Chapter 799 Frieza the Horror

Without even thinking about it, the pupil of reincarnation appeared in Mukuro’s eyes. Concentrating, staring at the direction where the terrifying aura erupted.

Mukuro could clearly see that a figure was coming quickly.

Frieza! !

Universe King Frieza! !

Although this is the first time Mukuro has seen Frieza. But with his familiarity with the Dragon Ball, it is naturally not a problem to recognize Frieza. However, Mukuro’s face is not very good-looking, just thinking that as long as he doesn’t meet an opponent of Frieza’s level, self-protection is not a problem. As soon as the thought fell, Frieza jumped out of his eyes.

When did I become so unlucky?

In a blink of an eye, Frieza has folded his arms and stood in front of Mukuro out of thin air.

Although it’s only a short one meter tall. But Mukuro didn’t dare to have the slightest contempt. Because Mukuro knew very well that it was this small guy in front of him who ruled more than 70% of the entire universe.

“Who are you!?” Frieza’s voice was a bit sharp.


His expression also became slightly serious.

Because Mukuro’s appearance is really strange… Suddenly, Frieza’s eyes constricted, and his pupils shrank sharply. Because he saw the slightly wagging tail behind Mukuro. Can’t help but say coldly: “There is a tail!? It seems that it is also a monkey… I didn’t expect to survive the attack of my death energy bomb. It’s still a bit capable, at least better than King Vegeta’s trash How about…become my subordinate, then I will spare your life, otherwise the planet Vegeta will be your end.”

In Frieza’s combat effectiveness tester, the combat effectiveness of the Saiyan in front of him has exceeded 30,000 [Mukuro’s combat effectiveness under normal conditions is 30,000, and the Six Paths state has reached 300,000. The power can reach more than one million combat power. However, the Demon Eye of Death and Samsara Tenseigan’s pupil skills cannot be judged by combat power. It is also possible that millions of powerful fighters will be killed by Mukuro directly], and they have reached the level of the most elite super special forces under his hand, the Kinuite team.

Naturally, Frieza became interested in Mukuro.

“Become your subordinate!? Sorry…I am not interested in this.” Mukuro said lightly while looking at Frieza.

Although you Frieza call yourself the king of the universe.

But I, Mitarashi Mukuro, is also the world lord of the four-dimensional universe. In terms of identity, it is more noble than your Frieza.

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, he sensed a breath locked in him.

It’s Frieza! !

I saw Frieza staring at him with a cold face… Senran said: “In this universe, there is no one who dares to disobey this king’s order. If you don’t want to, then go to hell for this king. .”

Multiple death beams! ! !

The two fingers of Frieza’s right hand were joined together, pointing to Mukuro.

Then it stabs countless energy light waves quickly and blasts towards Mitarashi Mukuro. Suddenly, the purple energy light wave drowned Mitarashi Mukuro in an instant. Looking at Mukuro’s position, Frieza smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth. He said lightly: “Sure enough, the Saiyans are a group of savage monkeys. They deserve to be wiped out by my King Frieza.”

But suddenly, Frieza’s eyes condensed.

Because in the display of the combat effectiveness tester, the life breath of the Saiyan just now did not disappear directly. Moreover, the combat power value is stronger…70,000! It is more than doubled directly. What happened! ? Frieza stared at the center of the explosion, and the smoke gradually dispersed.

Mukuro’s figure also appeared again.

Wrapped in Armament Haki, Mukuro appeared in front of Frieza, all covered in darkness. It’s that Armament Haki has unparalleled defense, but under the frantic bombardment of Frieza’s multiple death beams, Mukuro is also grinning.

“What is this!? A new type of combat armor!?” Frieza said.

Mukuro didn’t have time to answer Frieza’s question.

God is coming! ! !

He disappeared directly into Frieza’s sight.

The next moment, it appeared behind Frieza. The right leg wrapped under Armament Haki fell heavily.

Facing Frieza, how dare Mukuro keep any hands on it.

The strength is 100% blast.

But the attack went straight through Frieza’s body, and Mukuro didn’t feel the slightest blockage. The expression was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. It is an afterimage… a visual afterimage produced by ultra-high-speed movement. I didn’t expect to be able to deceive my own eyes. As expected of Frieza, he is definitely the most terrifying opponent he has ever encountered.

Within a ten-thousandth of an instant, Mukuro launched Observation Haki.

However, it was too late.

Because Frieza has appeared behind him.

The three-toed foot banged heavily on Mukuro’s back. Kicked Mukuro directly into the starry sky tens of kilometers away. Finally… Mukuro was able to stabilize his figure, with blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. Under Frieza’s heavy kick, Mukuro’s internal organs have completely shifted. However, with Mukuro’s physique, it was only time to breathe, and he fully recovered.

“Transportation!? Very good technique.” Frieza put his arms around 337, commenting with interest in Mukuro’s moves. Despite the dark armor, Frieza didn’t know what the move was. But just with the fighting power that Mukuro is showing now… it really makes Frieza unable to take the slightest interest. It’s only sixty thousand… you must know that your combat power under normal conditions has reached a huge amount of five hundred thirty thousand.

Sixty thousand is only twice the fraction of his own combat power.

Frieza looked at Mukuro and said coldly: “Saiyan monkey…give you another chance. Surrender to the king’s feet, otherwise-die!”

“Dead!?” Mukuro grinned suddenly and said with a smile: “Are you talking about yourself?! Frieza, even if you die a hundred times. I won’t die…Pink shorty Yo. “Mukuro didn’t pay attention to Frieza’s threat at all.

“Pink dwarf?!”

Frieza was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

The Saiyan monkey in front of him… is talking about himself. Under normal circumstances, except for the head and limbs, his skin color is pink. And… in this state, he is also very short. Frieza’s eyes were startled at first, and then there was endless anger. The pink dwarf…he has never been so insulted by others.

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