"Ahem! What are you guys discussing? May I know?"

Jiraiya's voice sounded. At this moment, he had changed his appearance. After all, how could he use his real body to investigate a mysterious organization!

He couldn't guarantee that many people knew him, but there would definitely be many. It's always better to be careful!

Jiraiya used the transformation technique to become a man in his thirties.

Several people looked at Jiraiya's approaching figure, and a trace of vigilance flashed in their eyes.

One of them, a young man who looked more stable and was about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, said:"Who are you?"

"I am Jiraiya, a failed writer wandering around the ninja world!"

Jiraiya said with a smile. He used his real name, but he didn't have a surname. In the ninja world, it was not surprising to have several people with the same name!

The surname was important!

Several people looked at each other, but they didn't completely let down their guard!

Several people looked at Jiraiya's face, and he seemed to be in good spirits!

He should be a relatively wealthy person!

Jiraiya naturally saw the guard of several people,���Then he said to the waiter in the tavern:"Give me some more wine!"

Soon, Jiraiya became friends with the three men. The one who was about 27 or 28 years old was called Zoro, the oldest of the three, and the other one was called Hayata, and the other one was the one they just mentioned, Sosuke!

Among the three, Sosuke was the youngest, but he was also 23 years old!

After a while, under the influence of alcohol, Jiraiya became friends with several people!

"Cough... uh... drink, keep drinking, brother Jiraiya, you look like a rich kid, why haven't you heard of our umbrella organization?"

Zoro was a little drunk, looking at Jiraiya with a dazed look.

"Hi, Brother Zoro, my family is pretty good, but the ninja's battle destroyed my family more than ten years ago. I had to sell the mine at home and started wandering in the ninja world! The past is too painful to look back on!"

Jiraiya's acting skills are also superb, and he started to brag under the influence of alcohol!

Jiraiya's experience resonated with several people, especially Sousuke. The reason why he has been muddle-headed all these years is because the ninja's battle affected his village, and the ninja's destructive power made him despair!

He also wanted to control his own destiny and change this chaotic world, so he was attracted to the umbrella!

"Brother Jiraiya, there is no need to talk about the past. Why don't you just follow us from now on? We will take you to join our organization, which is worse than you having no goals now!"

"As long as you have strong abilities, becoming bigger and stronger is not a problem at all!"

"Our organization is very simple, aiming to lead the people to happiness and end the war. As long as you perform well, you can meet the higher-ups. We will have many like-minded comrades!"

Zorro's words touched Jiraiya a little, because he felt that the person in front of him was doing good for him from the bottom of his heart, and the goal of the organization he talked about also made him feel a little relieved. It didn't sound like a cult! It also aroused his interest!

"Brother Zoro, is there anyone more senior than you?"

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes, as if he had received some information from a higher level.

"Yes, of course there are, and I am not afraid to tell you this, but if you want to meet adults at a higher level, you need to have a higher level of awareness and make a certain level of contribution, and finally the higher-level adults will contact you!"

"Of course this is a one-way connection!"

"They are a group of truly admirable people!"

Zorro's eyes showed admiration. Only those who have read the red thought, deeply recognized it, and have their own understanding can truly become a member of the organization!

Higher-level people are all elites!

At the same time, their thoughts are extremely firm!

He also longs to be such a person. If possible, he hopes to be a member of the Spark. In his eyes, although what those people do is very dangerous, it is particularly sacred!

Jiraiya also extracted the information he wanted from it. The person in front of him should have joined this organization for some time, but his status should not be high!

There is no trace of chakra on his body!

An ordinary person, no matter how talented he is, can't be a high-level person in an organization!

Jiraiya's thoughts also remain in the thinking of ordinary people. After all, chakra is everything in this world!

In the end, several people were drunk, leaving only Jiraiya. Well, in the end, Jiraiya paid for the wine for several people and opened a room for them to stay!

In the early morning of the rising sun...

Several people woke up one after another, and remembered what happened yesterday. Zoro saw Jiraiya coming out, happily hugged Jiraiya's shoulders and said,"Let's go, brother, I will take you to participate in the ceremony of joining the organization today!"

Zoro said something to Hayata and prepared to set off with Sosuke and Jiraiya.

On the way, looking at the somewhat remote road, Jiraiya asked curiously:"Is the organization in the deep mountains?"

"Not really, you will know when you come!"

Zoro explained.

Finally, he added:"The current development of the organization needs to be concealed. Although it is now in a semi-concealed state, there are always people who can't stand us doing well!"

Zoro obviously didn't know the reason, and he was just speaking according to his own thoughts.

As time passed, the surrounding trees have begun to grow tall, and the grass is green. It should have rained last night, and the dewdrops are still clearly visible on the grass next to the bushes.

Suddenly, Jiraiya's expression became solemn.

No way, wouldn't his identity be exposed with just a little progress!

In Jiraiya's perception, several auras appeared in front of him, and the leader even had chakra in his body. He should be a robber!

But even the weakest robber is not something that Zoro and Sosuke can resist!

"Oh, it seems that I have no choice but to reveal my identity!"

Jiraiya naturally couldn't watch the people he just met die in front of him!

""Guys, look what we've encountered?"

After they walked a distance, the leader of the thieves jumped out.

In addition to taking Jiraiya, Sosuke and others to a base of the Umbrella Organization, Zoro and his men also purchased a batch of supplies.

Although it was not much, it also made the leading thief excited, because in his opinion, these people were not poor, and there must be oil and water to be plundered!

Sosuke saw a trace of panic on the faces of the newcomers!

Zoro and Hayata showed a playful smile, and Jiraiya was struggling for a while whether to expose himself, so he did not look at Zoro and Hayata.

"Hey! I am the Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku…"

Before Jiraiya could finish his words, Zoro rushed up in a shadow! Hayata followed closely behind, and the two of them attacked directly from the front and the back!

Although the speed was not fast, it shocked Jiraiya a little!

Because they didn’t have chakra, nor did they have the sharpness and murderous aura of a samurai!

Although the power they burst out was only at the level of a Genin, it also attracted Jiraiya’s attention!

"Bull Fist! Moo!"

The sound of a bull mooing suddenly appeared, and Zorro's fist hit the chest of the thief leader!

The thief leader spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string!

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