The masked man who was transformed by Obito had a gloomy face at the moment, and the disfigured face under the mask was extremely ugly.

The people of Umbrella were surprised at Obito's magical ability, and he was also surprised at the strength of these people!

What is that strange armor? Why is it so strong? With so many high-quality ninjas, I'm afraid they can be compared to the five major countries!

Obito jumped between the tall buildings, and the people of Umbrella also had ugly faces. They used ninjutsu to force Obito to the open space one after another!

Umbrella can produce so many elites, mainly thanks to Naruto's policies and the recruitment of talents from the entire ninja world. With sufficient ninjutsu and video teaching, the birth of talents is like wholesale!

Because of the short time, except for Shisui and others, no one who can stand on his own has appeared, but the help brought by the chakra armor is huge. Many people who are not strong enough to be a jonin can also be equivalent to a jonin with the help of chakra armor! The jonin is the core combat power of a country and a ninja village!

"Is this the guy?"

"How dare he invade the Umbrella base? How did he get in?"

Zabuza appeared in front of everyone. He knew how strong the base's defense was. It was definitely stronger than the five major countries. This was a barrier that Naruto easily built!

Could there be a spy? Zabuza didn't want to believe this answer!

Zabuza's strength is increasing day by day. Compared with the battle with silica gel, his strength has improved a lot.

"What is your purpose here? Are you from Akatsuki?"

Zabuza asked loudly.

He had already judged the other party's origin from Obito's clothes.

Zabuza's eyes flashed with disdain. The black background and red clouds, the clothes of Akatsuki and even some strong men had been known to them for a long time, but under Naruto's arrangement, they temporarily avoided the edge, but it did not mean that they were so easy to bully.

Obito ignored Zabuza, but looked at the existence of those who had three magatama!

Those people were all wearing masks, probably to prevent their identities from being exposed. At this moment, the words of Black Zetsu emerged in his mind. This organization may have an impact on the plan.

Secretly gathered members of the Uchiha clan, and even unknown ninja tools , a very dense defense barrier, now it has gathered the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and members of the Hyuga branch!

In Obito's mind, he has secretly imagined a huge and ambitious organization, and these Uchiha members are very likely the people who disappeared in the war!

After all, in a war, there are always a few people whose identities cannot be identified.

Zabuza didn't know how much Obito had imagined, but the anger in his heart had filled his chest!

Recently, he has been in charge of the alert, and the enemy actually appeared at their doorstep. This is intolerable. He can already imagine that he will be scolded during the meeting.

But the most important thing at the moment is to capture this person!

"Capture this man in front of you!"

Zabuza ordered while gritting his teeth.

The Umbrella members standing by were also extremely angry, especially the patrol personnel. No matter where this enemy came from, it was their fault after all. More than a dozen ninjas stood in a row, and the powerful fire escape almost formed a sea of fire. The powerful fire escape passed through Obito's body, as if Obito was just a projection!

In fact, it was almost the same to say that it was a projection. Obito's body had already used the virtualization to come to the Kamui space at this moment. The Obito seen by the outside world was actually a space projection.

"Fire escape is useless, use the Kirin formation!!"

Zabuza did not make a move, but waved his hand to command.

Another team of ninjas appeared, spewing water escape from their mouths.

The water escape and fire escape canceled out and hot smoke rose up!

Obito was a little dizzy at this scene. What was going on? Even the stupidest person would not command like this. He secretly raised his vigilance. This might be the opponent's strategy.

The mist rose and gradually floated to the sky!

At this moment, another team of ninjas stood up, with only three seals in their hands!

"Lightning Release: Kirin Array!!!"

Everyone's shouting filled the sky, and a bad premonition came to his mind. At the same time, he also felt unhappy because the name Kirin reminded him of Qilin!

He couldn't help but be filled with murderous intent!

The sky gradually became dark, and Obito suddenly looked into the clouds, and a sense of threat appeared in the clouds!

"What's going on? A combination of ninjutsu? The power of fire escape and water escape... I see!"

Although Obito was a laggard, he also learned a lot under the guidance of Uchiha Madara. Even if he didn't see through this ninjutsu, he roughly understood what effect it could achieve.

A giant beast composed of thunder and lightning poked its head out from the clouds. This is the power of natural disasters!

Thunder and lightning surged. This is a ninjutsu that is more powerful than the one used by Sasuke!

How can the power of one person be comparable to the power of everyone!

This is Naruto's wisdom. Naruto did not have the idea of keeping things to himself. On the contrary, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of everyone, Naruto tried every means. Kirin's ninjutsu was used by Naruto. It may be difficult for one person to learn, but a group of people can disperse Kirin's control of chakra, which is equivalent to one person controlling a part. At the same time, they can provide a huge amount of chakra to enhance the power of ninjutsu!

Zabuza looked up at the ninjutsu with destructive power in the sky. This ninjutsu was definitely S-rank. Even if he was hit by it, he would be either dead or disabled!

The thunder scattered on the ground, causing a small explosion. Although the power was not great, the overall power it brought was different.

The huge Kirin, under the control of the previous team, hit Obito hard. Obito took a breath of cold air, and then his whole body became virtual. He didn't want to use his body to test the power of this ninjutsu.

Zabuza frowned. Is it the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Is this his pupil technique? Zabuza often greeted Shisui and others, and he also knew the ability of the Mangekyō. Each pair of Mangekyō has its own unique ability, but it is not unsolvable!

Just like Izumi, as long as the number of attacks is large enough, Izumi's Mangekyō ability will be very weak, because it takes time to eliminate the target.

"Using the lightning net, I don't believe he can use the power of the Mangekyō forever!"

Zabuza gritted his teeth and said loudly.

Hearing Zabuza's words, Kirin's mouth suddenly spit out rays, like infrared rays penetrating Obito's shadow!

Forming a large net, covering the surroundings layer by layer!

Obito's face was ugly. Such a powerful ninjutsu only lasted for five minutes, and he had to show up to refresh the CD, but the surroundings were covered by the thumb-thick lightning escape. He was afraid that he would be cut into pieces as soon as he showed up.

He knew that he could leave. Although he did not achieve his goal today, he had obtained a lot of information. The powerful ninjutsu and unknown ambitions did not know whether they would affect the Moon Eye Project!

Spiral ripples appeared, and Obito's voice came:"We will meet again in the end!"

After that, Obito disappeared in front of everyone.

In this situation, Zabuza also breathed a sigh of relief. Space-type pupil technique?

This answer is better than the appearance of traitors, which he could not accept.

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