Naruto God-level System

Chapter 850: Rumble of Destruction


"Hey, can you put on the clothes! I have knitted the clothes for you, why did you take it off!" Ruoyin was puzzled by what the girl did. He once again smashed the clothes made of fur on the girl's Body.

"No, this thing is so uncomfortable, I don't want to live wrapped in weeds all day long!" the girl muttered, "Also, my name is Liluoai, don't call me by feeding it, it's not good at all!"

"Liluoai? I still love Loli!"

Destruction Longyin murmured to himself. He looked at the alive girl in front of him, and lightly took off his clothes. "This turf is uncomfortable to wear. My clothes are fine."

He handed the green shirt to the girl, and he wrapped the turf around. It's so funny, like a hula girl in the rainforest.

Liluoai took Longyin's blue shirt in doubt, she touched it in her hand a little, and then she was overjoyed, "What is this, it's too smooth!"

She wrapped herself in her body and immediately spun around happily.

"This is clothes. This is something we humans have created. There is nothing on your planet. Naturally, there is no human civilization."

"Clothes? Then I will buy a lot of clothes and come back after I go out! I want to spread this kind of clothes in every part of my house!" The home in the girl's mouth is naturally the boiled starfish now.

"Then I am afraid that the year of the monkey will be the year of the horse." Ruoyin shook his head. He is being hunted down now, but if there is no other way, he would never want to come to this planet.

Nothing, not even the energy to supply the spacecraft. It is also said to be a repair tool!

The girl came over in a pitiful way, "Hey, Uncle Longyin. When will your spacecraft be repaired to me? I can't wait to go to other planets to buy clothes." She smiled and looked at Longyin.

Long Yin's forehead was covered with black lines.

I really don’t know where I learned these terms for girls, I know how to buy things, and I know how to call my uncle. By the way, uncle?

I'm going to your uncle's uncle!

Lao Tzu is obviously still a sturdy young man, how could he become an uncle?

He touched the stubble on his face. "Well, I've been avoiding chasing and killing. I haven't repaired it properly for several years." He came under the volcano.

This is a place with iron ore.

According to the girl, when she wandered around the planet, she often saw yellow stones that suddenly ignite. Long Yin didn't even think about it, he knew this kind of thing was sulfur.

If he wants to repair his spaceship, he needs sulfur and iron ore to cast his own tools. These two things can be processed into iron.

Drowling on the surface for a while.

Longyin used sulphur-mixed iron ore to forge the only and first foundry hammer on the planet. "The following is how to solve the energy problem."

Ye Liang slowly looked at the fire-epitting lava mouth.

Beyond the planet.

Millions of extremely advanced spacecraft were hovering around the planet, and above them, a huge battleship the size of a meteor stopped.

On the deck, Mars, the first-level commander in uniform, looked at the boiled starfish. Holding a remote telescope in his hand, he watched for a long time, "Sure enough, Ruan Longyin escaped here." He said with a certainty, and gently put down the telescope. He was surrounded by uniformed soldiers standing tall.

These men were armed with machine guns, and their combat power was on various positions on the deck. At this moment, a muscular man with a bald head came out of the cabin.

He was three meters tall and broke with one hand over his wrist, with a huge iron glove on it!

"Captain! Our spacecraft has been scanned. This planet is filled with the power of the law of time. If I guess it is correct. This is the sea-boiled planet that cannot be approached!" The muscular man reported and walked slowly. Mars in front of him.

Mars nodded, "I found it too! The **** of Kolongyin actually killed so many of our subordinates. Although there are reasons for this, the face of our Interstellar Federation is completely lost!" He threw the telescope on. On the ground, trample it with one foot!

The muscular man looked at Mars, and he knelt on the ground solemnly, "Please order the captain, our task force will immediately go to cook the starfish, and kill them completely with this terrible ruinous sound!" The sound is like Hong Zhong, those standing on the ship The soldiers with guns along the side shook three times in fright.

Mars shook his head. "Don't worry, we are not the only star field that has been hit by him. When the rest of the planets are all coming from outside the field, I want to see that his Destruction Rumble has a few wings, and he can get from our star field. Fleeing under the confederation!" The people around all eased.

Cook the starfish.

After three months.

"I'm asking if you can do it! This turbocharged engine needs a constant melting point before it can be forged. If you do something like this, it will break! If I wait this way, why can I buy beautiful clothes outside?"

"Can you shut up!" Doomed Longyin angrily dropped the hammer in his hand. Over the past three months, he has been repairing the spaceship in front of him day after day, but this woman is in his ears at all hours, why is this bad, that bad?

You can do it!

Long Yin leaned against the tree irritably, and closed his eyes silently.

Liluoai was not happy, but she did not dare to offend the man in front of her. According to Destruction Longyin, he once killed many corrupt subordinates of the Star Federation with a single bridge!

Those people are saints!

He kicked one foot and hit the Star Federation repeatedly called his mother, and then he stopped fighting!

As for why he was hunted down by the Star Federation again?


They dispatched more than 60,000 saints, no matter how strong he destroys Long Yin, it can't be matched! After destroying Longyin punched and killed more than 10,000 saints, he finally escaped from the encirclement of the Star Federation.

These are what he said himself.

Liluoai's eyes flashed and flashed. Although she was yelled at, she was not disappointed. Instead, she looked at Long Yin's face with more admiration.

"If the master had been so good in the first place, he would not have been killed by those saints." Liluo thought secretly in her heart. She stood up and silently came to a small hole in the volcano. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is where she often comes. Whenever Liluo is thinking, she changes back here.

Inside there is a small grave with wooden signs inserted.

Time Daozu

Tomb of Huntianya!

"Master, master, you always say you are the strongest in the world, but more than six hundred saints killed you.


What a trash!

Uncle Longyin is still very good, and one person singles out more than 60,000 saints! I want to go with Uncle Longyin. I have a hunch that he will be my next master appointed by me. "Li Luoai bowed respectfully to the grave.

This is the cemetery of her master, the strongest saint in the world!

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