Naruto God-level System

Chapter 837: Corpse

Ye Liang inspected here and soon discovered the existence of the will of the saint.

Right at the heart of the dragon's bones!

Glowing slightly, like a cloud of mist.

Ye Liang smiled. He didn't go directly, but looked around. There are still many remains of saints around here, so why not give up easily?

"What are you doing?" Tu Yao asked.

"Pick up corpses!"

"Pick up corpses?"

For a moment, Tu Yao was taken aback, and he saw Ye Liang approach a certain dead bone: "You don't want the saints here, but you want to find those useless things?"

Ye Liang ignored it, he slid from under the dry bones and directly got an indestructible spatial ring. It hasn't been damaged after hundreds of thousands of years. One can imagine the material of this space ring.

"I just don't understand. These things are all left by famous human masters. Since you can't get the true meaning of the saints, why don't you take these things away?" Ye Liang's reincarnation eyes saw countless Energy items.

"Hmph, it's a human item, how can we monsters look good. Besides..." Butcher's face dimmed for a moment: "The seal of the ancient powerhouse, we little monsters can't open it. When we grow up, I don’t need it again. What can I do if I get these things stuck here, I can’t get out if I can’t get out!”

He hit the ground with a punch, his body undulating and breathing.

Ye Liang ignored him, he carefully observed the ring, and after finding that there was no danger, he stuffed it into the system space. In this way, he quickly found a lot of rings with each step.

"The system helps me check whether there is anything that can be used in it." Ye Liang said. He just finished speaking, suddenly there was a row in front of him, only he could see the list. Mobile phone, remember ".xs." in one second, provide you with wonderful novels, read

"Arrows with demon-breaking power *377"

"The spell of the ability to break evil *475621 sheets"

"Pills to prevent the invasion of evil spirit *44571 bottles!"

"Equipment *421 pieces of power to defend against demons" These are things that have the power to fight demons. There are also some miscellaneous things, probably in the form of tens of millions, and the number of spirit stones and currency can not be counted!

The system can't detect the names of these items. After all, her current power can only detect some general functions, and the immortal world and the outside world are no longer the current system.


Hearing what the system said, Ye Liang was overjoyed!

These ancient powerhouses did not come in casually!

In order to absorb the true meaning of the saint, they carried a lot of defensive items. Although it failed in the end, these things have been preserved forever.

"If I use all these things on me, I might not get the so-called true meaning of the saint!" Ye Liang looked up at the white bones farther away. There were still many precious space rings, in order to prevent carelessness. He would naturally not let the loss of Jingzhou go, so Ye Liang walked over slowly.

The Monster Slaughter looked bored behind him, and he was rummaged nearby when he was idle.

"Weird, these still have some rings. Why didn't this kid take them?" He reached out to grab some rings that were visible. These things were in the middle of the road, although Ye Liang revealed them.


Slaughter Demon's eyes swayed!

Just when he touched this ring, his own demon power couldn't help but drill into that white bone body! He was taken aback, and immediately wanted to step back.

But with this second of effort, everything is a foregone conclusion!

Slaughter Demon's body was gradually drawn by the white bones, and the flesh and blood of his body gradually melted away, even faintly moving towards the white bones!

"What are you doing!" Ye Liang shouted loudly!

With the momentary abnormality of the demon power, Ye Liang, who was far away, immediately reacted: "Let go of that ring immediately, there is the divine sense of the ancient strong man in there!"

Ye Liang didn't take these rings away because of some power he couldn't fully eat. In his eyes, on some of the more obvious rings, there was a lot of lifelessness!

This shows that the owner of this ring has not resolved his grievances, his soul may be divine consciousness, supernatural powers, or other art! Still attached to these rings.

Ye Liang didn't want to fight against an unknown ancient powerhouse, so he avoided these things.

But Slaughter Demon was miserable, he tried to let go, but it was useless. The body of the Holy Spirit is not even less than half a second. When Ye Liang arrived, nearly half of his body had been melted away by the ring!

"help me!"

The Monster Slaughter roared miserably, Ye Liang was taken aback and threw the Devil Breaking Talisman forward. This was just found from those rings, its power is unknown, but something used by the ancient powerhouse, I think it should not go wrong.

A small mushroom cloud appeared.

The body of the white bone and the monster Slaughter was all wrapped in this mushroom cloud, and Ye Liang was also pushed into the distance by the explosion. He wrapped himself with the law of defense, and finally he was not injured, but the situation of the monster Slaughter is unknown.

The ghost knows what happened to him...

When the mushroom cloud passed, Ye Liang was pushed to more than 20 meters.

Although it is a mushroom cloud, the scope is not large. After all, it is exclusive to the strong. It should only increase the power without increasing the scope of action, otherwise it would not be justified to hurt others and self.

The corpse of Slaughter Demon was blown into two pieces, his lower body was left in the ring, and his upper body was severely broken far away. It seems that when the spell exploded, it pushed it to one side, but the absorption force of the ring was still greater than the speed of the explosion, causing him to be torn in half by two forces!

"Are you OK."

Slaughter Monster rolled his eyes, and it didn't look like he was all right.

Vientiane Tianyin!

With a move, Ye Liang directly took the Slaughter Demon into the portable space. The problem now is not the Slaughter, but the ring that absorbed the flesh of the Slaughter!

The bone beside him got up.

The suction power of the ring just now was to transform the monster Slaughter's body onto the white bone. With such a blink of an eye, the thing has basically healed.

Butcher's body is three meters tall!

His general body is basically enough for a human bone to obtain all the flesh. Looking at Ye Liang at this time, the black air between his brows flickered!

The saint is complete!

"Sure enough, all the bones here are the strength of the Saint Dzogchen!" Ye Liang's thoughts moved, and he naturally saw the strength of this person.

"Kakaka, I didn't expect the means of reincarnation I reserved until now to be realized. These nasty monsters, so many of our human treasures, they all ignore them, they really look down on us humans!" This person ruthlessly scolded. Way!

Ye Liang looked at it confidently.

This man has a strong body and a heavy face!

A bald head, it seems that it hasn't grown its hair, and its body has no clothes. <>showbyjs(\'Naruto God-level system\');<><>;<><>;<>(Naruto God-level system)

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