Naruto God-level System

Chapter 812: The whereabouts of the antidote

"My name is Mika. I can call me Xiaomi or Xiaoka." This person said. He walked in front of Ye Liang and soon came to the entrance of the sewer somewhere.

He lifted the lid and took Ye Liang down.

"So Xiaomi, do you know the whereabouts of the Dan Palace, and when you come next time, you will come to this place called the Dan Palace." Ye Liang asked, arching his hands.

He was respectful and didn't dare to offend this only acquaintance.

"You are here to find an antidote. These days, most people who come here are for this antidote. This queen of Naga is really hateful. In order to give that devil a risk enough sacrifice, I will take those poisoned fish all year round. Send it to the outside world. Once someone is poisoned by poisoned fish, they must come here to find an antidote.

If you are caught by the Naga, you will inevitably be picked up and sacrificed. "

"That's it, I'll just say how easy this road is." Ye Liang followed Mika to the depths of the sewer. There are still many people here, and they all frowned when they saw Mika coming.

"Mika, who is this? I don't know our undercover plan is top secret!" A cockroach man with first two beards stood up. This person and the sea cockroach that attacked Queen Naga should be the same creature. Except for the small size, the other appearances are almost the same.

When he saw Ye Liang coming, his face showed dissatisfaction.

"This is Ye Liang, also a foreigner who has been poisoned by Queen Naga. Now I am looking for an antidote. I happened to meet him and brought him here."

"That's it?" The cockroach man still had no good looks: "You can't let him stay here. In case of his undercover, the identities of those of us will be exposed!"

Several other monsters around came over.

Mika shook his head: "He has met our monsters!"


Sudden silence!

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding demon zerg tribes were all stunned on the spot, their noses sobbing, and tears oozing from the corners of their eyes: "What you said is true!"

The cockroach man walked in front of Ye Liang: "Boy, what are you saying is true?" He asked again.

Ye Liang thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes, on a certain island above, I encountered a sea snake attacking your monster clan there. After helping me, I got your clan's guidance.

He told me that the detoxification potions are hidden in this lost ancient capital. "

As soon as these words came out, the people here were quiet a lot.

"Indeed, the Naga seems to be planning some special action these days. It is reasonable to say that you should not continue to attract outsiders to worship at this time. If you don't have a family, you really don't know the clues to detoxification." After hearing his words, Mika nodded heavily.

The mantis man was still suspicious: "Then you tell me what the same clan looks like? It's not that I suspect you, but that there are too many holes in your words!

Although our demons have the same status as humans, there are not many good people. Are there few who can calmly tell you clues? "

He is saying that his race is bad.

When the surrounding clan members heard the cockroach man's words, they nodded their heads convincingly: "Boy, he's right. We Monster Clan really don't have a good temper?

Since you said that it was our people's guidance, you should always know their looks. "Ye Liang really thought about it after listening.


Lobster man?

Or Crabman?

Although he was still puzzled in his heart, he still described the aliens of the two aquatic creatures. Those monsters who heard Ye Liang's words turned black on the spot!

"Are you sure this kind of just described is our kin?" The mantis immediately questioned. The appearance of the monsters is very strange, just like the insects on the earth.

There are tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of different species alone.

Ye Liang's description is similar to lobsters and crabs. If it is the deployment of the Naga tribe, they still believe it, but if it is their clan, these people are a little strange.

When the monster named Mika heard this description, he also coughed weirdly. But Ye Liang was brought in by him, and he couldn't let these people attack him.

"Maybe it's just two people who look like aquatic products, you still believe him." I don't believe this...

Ye Liang was embarrassed.

He had thought that those aquatic animals were not Zerg, but the other party always insisted. Now that these monsters are so weird, they feel that their faces are dull.

But the mouth still wins: "It is indeed a long lobster-like insect." Everyone around was staring at him like a fool.


"did you find it?"

When Ye Liang first entered the group, the Naga clan outside was already crazy!

The capital is invaded.

Queen Naga was actually attacked by outsiders inside her home! The faces of the Naga tribe are basically lost! In order to save face, many young Naga soldiers volunteered to join the hunting troop.

The appearance of the outside world has been covered with footprints. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ye Liang followed these people through the underground waterway. They were avoiding Naga's pursuit. When these people learn of their existence, naturally they will not let go of every corner of the surface.

They have discovered the underground passage just now.

"Going around the crossroads ahead is the Dan Palace, but we said in advance that we can't follow you up. We are not as flexible as you. If we encounter the Naga clan, we will never escape from their hands.

You are different. Since you can break into this place, you obviously have a unique means of concealment, so you can take this short distance. "Mika said, leading the team to a sudden stop.

Ye Liang looked at the environment above, and then nodded: "Okay, then I would like to thank my brothers for your help." He turned his head just about to leave.

"I won't break my word for what I said before, and please trust me." Ye Liang's front was about to be besieged by the monster clan, and as a result, he showed his skills a little bit and shocked the monster clan.

In the case of **** greetings, he also understood the condition of these people.


These people were sent into the Naga by the Monster Clan as spies hundreds of years ago. But with the passage of time, the demon zerg from the outside world has reduced their contact with them, and even in the past 100 years, they have not contacted them once, and they are almost desperate!

When Ye Liang wore a black robe and was interrogated by the naga, Mika who had been on the ground spying on news happened to find him. Then he launched an attack, trying to rescue Ye Liang from the naga.

Of course, the final result disappointed them!

"Understood, we will wait for you, so you should go back and forth quickly. Recently, the Naga clan has had a huge movement. If it is too late to rush back to the monster clan, I am afraid that something big will happen!"

Ye Liang promised to help them escape.


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