Naruto God-level System

Chapter 690: Guard the entire clan out!

"What's the matter? I was able to frighten you back then, but now I am the same!" Ye Liang continued to open his Fudge Dafa. He wants the boy to get out, so even if he protects the queen, he can also learn the saint clan exercises for a few more days with the girl.

When everything came to pass, he was leaving here with the power of the time ring.

It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

Unfortunately, this method did not succeed because of Ye Liang's flicker.

The boy was not in front of Ye Liang at all. He widened his eyes and raised his hand slightly. With a ‘swish’, more than a dozen holy people with a terrifying aura walked out of the void.

Their strength is around the Holy Spirit, although they are not as good as boys, but they are all first-class saint masters.

At this time, Ye Liang was besieged, and Ye Liang could be wiped out by just one person, and this many masters, from the perspective of cost performance, were already too overloaded.

"I'm going to your uncle!" Ye Liang scolded his mother in his heart!

You just say you are a big boss!

You are a big man with so many soldiers when you go out. Even if he is the king and the protagonist in a certain novel today, it may be difficult to escape here.

The power of more than a dozen holy spirit level immortals has greatly exceeded his expectations.

The girl in the distance opened her eyes wide.

She didn't expect that the arrogant and arrogant boy had recruited so many generals even though he was evenly matched, and even the saints had faces and faces.

"These old guys are shameless!" The little girl immediately wanted to rush out, but at this moment, a thunder suddenly exploded in the sky!

Then, more than a dozen powerful men of the Holy Spirit realm fell from the thunder.

They were awe-inspiring, a little clad in Caixia, with a giant python around their waists, and what's more, even after they appeared on the stage, their bodies were still covered with electric light.

This person actually used the power of Tianlei as a spiritual energy for cultivation!

"Heaven immortals, how is this possible! You immortals should not live with Tingyuan, how come from the mortal world? Could it be that you are in the shadow of me!" He looked at Ye Liang.

Ye Liang shrugged innocently when he saw the boy sweep towards him. He knows a fart! Ye Liang himself was frightened by this posture, and even when the immortal arrived, there were faint signs of retreat.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a casual guy like you. I'm good at singles, and naturally these people weren't from me." Although he was flustered, Ye Liang still held his B position unchanged. demeanor.

He stood among the immortals, and his whole person looked so energetic.

"We are the guardian clan that guards the mortal world. You monsters have seriously affected the order of the mortal world. There can be no immortals in the mortal world, nor can there be immortals in the mortal world!" A leading guardian clan stood up.

He was wearing a purple gown and a purple sword slung around his waist. As soon as he stepped out, there was a blue-purple virgin pregnancy circulating around him.

These people have been famous for many years. Although their realm is only the realm of the Holy Spirit, it is only because of the constraints of the world. Once they reach the realm of the immortal, all these people are immortals and saints in charge of the sun and the moon!

At this time, everyone was dispatched, and the demons were already shocked!

"Guardian Clan? How is this possible! That guy is also an immortal, why didn't you send out before! As far as I know, any immortal, as soon as he is discovered, he will naturally be driven out immediately, but this guy has stayed in the mortal world for so long, You didn't even start with it, and now our holy race has just gone out, you are all out!

Is it too much! "

"Huh! What a saint is not a saint! This kid was indeed with a fairy before, but the female fairy has been away for a long time, and now there is no fairy beside him.

It's you!

It was not easy to see your holy race holy spirit cultivation, and did not kill you, but you are not grateful for bringing so many holy race veterans to the earth!

The colorful demon masters of your holy race don't put our guardian clan in their eyes! "The leader glared at the boy with no doubt.

The boy's heart is awe-inspiring!

It was only now that he realized that Ye Liang's realm did not reach the immortal at all. The first time he saw him was in the surveillance, and there was Zi Ling beside him at the time, and he mistakenly thought that Ye Liang was just a fairy.

Later, when the Lord of Nightmare Wolf died on the spot, he thought Ye Liang was a fairy. Now that I learned the words of the guardian clan, I was very upset on the spot!

Last time I came to the palace, I should kill Ye Liang directly!

Now that the guardian clan is ushered in, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me and others to return to the big plan! I can only fight desperately with these guardians!

"Generals, these old guys are powerful and will not let us go back! Since we hate so much, we should fight with them. I believe that with our strength, even if we lose, we can completely pave the way for the next army. !

The glory of our holy race must not stop here! "

The boy commanded his subordinates with certainty, but his eyes never left Ye Liang.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you!"

After the boy ordered the generals to charge, he flew towards Ye Liang. The number of people on his side is 18, and the number of immortals on the other side is 14.

Although their magical powers are weaker than those of the guardian clan, with the advantage of their numbers, people like themselves can also delay for a while! The boy wanted to use the delay of his subordinates to bypass the guardian family and directly kill Ye Liang!

His **** level is not comparable to Ye Liang's current strength.

The boy flew directly over.

Ye Liang was taken aback.

After he discovered that the other party was carrying hatred, he naturally knew that he could not deceive. He shrank back, UU reading www. several instantaneous skills quickly opened up the distance, and then opened the triple Rashomon.

Although this kind of trick cannot resist the boy's power, it can disrupt the opponent's vision within a short time. Ye Liang followed Rao Luo of Rashomon and directly used the earth to escape and penetrated into the open space of the palace!

Today the guards in the palace were expelled by the royal family. At this time, except for the queen and others who had just left, there were no other people waiting here for a long time.

This is the best battlefield!

"Asshole, you come out for me, what kind of a hero who hides his head and tails like this!" the boy scolded in the sky. He observed Ye Liang's position left and right, although he didn't know where he was, but the boy who locked his breath from the beginning naturally knew that Ye Liang was hiding near the court.

Just like a poisonous snake, looking for his own flaws.

"This guy is really tricky, but his brains are average. Since he was born in the demon world, then use his IQ to play tricks!" Ye Liang wanted to drag the guardian tribe to victory, so naturally he would not take the initiative to fight. ! Latest URL:

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