Chapter 855 Kevlar’s last madness

“How… how is it possible!? Golden… golden arrogant Saiyan!? Actually… actually exists in this world.” Kevela, the closest to Mukuro, naturally feels Mukuro’s strength most deeply. The horror of the horror, can’t help but stare, staring.

And Wukong and Frieza, who were fighting on the side, also stopped their offensive.

“It’s so powerful, it’s Mukuro,” Goku said excitedly. Looking at Wukong’s expression, if he didn’t have his opponents, he would directly challenge Mukuro.

“What… this… how is this possible?!”

Frieza was surprised at first, followed by endless anger and deep fear. Because he can deeply feel how terrifying the aura on Mukuro’s body is! In front of him, he seemed like an ant that could be crushed to death at any time.

Frieza had never felt so weak.

“The golden arrogant Saiyan… how is it possible!? The golden arrogant Saiyan is not just a legend?! Why does it really exist!” Frieza roared in a low voice. At this moment, a retreat has sprouted in my heart. As long as you practice yourself for four months, Super Saiyan! ? Even if it is a stronger fighter, he will never be afraid.

“Can’t you believe what you saw with your own eyes?! It’s really sad.” Mukuro showed a contemptuous smile on his face and walked slowly towards Kvera.

Seeing Mukuro approaching him, Kevera couldn’t help but step back.

“You… damn Saiyan monkey! What do you want to do?! Get out of here, or believe it or not, I killed you!” Kevlar pretended to be fierce.

“You, aren’t you ready to make a move?”

Mukuro looked at Kvera, and said faintly, “If you don’t make a move, then I will make a move. But… I’m afraid I will kill you if you accidentally. Are you sure… You don’t make a move.” Is it? Kevlar.”

Mukuro’s tone was flat and unsurprising, without any emotion.

However, in Kevela’s ears, it was more anger than insults and contempt. Own, as the emperor of the universe, the strongest man in this universe! I…Is he ignored so easily? How dare, how dare he!

“I want… I want to kill you!!!”

At this moment, Kevlar had completely lost his sanity.

He had only one thought, which was to kill the guy who despised him in front of him. Kevera raised his hands high, and terrifying energy gathered above it. After a few breaths, a terrorist energy bomb with a diameter of several kilometers wide was condensed by Kevlar.

Supernova Kevira! ! Kevela’s most powerful move, usually Kevela can destroy an entire planet with only the energy bombs gathered by raising a finger. And at this moment, the supernova Kevlar that was displayed by all the qi in his body was condensed.

How horrible it would be… It can be clear only with a brain patch.

Destroying an entire galaxy is absolutely no problem.

“Come with me, together with this planet… Destroy it.” Kevela shouted. At the same time, the energy bomb in his hand slammed into the ground, but did not blast towards Mukuro. Although irrational, Kevira knew very well that there was such a big difference in the strength of the two. If one’s own energy bomb hits Mukuro, it might be easily resisted by him.

So now, the only way to eliminate Mukuro is possible.

That is to destroy the entire Namek star, thus losing the atmospheric environment. Saiyans, living organisms that rely on oxygen, will definitely die. Although he is unlikely to survive such an explosion. But as long as he could eliminate the guy in front of him, kill the lowly Saiyan monkey who dared to despise him, it was enough.

“Damn it! Kvela…what does he want to do!?” Frieza’s expression changed suddenly. Obviously he saw Kevlar’s intentions.

Immediately, there was no hesitation. The figure galloped away from Kevela.

escape! ! Be sure to escape the central location of the explosion!

Only in this way can I have the possibility of surviving. As long as you survive, then use your talent to eliminate these two Saiyans. It’s not a simple thing! ? Frieza is still pinning his hopes on his surpassing talent.

Suddenly, Frieza’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he suddenly discovered that his body can’t move anymore! It was like being tightly confined by an invisible big hand. Just as Frieza was shocked and struggling, a voice made Frieza’s mood fall to the bottom: “Frieza, don’t think about running away. After finishing Kevlar, I’ll come back and count the two of us with you. Personal accounts.”

How… how is it possible! ?

When dealing with the guy Kevila, he was still distracted to pay attention to his own movements? !

Although he couldn’t move his body, Frieza still used the corner of his eye to see Mukuro who was confronting Kvera, and she couldn’t help being completely shocked. Seeing that the supernova Kevela exploded by Kevela is about to hit the ground of Nami Nemesis. Mukuro just raised his right hand and made a simple pulling action. The supernova Kevlar completely violated the common sense of gravity and blasted towards Mukuro, and was swallowed by Mukuro in one bite.

It’s like eating dessert after a meal, swallowed directly by Mukuro.

In the end, Mukuro even burped. Looking at Kevlar with a look of enthusiasm, he asked, “The taste is not bad. Well…is there any more?”

“You… how is this possible!?” Kevela’s face was stunned.

He couldn’t believe that someone could actually swallow the shock wave he released with all his strength. You know that the supernova Kvera can be said to contain the destruction of Ultimate! Kevera was completely stunned, and even for a while forgot to continue attacking Mukuro. In fact, Mukuro didn’t directly swallow Kevlar’s energy bomb, but used the reincarnation pupil to absorb the energy in it. However, in order to create a more shocking effect, Mukuro cleverly used an illusion technique to make Kevela mistakenly believe that he had swallowed his energy bomb.

“Nothing is impossible, because you are too weak.” Mukuro said lightly.

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