After a few days of research, Scorpion felt that he seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding. Eyes, which can fly, seemed not to be that simple. Although he had understood most of the principles, the slightest mistake could lead to a huge error. The slightest difference was fatal. Before he completely understood it, he could not restore it completely, let alone transform it into a puppet.

"This thing is really exquisite!"

Although it is made of steel, the puppet is mostly made of wood. Although there are iron materials in it, and even chakra metal, for the convenience of operation, they are all precious wooden materials. The production of a puppet basically requires 100,000 materials.

Basically, it is difficult for poor people to become puppeteers.

And puppeteers need to learn a lot of things. Most puppeteers need to know a little knowledge of sealing techniques. The top puppets are a combination of sealing techniques and puppetry.

Just like Chiyo's puppet, Chiyo has the ability to control ten puppets to fight at the same time, and they are all top-notch.

With Chiyo's experience, even facing a shadow-level strongman, he can not lose the upper hand.

Chiyo's puppet is called the Chikamatsu Ten People!

It is the masterpiece of Bunzaemon, the ancestor of the Sand Village puppeteer!

Chiyo only relies on Chikamatsu The Ten People can rival Scorpion's hundred-machine operation, and the Chikamatsu Ten People also have the title of one machine worth a thousand. It is engraved with runes of sealing techniques, and its combat power is very strong.

Scorpion finally gave up. He felt that since those people could research such exquisite things, there might be more surprises.

He had a hunch that the fusion of this mechanical creation and puppetry would bring puppetry to another level!

He might surpass the limits of the puppeteer and become an existence comparable to the ancestor!

And this thing doesn't have chakra threads, but the disadvantage is that it requires human control.

Are there any puppets that don't require human control, or methods that can be controlled without chakra threads!

In the next few days, Scorpion began to wander aimlessly in the desert, hoping to see the person driving that strange thing again. But in the next few days, those people seemed to have disappeared. However,

Scorpion was not disappointed. He did not find anyone, so he continued to study the technology on the plane. At the same time, in order to study these technologies clearly, Scorpion also bought a large number of books on mechanical principles.

Although the mechanical principles on the market are all relatively basic knowledge, Scorpion has learned some in the past, but he has not studied them systematically.

He only needs the principles. With Scorpion's current level, he will quickly master the knowledge. As time goes by, Scorpion has a better understanding of airplanes. The plane needs a kind of energy to take off. Scorpion suspects that it is the kind of flammable liquid that occasionally appears on the surface of the desert.

But it is a little different, but this is not a problem for him. It is the same energy, using Chakra can also be replaced.

And chakra has the advantages of chakra, but it consumes chakra a bit. People with less chakra may find it difficult to support consumption.

After a period of time, Scorpion's research has made certain progress, and he has also developed his own flying puppet. Unfortunately, the flying puppet still cannot be separated from the control of chakra threads, which makes this flying creation only able to fly at low altitudes.

Inspired by the airplane, in order to give him attack power, Scorpion created a bird-like puppet with wings and a built-in chakra device, which is the main reason for his ability to fly. The wings are auxiliary, making it more flexible and maintain speed, and it can glide after the chakra is exhausted.

It has to be said that Scorpion's talent in puppetry is really good, sometimes just lacking imagination.

In the entire Naruto world, Scorpion can also be called the top puppeteer!

And Scorpion's actual age is not big. In this world, geniuses are always incomprehensible.

In the original work, he was only 35 years old when he died. He had the title of Scorpion of the Red Sand and his code name in the Akatsuki organization was Jade.

He also transformed himself into a human puppet, and transformed himself into a life core, which can be used as long as a puppet is replaced.

It's a pity that the original work does not introduce how long Scorpion can live with the life core. To be precise, Scorpion is no longer a real human. After all, the life core is him, and he is just a life core. The puppet is just a puppet after all.

Scorpion is a genius with a wide range of knowledge, just like Orochimaru, but the two have different focuses.

Scorpion looked at the new puppet he made in front of him, and was a little dissatisfied. He always felt that he only had the form but not the body.

This puppet should abandon the limitations of traditional puppets and be able to fight remotely without relying on the control of chakra threads.

So Scorpion is not very satisfied. In addition to using chakra threads for control, he also uses his life core for control.

Scorpion usually hides in a puppet, but it is very realistic. It is a puppet named Fei Liuhu. Even in the Akatsuki organization, many people think that Fei Liuhu is Scorpion's body. Even if it is not the body, basically few people have seen Scorpion's body.

But who would have thought that the body of Scorpion hidden in the body of the Red Flow Amber was not his real body.

Scorpion emerged from the Red Flow Amber, and his body appeared in a handsome appearance. I am afraid that even the Akatsuki organization would not have thought that the young and handsome boy in front of him was Scorpion. A core popped out and was then sent to the body of the new puppet by the chakra thread.

Scorpion named the puppet in front of him Hugh!

With the entry of the life core, Hugh seemed to come alive, and even his eyes looked very smart. Scorpion tried to fly into the sky. On the first attempt, Scorpion soared directly into the sky.

It seemed that he did not control the strength well. Scorpion controlled this body to try to fly into the sky. At the same time, feeling the feedback of this body, he opened his wings. The wings looked very sharp and could be unfolded or folded. The real flight does not rely on wings, but on the chakra device in Hugh's body. This is what Scorpion created based on the aircraft engine.

In order to pursue lethality, Scorpion even extracted poison on the wings!

Puppet master is also a profession that plays poison to a high level!

Poison can help puppets cause greater lethality. In the Third World War, Sand Village's poison caused great trouble to Konoha. If it weren't for Tsunade, Konoha would have paid a heavier price.

Scorpion controlled Hugh to start moving. After a simple adaptation, Scorpion swooped down and ejected countless steel needles from his mouth. The steel needles emitted a faint light, which was obviously poisoned!

The wings behind him spread out!

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Easily cut the trees in front of him!

The big trees fell one by one, raising a large amount of dust.

Scorpion looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little satisfied, but he still carefully summarized the advantages and disadvantages of this puppet.

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