Chapter 893: Taking Xiao Ai to Paradise

"Xiao Ai, it's vacation now. Don't stay at home and study all the time. I'll take you out to play."Chen said to Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai looked away from the computer, looked at Chen and asked doubtfully:"Where do you want to take me to play?"

"Let's go to the park and play, let's go."Chen pulled up Xiao Ai

"Wait, I haven't decided yet whether I want to go or not."

"What to decide? It’s settled now."Chen Yi waved his hand and said

"Don't make decisions for others without permission."Xiao Ai looked at Chen dissatisfied.

"I saw you holding it in at home and feeling uncomfortable, so I took you out to play."Chen directly picked up Xiao Ai and walked towards the door.

" and I will come down, and I will walk by myself."Xiao Ai said embarrassedly, her cheeks turned red.

"Oh, Xiao Ai is actually embarrassed, her cheeks are red. Chen smiled and poked Xiao Ai on the cheek.

"snort~!"Xiao Ai snorted coldly and looked away from Chen with a cold face.

"Are you going to the amusement park? I happen to be interested too, so I'll go with you. Yukiko said to Chen

"Let's go to the paradise. It doesn't seem to be suitable for you, right?"

"Why is it not suitable? What do you mean by this?"Yukiko glared at Chen angrily.

"Well, if you like to follow along, come along."Chen also had no objection.

After getting in the car, Wuyou took them to the paradise. After seeing this paradise, Xiaoai and Yukiko were speechless.

"How is this paradise? Chen asked with a smile.

Xiao Ai glanced at Chen with a dead eye. This paradise is called Rimai Paradise, which is a paradise specially open to children.

Xiao Ai originally thought it was a tropical paradise, but he didn't expect to come to this place. If I knew it, I would beat Xiao Ai to death without even coming.

"What to do here."Yukiko looked around in disgust.

"So I have already said that this place is not suitable for you, but it is quite suitable for Xiao Ai."Chen touched Xiao Ai's head.

Xiao Ai rolled his eyes, really treating her as a child.

"There's nothing interesting here, it's boring, I might as well be at home."Xiao Ai said

"Don't say that, look at the Masked Superman performance over there, let's go over and have a look."Chen stretched out his hand and pointed forward.


After hearing the sound, Chen turned his head and saw Xiaolan walking towards this side, accompanied by Mouri Kogoro and Conan.

"Xiaolan, why are you here?"Chen was a little surprised when he saw Xiaolan.

"Not yet dad, he wanted to take us to the amusement park, but we ended up here."Xiaolan complained

"By the way, Chen, why are you here?"

"Oh, it was Xiao Ai who wanted to come here to play, so I had no choice but to accompany her."Chen didn't even blink when he lied.

Xiao Mian trembled, raised his little foot and kicked Chen violently, with eyes as if he wanted to kill Chen.

"That's strange, uncle, what newspaper are you carrying behind you?"Conan grabbed the newspaper behind Moori Kogoro.

"This is a rowing newspaper. Uncle, when did you get this newspaper?"

"Give it to me. Children, don't touch things."Moori Kogoro immediately grabbed the newspaper and scratched his head at Xiaolan embarrassedly.

"In fact, it’s pretty good here. Let’s go see Masked Superman. Xiao Ai, you haven’t seen it, right?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"I have no interest in watching such boring stuff."Xiao Ai said with a cold face.

"Yeah, I'm still angry, so it's decided, let's go over and watch Masked Superman."Wuyou took Xiao Ai's hand and walked towards the Masked Superman.

"Then I'll go too, Conan, do you want to go?"Xiaolan asked Conan.

Conan nodded and glanced at his mother. Sure enough, her mother still didn't listen to her and was with a dangerous guy like Ri Xiangchen.

Maybe she should call her father again. Sitting in the audience, watching the performance of Masked Superman in a real leather suit, Chen didn't feel bored, but found it quite interesting.

To be honest, Chen had never seen such a performance, although the plot was very stupid. , but it is very popular with children

"Wow, so handsome."Yukiko yelled.

"Haha, Yukiko-sister is really young."Xiaolan couldn't help but say.

Conan was speechless and even yelled like a child. However, Yukiko is indeed young. Not only does she look young in appearance, but she is also very young in her heart, just like a little girl.

"Xiao Ai, you don’t seem to like watching."Chen looked at Xiao Ai and said

"Do you think I might enjoy watching it?"Xiao Ai said very speechlessly.

"Xiao Ai, you haven't seen it before. I thought you liked it, Xiao Ai."

When Xiao Ai was young, she really didn't watch Masked Superman or anything like that. She started learning when she was a child, and her parents began to teach her.

When she grew up, she was sent to a prestigious school to learn knowledge, basically from As soon as she became sensible in childhood, Xiao Ai began to study.

Thinking about it this way, it felt quite pitiful, although Xiao Ai was used to it.

Soon, the performance of Masked Superman ended, and Chen and the others left here.

"Go play somewhere else. In fact, this place is not only for children, but also has facilities for adults."Chen pointed at the high-altitude bouncer not far away.

"Want to play this? Then you can play, I'll go somewhere else."Mouri Kogoro said immediately.

Mouri Kogoro has acrophobia, a very serious fear of heights. He is afraid of seeing something so high, let alone jumping off.

If he really jumped from above, Maori Kogoro would be afraid He would die on the spot. He would never dare to play this.

"It seems exciting, let's go over and give it a try. Yukiko's eyes were filled with interest.

After a while, Chen and the others came to the high-altitude bouncing place. Xiaolan glanced down and felt a little scared.

Yukiko, who felt very excited before, now feels that jumping here is too exciting. , so I gave up.

"Xiao Ai, give it a try."Chen said to Xiao Ai

"Um!"Xiao Ai nodded and did not refuse.

"Xiao Ai, aren't you afraid?"Xiaolan looked at Xiaoai

"Too relaxed to be scared."Xiao Ai glanced down. Even without protective measures, she dared to jump down. Xiao Ai is no longer the same person as before.

Since she got chakra and learned how to use it, Xiao Ai is now on the smooth wall. There is no problem walking up. The height is less than ten meters, and Xiao Ai can easily land when he jumps.

Of course, he can’t act too shocking here, so Xiao Ai still puts on protective measures and jumps directly.

Feel it. Listening to the blowing wind, Xiao Ai's heart felt calm without causing any disturbance, which made Xiao Lan and Yukiko a little shocked. It was them who really didn't have the courage of Xiao Ai.

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