Naruto God-level System

Chapter 401: Rounds

Latest website: Ginguo smiled: "Well, now that I have rescued you, I will ask you for the next thing."

"of course."

Ye Liang nodded, and he turned to look at the magic dance next to him: "After a while, you will hide directly in the magic dance's room. When the security check comes, you will be said to be our secretly hired staff, so you should be able to pass."

"En." Ginguo nodded in agreement. During the conversation, her body slowly faded, and finally disappeared under everyone's eyes!

"It's another spatial alien technique!" Ye Liang thoughtfully, and at this time, the grunt of scars behind him completely attracted their attention.

I saw that as the real victim of this incident, Scar was still lying in his cell snoring and sleeping. Ginguo did not rescue him, because saving him now would only make things more complicated.

Mo Wu solemnly looked at Ye Liang: "I will talk to General Demon Tiger about this matter, but I don't have the slightest clue about Huangquan Power. I can only rely on you."

Ye Liang raised his hand and made an OK gesture. He already had a plan for this.

The next day.

The Qiming was quiet.

The Qiming guards who were supposed to arrest people everywhere have all terminated their wanted. And the leader Xue Haisheng swaggered to eat and drink coffee in the leisure area.

Mo Wu was on the way to talk with Mohu.

Ye Liang silently pretended to be a guard, and he sneaked into Xue Haisheng's troops.

"I said, although my lord does not intend to check it! But I have been negligent so I am afraid that people will gossip."

Recreation area.

Xue Haisheng was bragging in it, and the guard next to him finally couldn't stand it anymore. They know that Scar will not be the murderer, but Xue Haisheng, who is in charge, doesn't care at all!

They have nothing to do.

"Are you saying that I did not do the right thing?" Xue Hai looked coldly at the subordinates who advised him. He raised the peanuts on the table and sprinkled it on his face.

"Trash! You need to check it yourself! I said that the scar is the murderer, then he is the murderer! Who dares to say that it is not!" He was angry, and the people below did not dare to resist him.

Ye Liang frowned.

He is now disguised as a guard of Xue Haisheng, originally intending to use the identity of the guard to explore all the rooms of the Qiming ship, but Xue Haisheng is now like a bird, he has no way to develop!

"No! You must make this kid move, otherwise the murderer will never be found within three days!" Ye Liang looked at the person next to him.

These people are all veterans of the Qiming, if it weren't for Xue Rulong's relationship, how could they allow Xue Haisheng to take off his pants and **** on their heads.

Slapped it long ago.

In order to arouse the dissatisfaction of these old people, Ye Liang pretended to stand up: "Our Haisheng boss can still lie to you! He said it was killed by a scar, it was killed by a scar!

You are just messy messengers, don't follow our boss to eat and drink, and pretend to be honest! "

"YouTM!" Hearing Ye Liang's words, these old people on the Qiming ship suddenly became annoyed. Originally, they thought Xue Haisheng's words were just suspicious, but now they heard Ye Liang's words and immediately reacted.

This Xue Haisheng just didn't want to investigate the case, he was just doing things perfunctory.

Xue Haisheng didn't see the dissatisfaction of the guards, but gave Ye Liang a thumbs up: "I didn't expect that your little guard would have such awareness.

In the future, you will mix up with me, and I will protect you from your success and buy the listed real estate within two years! "

"Thank you, big brother, then." Ye Liang arched his hand at him.

At this time, the guards finally couldn't stand it!

Perfunctory! How did you get the Qiming ship?

How can I bear this!

They immediately drew out their saber! On War Star, whoever has a hard fist, listens to it! Even if you are Xue Rulong's nephew and have no ability, don't even think about taking your seat!

Xue Haisheng, who just took a sip of coffee, finally realized something was wrong.

He just wanted to sit up when he was put on his neck by a saber!

"Xue Haisheng, duel!" a guard called. Seeing him like this, the guards nearby raised their sabers.

Judging from their looks, they will never give up.

Xuehai was stunned!

He thought he would greet these guards with delicious food and drink, and they would definitely give him face. Unexpectedly, these guards are actually more fierce than donkeys!

I'd rather offend him, a member of the Xue family, to find out the truth!

Xue Haisheng may not know that the three prince Mohai had been growing up in the barracks. His death had a great impact on the guards, and it was no longer a simple assassination.

It is impossible to cause mutiny!

"What the **** are you doing! I am Xue Rulong's nephew, if you kill me! My uncle will not let you go!"

Seeing that things were about to become a big deal, Ye Liang stood up.

"Everyone, wait, since everyone is arguing about this, how about taking a middle number?"

"Middle number?"

The guards were taken aback for a moment, and then cast their eyes on him.


Ye Liang glanced at Xue Haisheng with a smile: "It's probably like this. Brother Xue said Scar is the murderer, but you think there is someone else, so how about you just catch the murderer yourself?

As long as you find evidence, I believe Master Xue will never turn a blind eye. "

Hearing Ye Liang's words, Xue Haisheng immediately fell into deep thought.

"Indeed! If these guards catch the murderer, they can just trouble the murderer, and if they can't catch it, they will have a scar!

Neither side suffers. "

He immediately looked at Ye Liang with a smile: "This is a good strategy! Since you are not satisfied with my judgment, just find it yourself!

If you find the murderer, I will definitely not talk nonsense! "

He was more satisfied with Ye Liang now.

The guards looked at each other.

"But we don't have a search warrant, and we don't have the right to ask the guests on the ship." The guard asked again. The Qiming ships are all nobles. If you want to interrogate these nobles, you naturally need a search warrant issued by Xue Rulong.

If there is no search warrant, those nobles will not be able to kill you at all!

Ye Liang suddenly arched his hand at Xue Haisheng: "Please rest assured, as long as the adult gives the search warrant to me, I will give you the truth!"

Xue Haisheng was dulled The search warrant is the authority of the commander, and it may cause great inconvenience if it is handed over. However, seeing that it was Ye Liang who made this, he immediately relieved.

This young man is very reliable, so he can trust him.

He reached into his chest.

Not long.

All the Qiming guards who had been stationed in the major leisure areas were all mobilized!

Ye Liang led the charge.

He took the search warrant given by Xue Haisheng and hurried to the noble area.

If you want to practice the powerful Huangquan technique, ordinary people will definitely not be able to contact, but the nobles are the best target.

He pushed open a door.

"The police rounds the ward, and everyone who knows squats down for me!"

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