When Orochimaru was fighting the Third Hokage, part of his soul was sealed.

The Death Mask is the medium to connect to the Death God. Through this, Naruto can make another deal with Orochimaru. Naruto walked into the Nanmen Hall, where masks were placed one by one. Outside the Nanmen Hall, there was also the emblem of the Uzumaki clan, which made Naruto feel a little inexplicably intimate.

Naruto put away all the masks, turned around and walked out of the door, then turned around again and looked at it, and turned directly into a residual image and left here.

After Naruto left for a few minutes, a figure appeared, with bright red hair floating in the air, looking more than 20 years old.

Oval face, clear eyes, bright eyebrows and white teeth, and a black stripe on the white neck.

She looked at the masks that had disappeared and murmured:"Another powerful ninja has set foot in the country of whirlpools. Is he related to that group of mysterious ninjas?"

The woman frowned. If Naruto was there, he would find that this was a member of the Uzumaki clan.

The exterminated Uzumaki clan actually still exists!

This member of the Uzumaki clan is called Chanel Uzumaki, one of the few surviving members of the Uzumaki clan.

What no one knows is that there are still very few members of the Uzumaki clan in the current Uzumaki Country, and they are the bloodline seeds preserved by the original Uzumaki clan.

In order to hide their whereabouts, these Uzumaki clan members have now specially developed a sealing technique that can hide themselves. It has little effect on their strength, but the hiding effect is very good.

This is why there are black stripes on Chanel Uzumaki's neck.

Chanel Uzumaki looked at the mask that was looted, and she didn't think about snatching the mask back. After all, she knew very little about the mask. Even the inheritance is missing a lot.

The only remaining elder also taught her to hide herself as much as possible and not to contact ninjas from the outside world.

Chanel Uzumaki, who knew some of the cruelty of the outside world, checked it out and left the Namen Hall


The news from Konoha shocked many people. Even Scorpion, who had already infiltrated Umbrella, knew it. Sure enough, this world is very dangerous, and only eternity is the truth!

However, Scorpion can't take care of these situations at present. Scorpion is still looking at the drawings and a thick book sent by the instructor.

In order to study the principles of the aircraft, Scorpion finally got into the Umbrella organization after some twists and turns.

Like Jiraiya, he did not show too many abilities, and he is now using his original body, a handsome young man.

He successfully followed an Umbrella member who was studying aircraft to learn mechanical principles and became an apprentice!

Although the instructor he studied was not the top figure of Umbrella and was an ordinary person himself, Scorpion was somewhat obsessed with mechanical principles. The reason why he infiltrated the Umbrella organization was mainly because of the reminder from Black Zetsu.

This is a very complicated organization, and the investigation system is strict. Therefore, in order to prevent exposure, Scorpion used his original body to become a logistics staff of Umbrella. As

Umbrella grows stronger and more grassroots personnel gradually increase, Shisui can only check it out and can only ensure the purity of the core members!

Even if the periphery is exposed, it will not shake the Umbrella organization!

Scorpion was fascinated by the contents of the books. These books were from the umbrella organization and had not yet been released in the ninja world.

They described the principles of the engine and the production process of the aircraft. The organization issued them to discover some buried talents.

Scorpion finally figured out why he couldn't make a real airplane. Although he figured out the principle, there was still one step that made Scorpion feel very troublesome.

That is, the fuel of the airplane comes from oil, which has been specially treated and has been regulated.

Moreover, the manufacture of airplanes needs to take into account many aspects, which is no less than the process of learning puppetry.

Fortunately, Scorpion has the foundation of puppetry and learns quickly.

If you want to make a complete airplane, there are too many things to consider, including wings, fuselage, even tail, landing gear, power system, fluid mechanics, etc.

And airplanes are just an application of mechanical principles. There are many other aspects that can be applied, and they can definitely be used in puppetry.

Scorpion feels that the road to puppetry lies in science!

Combining science with puppetry must have a bright future. In the past, puppets were mostly made of wood and a few metals because the puppets could not be too heavy, otherwise the flexibility would be too poor.

Now, perhaps we can add a power system and metal load-bearing to the puppet, and add sealing techniques and chakra, it will definitely be an excellent puppet.

Scorpion began to verify his idea, writing furiously on the desk, he wanted to design a perfect puppet for himself!


In the Otogakure Village of the Land of Rice…

Orochimaru looked pale and in a very bad mood, and even his temper became much more irritable.

At this moment, there was another person in front of him, with yellow hair, a missing forehead protector, and a refreshing divine robe. The complexions of the two formed a very obvious contrast.

""Mr. Orochimaru, you look bad!"

Naruto said. Orochimaru's hands had lost their color. The pain from the damage to his soul was far less intense than the torment from his hands being unable to move!

Without his hands, it would be difficult for Orochimaru to verify the truth, and some of his ideas could not be replicated. Orochimaru looked grim, and even though he had roughly guessed Naruto's intentions, he was not happy at all.

""Naruto-kun! I'm so sorry for letting you see me like this!"

Orochimaru said self-deprecatingly. Standing next to him was Kimimaro, who looked at Orochimaru with a worried look on his face. Kabuto stood beside him, adjusting his glasses with his right middle finger.

"Naruto-kun, I remember Tsunade seems to be in your organization, right?"

Orochimaru said in a hoarse voice.

Naruto nodded, he naturally knew what Orochimaru was planning.

""Orochimaru, I'm sorry to tell you that Tsunade probably can't do anything about your injury. After all, this is a move involving the soul, and Tsunade's research on the soul may not be as good as yours!"

Orochimaru was disappointed, but Naruto's next words rekindled his hope.

"But! I have a way to help you!"

Naruto took out a scroll and said,"This is the training method of the Sage Mode that I promised to give you!"

"From now on, you are not allowed to have any ideas about Sasuke anymore. You know the consequences!"

"Also, if you want to solve the problem of your hands, here is the solution!"

Naruto took out the Death Mask

"What is this?"

Orochimaru looked at the Death Mask in confusion!

"This is the mask of the god of death, a medium that can communicate with the god of death! The Demonic Seal is a forbidden technique of the Uzumaki clan! (Changed)

"It's difficult to replenish your soul essence, so why not take your hands back from the god of death!"

Naruto said calmly.

However, the domineering tone in his voice shocked Orochimaru's heart:"Naruto-kun is worthy of snatching things from the god of death!"

"What do you want?"

Orochimaru didn't think that Naruto would help him unconditionally.

Naruto said word by word:"Hashirama cells!"

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