Chapter 994 Cheung Pa’s Gamble

Mukuro stared at dozens of Qi Yuan Zhan and flew towards Xiangpa, but his mood was actually quite complicated.

As far as his personal opinion is concerned, of course he doesn’t mind killing Xangpa, but in front of Birus and the two angels, Mukuro still has some scruples, because he doesn’t know what Birus and the two angels will do. reaction.

In case the two angels and Birus both had the idea of ​​revenge for Xiangpa, Mukuro would not be able to deal with all three of them at the same time.

Maybe he could only use the shuttle box to escape.

This is not the result that Mukuro hopes for.

So Mukuro wanted to teach the elephant a lesson, but didn’t want him to die here.

As Qi Yuan Zhan got closer and closer to Xiangpa, Xiangpa seemed to feel the danger, and quickly flew up, avoiding Qi Yuan Zhan, and then opened his eyes.

He saw dozens of Qi Yuan Zhan flying past his feet, his fat face was covered with cold sweat.

“What kind of trick is that?! It is so powerful!” Xiangpa was shocked: “Damn Birus! Do you really want to keep such a terrifying Saiyan alive?! Maybe he will really be able to live in the future? Beyond us.”


Birus said nonchalantly: “As long as you don’t mess with him, he won’t do anything with us for no reason. What are you afraid of?!”

“Birus! Is that still your style?! When are you afraid of being overwhelmed?!” Xiangpa exclaimed angrily.

“I already told you, it’s not that I don’t want to destroy him, but I can’t do it.” Birus said calmly: “If he wants to run, no one can stop him.”

Billus’ voice sounded tired and old.

Mukuro may be the toughest opponent he has ever encountered in his life.

Just knowing Mukuro’s teleportation, Billus knew that Mukuro was very difficult to kill. Now that he knows that Mukuro has a shuttle box, he has nothing to say.

Bados remembered the moving cube he had seen before, and shook his head helplessly.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads and sighing, Xiangpa became even more angry. The more others said that he was unable to kill Mukuro, the less he was reconciled.

“Since I can’t catch up with you, then I will destroy you and this universe together!” Xiangpa said coldly:

“Even the universe is ruined, I don’t believe you can survive!”

Xiangpa suddenly raised both hands, palms facing each other, and a gas bomb with very high energy density was gathered.

There was also a purple arc flashing on the surface of the gas bomb. Even though Mukuro was several miles away from the elephant, he could feel the paralysis caused by the arc breaking through the void.

You know, this is the power after several kilometers.

If you are with Xiangpa, God knows how much damage that gas bomb can bring.

“Master Xiangpa, it is impossible to do this.”

At this moment, Bados suddenly appeared behind the elephant.

With just one hand, he stopped Xiangpa’s behavior and said, “The God of Destruction is not allowed to destroy the universe. Let’s end the conflict between you and Mr. Mukuro.”

Mukuro didn’t care about winning or losing in this battle, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Bados doesn’t make a move anymore, Mukuro can only use the eye of death.

Backed by the full version of the Super Saiyan God, Blue God, Mukuro has a high degree of certainty to kill the elephant. Of course… if you can solve the problem without doing it, it will be the best result for Mukuro.

“Mr. Mukuro, even I feel a hint of danger in your body.” Bados looked at Mukuro with interest and said: “You are much stronger than before, and you should still be hiding a lot of power. Isn’t his tricks useless?!”

“Who knows?!”

Mukuro shrugged noncommittal and said, “I don’t want to be an enemy of the god of destruction. After this incident, I hope you can restrain the elephant and change the bad temper. He sees that everyone wants to destroy it, but it is not the answer. no.”

“and many more!!”

Although being stopped by Bados and afraid of Bados’s horror, Xiangpa did not dare to resist, it did not mean that Xiangpa Ganxin ended in this way.

“Our battle is not over yet!! Birus, let’s hold a contest between our sixth universe and your seventh universe.” Xiangpa suddenly said.

“Competition contest?! What does this guy want to do?!” Mukuro was obviously taken aback.

In the original plot, Xiangpa was to get the earth, and at the same time underestimate the strength of Goku and Vegeta, before daring to hold the competition.

Now that he has seen his own horror, how can he dare to hold such a competition? ! Isn’t he afraid of defeating his players alone? !

And… what is his purpose for holding this competition? !

Is it still for the earth? !

Birus also flew over and curiously asked: “What do you want to do?!”

Xiangpa coldly snorted: “Huh! Actually, I came to Universe Seven this time mainly to find the wishing balls. Let’s use seven wishing balls as a bet. If your seventh universe can win, you can get my wish. The ball, if you lose, give the earth to me, and the three Saiyans on earth will also give me.”

Mukuro scratched his head, even more unable to understand Xiangpa’s intentions.

What is the purpose of this guy? !

Mukuro didn’t know if it was his own illusion. He always felt that after seeing his powerful combat power, Xiangpa wanted himself more than the earth.

“Why should I promise you?!”

Birus opened his mouth to refute, but Wukong leaned forward.

“Master Billus, please promise him.” Wukong said with expectation: “There must be many masters in the sixth universe, right? I want to meet the masters of the sixth universe.”

“Goku, do you know what’s going on with the sixth universe?!” Mukuro said helplessly: “The sixth universe and the seventh universe are twin universes. If these two universes hold competitions, it means you may meet the sixth universe. Saiyans of the universe.”

“I know, Wes already told me just now.” Wukong said excitedly: “I just know that there are Saiyans, so I want to compare them with them.”

Sun Wukong is indeed this temperament, and Mukuro is speechless.

“Mukuro, what do you think?!”

Billus looked at Mukuro and asked, “If you want to participate, I agree to hold the competition. If you don’t participate, then I don’t bother to agree.”

“Um… I’ll take it anyway.”

Mukuro said nonchalantly, “As long as Xiangpa doesn’t object.”

“Damn it!! How could I object!!” Xiangpa’s fat face flushed red, gritted his teeth and agreed to Mukuro’s entry, then turned and left.

If he refuses to participate in Mukuro, it will be as if he is afraid of Mukuro like Master Pa. But if you let Mukuro participate in the war…

He also felt that his chances of winning were slim, so Xiangpa was quite painful.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?!”

Gohan said suspiciously: “Master Xiangpa has played against Mukuro-teacher. I already know Mukuro-teacher’s strength. Why does he agree to Mukuro-teacher’s battle?! He is not afraid that the fighters of the sixth universe will be defeated by Mukuro-teacher alone. ?!”

“That’s because the sixth universe also has a killer!”

Mukuro opened the mouth and said: “There is a very special warrior in the Sixth Universe. He can’t be dealt with with pure power. Even I have to see his abilities before I know if I can deal with it.”

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