Chapter 935: A law-abiding and good citizen?

"Kazuya, isn’t Osaka beautiful?"

While eating, Xiaolan asked Heye curiously, Xiaolan hasn't been to Osaka yet.

"Well, if you have time, you can go to Osaka and I will take you there."He Ye nodded.

"Okay, when we go to Osaka, we must find you. Heye, you must entertain us well then."Yuanzi looked at Kazuya and said

"Come on, Tatsu-boy, let’s have a drink. By the way, Hattori-boy, do you want to have a drink together?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Hattori Heiji with drunken eyes and asked Hattori Heiji.

"Forget it, I don’t drink. Alcohol can numb your nerves and affect your judgment."Hattori Heiji decisively refused.

"cut~!"Mouri Kogoro cut it lightly and then drank by himself

"Ri Xiangchen, I heard that you bought the cafe under the Maori Detective Agency. The cafe is not small, so it should cost a lot of money, right?"

Hattori Heiji turned to look at Chen and said

"Not bad, just a small amount of money."Chen said indifferently

"So you are rich?" Hattori Heiji looked at Chen, a glint flashed in his eyes.

Chen glanced at Hattori Heiji, did he want to trick me?

197"Why do you ask this? Do you want to borrow money from me?"

Hattori Heiji's expression froze, why didn't he follow the routine?

"No, I'm not short of money, I'm just curious where your money comes from?"

"how? Do you suspect me of robbing a bank?" Chen glanced at Hattori Heiji and said with a chuckle.

But when it came to robbing the bank, Chen suddenly thought of the one billion yen robbed by Akemi. Now this billion yen has entered Chen's pocket.

"Hey, why are you so rude? Why do you ask so many questions?"Sonoko glared at Hattori Heiji unhappily.

After being scolded by Sonoko, Hattori Heiji stopped talking and sat in his seat, not knowing what he was thinking.

"By the way, He Ye, do you have a place to stay here?"Yuanzi asked Heye

"We haven't found a place to live yet. We just arrived here this afternoon and then went to Xiaolan's office."He Ye shook his head and said

"Then Heye, you and I can live together."

Yuanzi took Heye's hand and said to Heye


Under Yuanzi's warm invitation, Heye refused and agreed to stay at Yuanzi's house.

As for Hattori Heiji, I'm sorry, this person is not welcome in Sonoko. Sonoko can tell that this black man seems to have some hostility towards Chen.

So Sonoko doesn't like Hattori Heiji, and is still angry with Hattori Heiji. Of course she doesn't care about his affairs now.

Of course, Hattori Heiji wasn't here either. He still wanted to exchange some feelings with Conan. It was just right that Kazuha didn't follow him, and Hattori Heiji felt happy before it was too late.

After eating, and about to leave, Xiaolan looked at Conan and asked:"Conan, are you really not going back? Is it really safe to follow him?"

Xiaolan looked at Hattori Heiji in disbelief, and Hattori Heiji was very upset. Not a bad person

"Little brother, I think you should stop following this guy. He can't even take care of himself, so how can he take care of you?"Kazuha glanced at Hattori Heiji with contempt.

Hattori Heiji was very angry. This guy Kazuha actually said that about himself.

"It's okay, Sister Xiaolan"

"Oh well."

Conan insisted on following Hattori Heiji, so Xiaolan had nothing to say but told Conan to pay attention to safety.

"Goodbye Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Heye."Chen left with Koizumi Hongzi and Xiao Ai and drove back home.

"Chen, that Hattori Heiji is investigating you."Koizumi Hongzi reminded Chen

"Just investigate, I'm a good law-abiding citizen and I haven't done anything bad, so what's the use of his investigation?"

Chen's words made Koizumi Hongzi and Xiao Ai look at him with contempt. They actually had the nerve to say such words, so shameless. A good citizen who still abides by the law, if Chen is a law-abiding citizen If you are a good citizen, the souls who die in his hands will shed tears.

"It doesn't matter if he investigates. Anyway, as long as he doesn't cause trouble for me, I don't mind letting him disappear if he does."

Chen said while driving the car.

"Make him disappear? You also know his identity. As his father, if you kill him, it will probably cause a big earthquake."Koizumi Hongzi said with a frown, wanting to remind Chen not to mess around.

"His background is nothing in my eyes. With absolute power, everything is just a cloud." Chen waved his hand and said

"I know you are great, but……"

"No but, you know nothing about my strength."

To be honest, even if he is the enemy of the whole world, the ultimate winner is Chen, so does Chen care about a little Hattori Heizo?

What's more, the one Hattori Heiji and Conan want to target most is the black organization!

Especially... Conan, because he was fed the medicine developed by Xiao Ai, turned into a primary school student, and now he hates the black organization.

Indeed, Hattori Heiji and Conan are discussing how to deal with the black organization.

"Kudo, although I know you are eager, the black organization is hidden too deeply, and it is not easy to find it."

"What's more, the power of the black organization is too strong. Even if we really find people from the black organization, there's nothing we can do." Hattori Heiji said to Conan.

This Hattori Heiji is also very helpless. He is just a detective. It's okay for him to reason, but he is powerless against a huge organization.

"No matter what, I must find them, especially Gin."Conan said seriously.

Find Gin, and then get the poison that was fed to him.

"Doctor, if you can get that medicine, can you research an antidote?"Conan asked Dr. Agasa next to him.

That's right, Conan and Hattori Heiji are now at Dr. Agasa's home.

"I'm not sure about this, because I'm not a researcher specializing in this area."

Dr. A Li shook his head. He didn't dare to vouch for it, because his major was not in that field. Although

Dr. A Li has been involved in drug research, he has only rarely been involved. Even if he obtained the drug ingredients and developed an antidote The probability will never exceed one percent.

Dr. Ali even thinks that even the researcher who created this medicine may not be able to develop the antidote.

This is not the case. Xiao Ai now has information, but he has not been able to find the antidote. It has been researched.

Even the temporary antidote has not been researched.

Because the effect of shrinking is already beyond Xiao Ai's expectation, Xiao Ai also did not expect that there are other drugs she researched. This effect.

Conan frowned when he heard this. He didn’t think about it for the time being. He hasn’t gotten the antidote yet._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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