsunade walked out of the door of the Hokage's office, leaving Shizune helpless.

Fortunately, because of the policy reform, many policies are revised by some clerks. With Tsunade's consent, Tsunade's work has become much easier, otherwise Shizune would have stopped Tsunade from leaving.


At this moment, the four shadows are meeting...

The destination is chosen to be the Land of Hot Springs, which is an island country not far from the Land of Water and the Land of Lightning. Only the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth are relatively far away. It took Gaara and others three days to reach the Land of Hot Springs.

At this moment, in a temporary house, Gaara and the other four are sitting together. Terumi Mei's eyes flicker, and I don't know what she is thinking.

In fact, Terumi Mei has long noticed the Umbrella Organization and knows that the Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce is related to the Umbrella Organization, but so what? The Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce has brought a lot of benefits to the Hidden Mist Village. The Hidden Mist Village is now rapidly recovering its strength. Can they still abandon the Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce?

A large number of ordinary people in the Hidden Mist Village have entered the Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce to work, and the merchants in the village have also joined the Seven-Colored Chamber of Commerce. If they want to completely give it up, it would be like asking the Hidden Mist Village to cut off their own arms.

In fact, she just wanted to wait and see what the Raikage would do in this meeting!

Almost everyone present had their own little thoughts!

Doesn't the Hidden Cloud Village have any little thoughts?

"Now that everyone is here, let’s officially begin this meeting! Since this is the first meeting organized by the Raikage, what plans does the Raikage have?"

The Tsuchikage Ohnoki spoke first. He is the most senior person present!

The Raikage glanced at the Tsuchikage, and then said directly:"I believe you also know about Konoha. Now that there is an extremely powerful organization in the ninja world, aren’t you worried?"

"One day, when it grows into a behemoth, will our status as a great power still exist? I suggest that we unite our forces and nip the danger in the bud!"

The words of the Raikage were simple and clear.

There was a slight change in Gaara's calm eyes!

Gaara spoke directly:"Mr. Raikage, I think you are really making a fuss over nothing. How much can a mere organization do!"

"Do you want to start the Fourth Ninja World War?"

Gaara's tone was sharp, but in the eyes of everyone, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

"Brat! Do you know what you are saying? Don't think that you can yell at me just because you happened to become the Kazekage. You were still playing in the mud when I was on the battlefield!"

Raikage Ai looked at Gaara with disdain. In his opinion, how strong could a brat like Gaara be?

He always looked down on the Sand Village. If Chiyo was here, he might give him some face.

"Lord Raikage is so arrogant, is this how you should be as a Kage?"

A huge momentum suddenly appeared on Gaara's body, pressing towards the Raikage, and at the same time, a murderous intent instantly enveloped the Raikage.

"Brat! Are you provoking me?"

Blue lightning also appeared on the body of the Raikage, and an extremely powerful aura emerged from him.

The Mizukage Terumi Mei was suddenly startled. She looked at Gaara in surprise. This thirteen-year-old boy actually had such a strong aura. No wonder he could become the Kage of a village!

"Okay, we are here to discuss the issues of the Umbrella Organization, not to fight. If we want to fight, then this meeting will be over!"

Oonoki's voice sounded, and Gaara and the other man stopped their momentum and sat down again. The

Raikage looked at Gaara with unkind eyes. In fact, there was a reason why the Raikage was so active. He got the information that the Umbrella Organization had a special ninja tool, which had the same effect as the chakra cannon they were secretly developing!

But it is still in theory now. If they get the research data of the Umbrella Organization, it will be just a matter of time for them to become the strongest ninja village in Kumogakure!

The idea of the chakra cannon also benefited from the tailed beast's tailed beast jade, but if it is developed step by step at present, it will probably take another three or four years!

In the original work, their chakra cannon was officially launched about two years after the Fourth Ninja World War. It is only four years from now, and two years later, it is the time when the Fourth Ninja World War broke out.

Considering the time, the chakra cannon did not appear in the Fourth Ninja World War, which means that it is very likely to be developed in the year after the Ninja World War!

"With all due respect, the so-called Umbrella threat theory is simply not true. The number of their ninjas is far less than ours, and it is not so easy to surpass us!"

"Not everyone has chakra talent. Even if they have a large number of ninjas, how can their years of accumulation surpass the existence of our great country!"

Gaara's words make sense, and they are indeed right. Chakra talent really determines the height of a ninja, and it takes time to become strong.

Even Ohnoki thought there was nothing wrong with Gaara's words.

Mei Terumi also nodded secretly!

In fact, Raikage Ai also thought so, but what he coveted was the technology and huge economic strength of the Umbrella Organization! He immediately said:"Mr. Kazekage, you are too one-sided. You must know that Umbrella has Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

""I'm sorry, Mr. Raikage, our Sand Village is limited in strength and is still in the recovery period. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to support another war. The villagers are very war-weary. We will withdraw from this operation against Umbrella!"

Gaara said, and walked out of this simple meeting room.

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