Naruto God-level System

Chapter 842: Heavenly City

Holy city.

Originated from most of the angelic life.

Judging from the planets in the entire universe, the Holy City of Heaven is even one of the top first-tier cities among angel capitals. Here, the Judgment Crusade alone is tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands!

According to Angel Yan, extraordinary saints exist here!

After Ye Liang settled here, he simply settled down. The high priest of trial responsible for testing Ye Liang's body cells is not in the country. According to his understanding, it takes a few days to return.

Since there is nothing to do, Ye Liang, who has nothing to do, naturally wants to play in the Holy City of Heaven for a while.

Went out.

There are angels with wings on their backs everywhere. There is no human being at all. Human beings are inferior creatures, so naturally they cannot stay on this upper planet which is full of angels.

This made Ye Liang very unhappy.

Fortunately, the beauties here are much more beautiful than human beings. According to the knowledge that Angel Yan told him, the DNA of the Angel family was improved from ancient humans.

Because of ancient humans, women are in charge. Therefore, there are especially many women of the angel family, and they are all beautiful and beautiful, with lupine towels.

After all, women are beauty-loving creatures. With the means to improve their genes, these angels will naturally not let their bodies have any flaws.

After swaying roughly for a while, he suddenly saw a floating sedan chair passing by in the sky. This sedan chair does not have any pulling equipment, it is all based on its own spirituality.

"There are tool-type fairy artifacts here. This is rare." Ye Liang followed the sedan chair for a few steps, but the sedan chair did not wait for him. After a slight turn, it disappeared into the sky.

He was blocked in the crowd, and after a short pause, he stopped.

"This is the sedan chair of the city lord's mansion in most cities. It is said that a distinguished guest came here recently. It seems to have been greeted in the past." Unconsciously, Angel Yan appeared next to Ye Liang unconsciously.

Ye Liang was taken aback, and then he reacted: "Something?" He looked around and didn't see the other angels of judgment.

"Tomorrow, the high priest who will judge the Crusaders will return. At that time, I am afraid that we will consider giving you a bloodline test. If you can reach the standard then you will be included in the roster of thousands of masters. If not." She glanced at it. Ye Liang, the consequences can be imagined.

Ye Liang swallowed, "If you can't, please ask me to be more beautiful." Anyway, he can't escape. Ye Liang has no hope other than this method.

"Sister, are you okay in the afternoon. It's all here, so let me treat you to a meal."

"Are you still in the mood to eat?"

"Of course, after all, it's all a certain thing, even if I don't want to, it's hard to escape the test in the end. It's better to have a meal before the bad news arrives, and it's counted as having fun before I die.


Angel Yan chuckled. It was the first time she saw such a glib creature. When ordinary humans saw them, angels didn't speak at all. The angels who walked with them were judges, and they were more serious when facing their peers. Naturally, it was a lot of fun.

"Then go, I know a very good angel restaurant, since you are about to finish, let's have a full meal." Angel Yan walked to the front with a smile.

My heart was very heavy, but I also relaxed a lot.

Not long.

The two came to a restaurant with a signboard with angel wings.

"Is there a restaurant? The name is too vulgar. You don't have a slightly higher-end restaurant in Angel City." Ye Liang complained immediately as he looked at the restaurant that was a bit shabby and very likely to fall.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

"It's simple, if you have the ability, please. Next to it is our Angel Clan’s largest Jinling Restaurant. It is the most luxurious one on all planets in this star field. The food inside is not to mention vegetables and fruits, even if you want to eat Dragon Heart Demon. Dare, they are all here. But the price, haha, I guess I can’t afford it if I sell you!"

"Then this one."

Ye Liang took Angel Yan's hand and walked inside. I was surprised at the back and quickly tried to open Ye Liang's arm: "What are you doing! I said that this is the most expensive in the entire Star Territory. If you die, don't catch up with me. If you are eating here, don't say anything. An officer, even if he is the vanguard of our army, I'm afraid he will be marked as a civilian!"

"Don't worry, I don't want you to ask." After Ye Liang said, he pulled him in.

Jinling Hotel.

The largest restaurant in the holy city.

Sure enough, just as Angel Yan said, Ye Liang was startled by the decoration inside as soon as he entered. The wall is a special kind of very expensive special spiritual stone, while exuding aura, it will also have bursts of elemental power.

Ye Liang just went in for a stop, and his own cultivation level immediately rose like the tide.

The tables and chairs are made of special alloys. From the appearance, they should all be special alloys that are enough to build legendary artifacts. If you take out any of these things, I'm afraid you can get a low-end planet!

Looking at the angels who are eating here.

Sure enough, they are all rich people!

The man's temperament is dusty, dignified and free. Not only were they long and handsome, but even their behavior was so brilliant that Ye Liang couldn't catch up with him when he patted a horse.

There is no need for women to say.

"Ye Liang, get out! It's too late to go out now. If we wait for the young man to ask about the menu, we will know that we don't want to go out safely!" Angel Yan grabbed Ye Liang's clothes corner as if pulling out.

But she is a woman.

Angel Yan is not as strong as Ye Liangqiang. At this time, he exerted his strength, but he still couldn't pull Ye Liang's body at all.

"Little Er, bring me the best and most expensive food here!" Ye Liang shouted loudly. As soon as he said this, the eyes of the people around him all projected over. Mobile phone, remember ".xs." in one second, provide you with wonderful novels, read

These people are all nobles of the angel At this time, when they saw Ye Liang on the cheeks of their clothes, they immediately showed unhappy expressions.

"Where did this soil bun come from? I don't know if this is the most lofty Jinling Hotel in our Sky Star Domain. If you are acquainted, leave as soon as possible, or you will be beaten to death. Don't blame me for not reminding you." A male angel noble sneered coldly.

He is the highest standing person here, with a military rank on his shoulders, and he should be a member of the Judgment Crusade.

"This is a forward officer of the Crusades, and his status is much higher than mine. If you listen to him, go quickly, or you really won't be able to leave for a while." Angel Yan pulled Ye Liang and continued to persuade him.

Ye Liang ignored him.

He walked to a bench and lay down casually: "It's worthy of being the largest restaurant in the Sky Star Region. Just sitting here, the whole person feels inexplicably comfortable. Yan, if you say yes, I will invite you to dinner. Why keep sticking at the door? If you block the sight of those noble officers, I'm afraid they will be sprayed with dung again."<>showbyjs(\'Naruto God-level system\');<><>;<><>; <>(Naruto God Level System)

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