Naruto God-level System

Chapter 804: Already known

Women are always so impermanent!

The strange power demon seems to be a female too. She completely retains such a custom. At this time, facing Lucy, she is even more bitter than Ye Liang!

Lucy held the scorching sword against her chest tightly.


People fly!

Before even a moment had time to stop, Lucy was directly blasted to the place by the claws of the strange power demon, and she didn't even see the afterimage of the slightest stay.

"How could it be so weak?" Ye Liang frowned. I was expecting to complete the task casually, but the angel in front of her was actually weaker than her self.

He wanted to watch, and had to intervene at this time!

Just as Ye Liang faced the demon in front of him alone, Lucy Hart Sophia’s eyes slowly closed. She looked at the figure behind Ye Liang, but she became more puzzled: "Why is your figure so familiar? Where do you seem to have seen it again?"

Her eyes lit up and she remembered what happened a few days ago.


"Hey, you scumbags, I finally got rid of it." Lucy walked along the deserted mountain stream. This is where demons are rumored to exist.

She had sent the soldiers to confirm that there was indeed a trace of the devil. She stunned the soldiers and came here alone. Only by killing the devil alone can you get the badge of the empire.

Lucy is the queen daughter of this planet.

She is a noble, but also the royal family among nobles. It's a pity that his brother left the planet when he was very young, and has never returned. Lucy, who grew up, insisted on coming to this mountain range in order to find his brother.

"Why can you only leave by killing the ninth-order demon! Father's command is too traditional, and other planets can go down the mountain at the first-order!" She muttered, without a trace of terror.

"It is said that the two soldiers can't even fight the bugs of the Void Race, and they brag about seeing the Kazan Demon here, probably to report nonsense to me, so Miss Ben is so good to lie!" She crossed a stream. , And gradually approached the position the soldier said.

In front, several sad screams suddenly sounded! It's like ten thousand beasts encountering the disaster of extinction, the ruthless beast roar almost shatters the forest!

In just a second, Lucy jumped onto the tree from the ground! She slowly approached, and soon saw the most amazing picture ever!

I saw a high-speed moving figure shuttled through the jungle, beside him, several figures of the Void Race came down. There was hardly a living place wherever he went.

Behind him, a tall monster demon was still lying dead in a deep pit. If his arm were not still outside, Lucy probably didn't know the situation!

"Who the **** has such terrifying strength!" Lucy quickly closed her eyes, her wings closed, and a phantom swayed in her body.

"Invisibility can temporarily shield the breath. Unless a saint, no strength can be seen through. Let me see what kind of monster it is that can do such a thing!"

She followed the figure and quickly returned to the foot of the mountain. Here, a huge flame demon was eating a human corpse, the soldier who was concealed by Lucy!

Lucy's eyes were full of fear.

And the figure in front of him is indeed fearless of the creature in front of him, he flashed a little, and hit the devil's head with a punch! With another punch, this time the devil's skin was open and fleshy, although there was no death, the head was swept away by the figure!

Lu Tibet shivered here.

As a little angel, she has lost her basic curiosity, and her original intention to uncover the positive purpose of others is also deeply hidden in her heart.

The devil outside roars!

He seemed to be unprepared for this sudden attack, and immediately drew backhand to the face of the figure! This attack is different. The devil is as high as a small building, with a sea of ​​fire burning on his body. If such an attack is concentrated, it can completely cover the entire body of the figure!

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The figure did not dodge.

He stretched out his hand, with his fingers slightly in front, directly piercing the devil's palm! The hot flame burned on the figure, just like the warm water that I usually drink, without any reaction at all.

Lucy, hiding behind the tree, still mustered her courage.

Without him.

This flame demon fighting against the figure is the demon Kazan she has been looking for! When the entire ninth level is changed to an immortal, that is the Great Perfection of the Holy Spirit, and it is only one step away from the existence of the saint.

Lucy knows!

His own father is no more than the strength of the saint, this demon may even kill his own father!

"Who is this man? Why is he so strong? How can he be so strong! He shouldn't be stronger than our angel race!" Lucy was shocked.

Outside the entire domain.

The strongest race is the angel race!

They provide protection for all the weak and small lives outside the domain to prevent those violent demons and the harm of the Void Race. UU reading www. But Lucy knew that an angel with the strength of a saint could already be the overlord of one party, and the man in front of him was more powerful than his father!

This is incredible.

"If it were him, maybe it could make me the one who defeated the devil!" Lucy's pupils moved. The idea of ​​apprenticeship came directly into her mind.

The battle continues.

Kazan Demon is a rumored demon. Although the realm is a bit worse than Ye Liang, the strength should not be underestimated, especially the vitality!

Ye Liang didn't get any benefit from his hands after exhausting his physical strength, but he suffered a lot of injuries: "Unfortunately, if he could use his spiritual power, I would have killed him long ago. It's really cheating."

"The host can try the power of the law. Although the aura cannot be used, the law should be usable. The system detects that there are a lot of laws in this world, which are very similar to the power of the laws you have mastered."

"Oh? Is there anything else?" Ye Liang immediately became happy after hearing this. He turned his palm slightly, and a round of flame halo attached to the law struck the demon in front of him.

Although not as good as spiritual power, this flame halo is after all a combo skill played by the law of flame and the law of strengthening, and now that Ye Liang's strength is soaring, it is enough to kill some immortal existences.

Ye Liang is a saint.

This kind of trick is more than enough to kill the saint.

After the fire, the Kazan demon who controlled the power of the flame was left here forever by Ye Liang. He jumped a little, and left directly from this area.

Lucy slipped out from behind the tree, and she did not reveal her identity until the end. Because of fear! No one can guarantee that an unidentified strong man will do something to her girl in this deserted jungle.


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