Chapter 896: Gin was tortured again.

After receiving Conan's call to the police, Officer Megure was also stunned. He had just left the Hire Amusement Park and had not yet returned to the Metropolitan Police Department, but he was about to go there again.

And this time is not an ordinary incident. Kudo Shinichi said that there seemed to be a gun, and it was a sniper rifle. Some international criminal organization was involved.

Yes, Conan reported the crime as Kudo Shinichi, and only in this way would Officer Megure believe it.

Otherwise, with his identity as Conan, it would be easy for Officer Megure to regard him as a prank.

It's not okay to use Mouri Kogoro's identity, because that would easily expose the secret, so he can only use his own identity.

"Officer Memu, hurry up, otherwise there may be casualties."Conan shouted as Kudo Shinichi

"Okay, I know."Officer Megure hung up the phone with a very serious look on his face.

Officer Megure believed that Kudo Shinichi would not lie, so he immediately directed the police car to turn around and go straight to the Nichimori Amusement Park again.

Not only that, Officer Megure also called the police Department, ask the Metropolitan Police Department to send out more police, because Kudo Shinichi said that this is related to international criminal organizations.

A series of gunshots rang out at the Rima Amusement Park, and countless people playing here were frightened.

"This sound should be gunfire, right?"Yukiko was shocked. The gunshots were very dense.

"Gunshots? Why are there gunshots here?"Xiao Lan quickly looked for Chen, but she didn't see Chen or Xiao Ai.

"Chen and Xiaoai are missing, and Conan has not been found. Will they be okay?"Xiaolan was very anxious.

Gin and Vodka were hiding behind a wall. More than a dozen people were surrounding them, all with guns in their hands.

Not only pistols, but also micro-shots, five or six Even if it's gin, I won't dare to expose it, otherwise I'll definitely beat him to death

"Brother, what should we do?"Vodka asked Gin anxiously.

Gin held the pistol and his face was cold. He didn't expect that he would fall into trouble in this place.

"Where did Akira Kimura get so many firearms?"Ginjiu asked angrily.

"Brother, we traded it to him."Vodka said carefully, selling firearms to others, and then others beating them with firearms.

"What a wonderful experience."Chen and Xiaoai found a good place and observed the scene there.

"Do you think they can kill Gin?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"Impossible, they are just relying on firepower to suppress Gin. Once they change bullets, it will probably be time for Gin to fight back."

Chen shook his head and said.

Indeed, when they change bullets, it is Gin's opportunity, but these people are also very smart. When changing bullets, they usually use two microflush to change bullets, and the other firearms keep firing. , taking turns to change bullets.

But even so, the firepower could not be avoided. Gin jumped up and fired five shots, all of them hitting the head.

Then he fell to the ground, rolled around, and hid in an obstacle not far away. later

"His skills are very good and his shots are very fast."Chen said lightly.

Gin's timing was very good, and he hit five people on the head in a row, which also showed Gin's shooting skills.

Among ordinary people, Gin's skill is almost that of a human. It's the limit.

Akai Shuichi is about the same as Gin.

Xiao Ai stares at the distance not far away seriously. Gin's movements seem to be very fast, but in Xiao Ai's eyes, they are like slow motion.

The sound of police cars sounds. , this suddenly shocked the gunmen and put them in a dilemma.

At this moment when they were stunned, Gin winked at Vodka, and Vodka also understood what Gin meant. He stood up directly and pointed his pistol at Aiming at the gunmen, they started shooting, as did Gin next to him. Just like that

, the group was wiped out by Gin and Vodka. Vodka was unlucky to be hit in the shoulder, but it wasn't a big problem.

"The police are coming, we retreat quickly and pay attention to the sniper."Gin said to Vodka.

There was no problem with him. Even if it was a sniper, there was no chance of hitting him, but Vodka couldn't. He was not as strong as Gin.

Gin and Vodka retreated quickly with the help of bunkers. , Conan saw Gin and Vodka retreating, but he had no choice. He wanted to go out and stop them, but thinking about the people who were beaten to death by Gin, he thought it was better to forget it.

"Xiao Ai, do you want to have a drink of gin and wine?"Chen asked Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai looked at Chen and then nodded towards Chen.

"Then follow me."Chen took Xiao Ai's hand, and his figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared at the location where Gin and Vodka had evacuated.

"Yo, this is an acquaintance. You two still know me, right?"Chen looked at Gin and Vodka with a smile.

Gin couldn't help being surprised when he saw Chen suddenly appearing, and immediately pointed the gun at Chen's head.

"I don't want to have a gun pointed at me."The smile on Chen's face is still there, and he is not afraid at all when facing Ginjiu's gun.

"Who are you?"Ginjiu asked Chen

"Brother, have you forgotten the guy you met in the tropical paradise last time?"Vodka covered the wound and said to Gin.

"Oh it's you."

Ginjiu glanced at Chen and Xiaoai. After seeing Xiaoai, Ginjiu felt that they looked familiar.

Xiaoai was very nervous at this time. This was face to face with Ginjiu and the cold-blooded killer of the black organization.

Chenpai He patted Xiao Ai's head and comforted him.


There was a gunshot, and Chen tilted his head to avoid the bullet fired by Gin.

At this time, Xiao Ai moved, and hit Gin with his small fist. Originally, Gin didn't care.

But when the fist hit Gin, Gin felt as if he had been hit by a train, and his intestines were twisted together.

Gin's body flew out and hit him hard. On the amusement equipment not far away.

Vodka swallowed with a gulp, and looked at Xiao Ai in horror. How could this little girl be so strong?

Xiao Ai looked down at his fist, and then saw it being knocked away. Gin, who couldn't get up, was also very surprised, and at the same time he felt a little happy in his heart.

"Chakra was not used. If chakra had been used, Gin would be dead by now."Chen looked at Gin lying on the ground not far away, like a dead dog.

Gin was beaten again, but it was so miserable. Vodka stood there, not even daring to move.

His eldest brother was knocked down. , let alone him. This man and this little girl must be similar to the terrifying characters they met before.

Vodka didn't understand why there were such strong people, but when he saw this man tilting his head, he He dodged the big brother's bullet.

Could it be that this world is not just an ordinary world, but there are also people with extraordinary abilities that are different from ordinary people? At this moment, Vodka's mind suddenly opened up.

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