Chapter 922 Teach Vidili

“Ah?! It’s Mr. Mukuro.” Bidili was taken aback, and when he saw that the person was Mukuro, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked at Mukuro bitterly.

Seeing Vidili’s gaze, it was like a little daughter-in-law abandoned by her husband.

Inexplicably, Mukuro felt a little guilty, and smiled awkwardly: “Ahhahaha…well, now I will teach you the martial arts that can fly in the sky, which is dance. The trick is to control the qi in the body flexibly, no It’s difficult.”

“Control your breath?! What…what is that?!” Vidili asked.

“Ah?!” Mukuro was taken aback, only then did he remember that Bidili didn’t know what anger was. Raising his hand, he blasted a wave of qigong randomly, smashing a huge rock beside him.

“Here, this is anger.” Mukuro smiled while looking at Vidili.

And Vidili, who almost didn’t stare out, stuttered: “Ah…uh…this, is this magic?! How did you do it.”

“This is not magic, this is anger.” Mukuro said.

“But… but I have never heard of this kind of magic-like power, never heard of it!! Hey… Isn’t it, can’t you fly without breath?!” Vidili looked nervous. Looking at Mukuro, I was afraid that Mukuro’s answer was no.

“Don’t worry, Vidili.” Mukuro first comforted Vidili, and then said, “Every life has qi in it. It’s just that ordinary people don’t know how to control it. In that case, I’ll teach it first. How do you perceive and use Qi.”

“Huh.” After hearing Mukuro’s words, Vidili breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Mukuro, his expression was full of eagerness and said: “Then… Mr. Mukuro, let’s start quickly. It’s not a long time since this world’s No. 1 martial arts conference. I must surprise my dad by then. .”

Hearing Vidili’s words, Mukuro just smiled, and did not expose Satan’s lies.

Even if Bidili hasn’t sensed the existence of qi now, with the two hands he defeated the robber yesterday, he will definitely be able to abuse Satan.

“First, let yourself calm down, and then slowly channel your qi.”

“Uh… it’s calm, don’t use your body. Relax… yes, relax… and then feel whether there is a flow of air flowing in your body.”

“Attention! Don’t be distracted, you must be focused, and you must concentrate on it.”

Bidili has been learning martial arts since she was a child, and in more than ten years, she has already exercised to the limit of ordinary people, and has already sensed the existence of qi in just half a day…

“That’s right! It’s this… anger! As expected of a martial arts student, the Master has learned the trick so quickly.” Mukuro praised Vidili.

“Hehe…” Vidili was a little embarrassed, her face flushed slightly.

Then he thought of something, his eyes lit up, stood up, looked at Mukuro and said excitedly: “Then, then I can fly now, right?!”

“It’s not working now. You must be able to control your qi freely.”

Mukuro said. Seeing Vidili’s slightly disappointed expression, he paused and said helplessly: “However, you can try it and don’t fly too high.”

“En!” When Mukuro said that he could try, Vidili’s eyes became bright again.

With her shoulders tight, Vidili’s expression was particularly solemn.

After all, it is only the first time to use Qi, of course it will be a little nervous.

“It’s great! It’s floating… I’m so talented, I can float on the first day I learned how to be angry.” Mukuro didn’t hesitate to praise himself.

“Hey…” Mukuro’s praises one after another made Vidili a little shy.

Attention naturally became a little unable to concentrate, and Vidili was a beginner, and the lack of concentration directly led to the inability to control the Qi perfectly.

Vidili, who was out of control, rushed directly into the sky.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Vidili yelled in horror.

The Qi in her body was originally very weak, flying to a height of several hundred meters… it was completely consumed, and then… it fell straight down.

“Uh… awful.” Mukuro murmured.

Scratching his head, he stood up and flew up, hugging Vidili.

You say… Mukuro’s reincarnation pupil has the means to control the repulsion. As long as you hold Vidili with the repulsion, there will be no problem. Why do so much? !

Well, if you ask that, then it is definitely an orphan.

Mukuro won’t ignore such a good opportunity to make a girl.

Holding Vidili, she landed on the ground, and gently placed Vidili on the grass. At this time, Vidili was already flushed, and she was obviously extremely shy.

At this age, it was the first time that Vidili was held by a princess by someone else.

No… It should be the first time I have had such close contact with a man other than my father.

“Don’t worry, this kind of situation will happen to beginners. As long as you are proficient in qi, this kind of situation won’t happen again.” Fearing that Vidili would resist the qi because of this incident, Mukuro had to relieve Vidi. Li, it’s like coaxing a child.

“Um…it’s not too early today, so let’s end here first.” Mukuro looked at the sky, and the sun had already begun to fall, and said aloud.

“Ah?!” Bidili was taken aback, then lowered her head, a little embarrassed: “Then… Then can I come over tomorrow?!”

“Of course, you haven’t learned how to use qi.” Mukuro smiled.

In his heart, Mukuro was silently saying: But how can it be done… The strategy of your plan, now it has just been revealed to start.

“Well, Mukuro, see you tomorrow.” Vidili said excitedly.

The name for Mukuro has also changed from Mr. Mukuro to Mukuro’s elder brother, which is a bit more intimate.

“See you tomorrow.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Vidili nodded heavily, then used the universal capsule to transform into a plane, and then left Xidu on the plane and returned to Satan City.

“What a lovely girl…” Mukuro sighed, then scratched his head with a look of confusion and muttered to himself: “But, how come you feel like you will be unlucky in the future?! Forget it, go home first. Besides, supper should be ready on the 18th.”

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