Chapter 797 Saiyan descent

For the EX+ world that is about to face, Mukuro must of course be the most fully prepared. Except for the prestige value required for synchronizing power, he is naturally not prepared to stay. In other words, Mukuro will be able to conduct another ultimate prestige prize draw.

I saw the golden pointer on the turntable spinning frantically.

After a while, the speed of the pointer slowed down.

In the end, the pointer crossed the skill category and stopped at the pedigree category. In fact, Mukuro is quite interested in the skill category of the ultimate prestige prize draw. After all, Mukuro’s lottery so far, but again, there is no option to draw the ultimate skill category.

But I was not disappointed, because I had drawn the ultimate bloodline before.

The bloodline of the Demon Eye of Straight Death is so strong as to explode.

It is definitely Mukuro’s final hole card! And it is definitely worth looking forward to that can be listed as the bloodline of the ultimate prestige value series like the Demon Eye of Straight Death.

The turntable gradually disappeared… replaced by the emergence of a cloud of blood.

“Congratulations to the Host. The ultimate lineage is drawn-Saiyan lineage. May I ask whether Host chooses to merge that lineage immediately.”

The cold sound of the system came into Mukuro’s ears.

Mukuro was a little stunned, his pupils could not help but dilate slightly.

Saiyan… blood! ?

He actually got such a terrifying bloodline! ? This is the most terrifying fighting nation in the universe. In other words, it is a nation born to fight… Saiyan blood. Does not carry any special abilities. The only thing is that each time he recovers from a serious injury, his strength will be greatly improved. This alone created the horror of the Saiyans.

Because of this improvement, there is no limit at all.

That is, as long as you are lucky. Every battle can be near death…and then survive. After reciprocating many times, the planet will be able to explode.

If divided, it is definitely an EX+ level pedigree.

“May I ask if the Host immediately fuse the Saiyan lineage… If the Host does not make a decision within ten seconds, then the system will determine that the Host has given up fusing the lineage by default.” The cold voice of the system echoed in Mukuro’s sea of ​​consciousness.

“Fusion… Immediately, speed fusion!”

Mukuro then reacted and said hurriedly.

As Mukuro’s voice fell…the scarlet blood group floating in front of Mukuro. It penetrated straight into his heart, and then there was a deep bone marrow-like pain… spread all over Mukuro’s body… Mukuro only felt that his bones were being broken one by one, and then The muscles were torn apart piece by piece. Feeling this pain… Mukuro recalled the scene when he just turned on the system and merged with Ashura’s blood. Compared to the high-level Ashura bloodline, the pain sensation produced when the Saiyan bloodline of the ultimate bloodline merges is definitely a hundred times more painful than the former. However, Mukuro’s willpower is billions of times greater.

Therefore, his face didn’t change the slightest after bearing the pain.

After nearly an hour of torture, the pain gradually disappeared. This also represents the successful integration of Saiyan blood.

Mukuro clenched his fists, nothing unusual.

Oh… Except for the furry monkey tail behind the butt.

Mukuro frowned.

But then he was relieved.

Saiyan blood does not have a power bonus. Otherwise, Kakarot’s combat effectiveness would not be only two points when he was born. [Note: In the world of Dragon Ball, the combat effectiveness of an adult man holding a gun is five points. 】

Its pervert is reflected after each battle.

“Okay… System, prepare for the New World crossing.” Mukuro said in a deep voice, with a solemn voice.

After all, it is an EX+ level world!

If it is not done well, it is possible to die in the world!

“Okay… Host, please be prepared… The space-time module is turned on.” As the system’s voice gradually echoed in Mukuro’s sea of ​​consciousness. Standing out of thin air in the starry sky of Monster Tail World, Mukuro’s figure gradually faded and faded until it finally disappeared.

And after this moment, everything in the Fairy Tail world was infinitely close to stillness.

Waiting for Mukuro to come again.

Planet Vegeta.

Planet Vegeta was originally known as Planet Plant. Planters are short and intelligent, and are a highly civilized race. The Saiyans who migrated from the whole race came to Planet Plant, and eliminated the Planet Planters and took their Planet Planet as their own. I don’t know how many years have passed. King Vegeta, the king of the Saiyans, changed his name to Planet Vegeta and became the stationed planet of the Saiyans, but at this moment Vegeta is filled with smoke.

Countless Saiyans died tragically on their planet.

“Why do you want to attack us!? Frieza. We Saiyans have always bowed to you, but you…” Starry sky, black hair… Badak with a red ribbon on his head. Frieza looked in front of him and asked loudly.

As a junior fighter.

Badak is definitely a legend among all lower-level fighters.

On the planet Vegeta, all Saiyans are warriors… and they are of distinct ranks. Divided into low-level fighters, intermediate fighters, and superior fighters. Almost all Saiyans are lower-level fighters. There are only about ten mid-level fighters, and there are only two upper-level fighters, Vegeta and Prince Vegeta.

The combat power growth value of lower-level fighters can reach up to 2,000, while that of intermediate fighters can reach about 7,000, and that of higher-level fighters is 10,000. But Badak was a lower-level warrior and forcibly increased his combat power to 10,000.

You know, King Vegeta is only 10,000 points of combat power.

“I don’t know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, you Saiyans are just tools in the hands of King Frieza.” Dodoria, with pink skin and thorns, yelled.

“I intend to ask you Saiyans to disappear from this world, together with the planet Vegeta.” Frieza, with a purple head and two sharp horns growing on his head, said. At the same time, he raised the index finger of his left hand. The golden energy bullets crazily condensed on it. Looking at Badak, Frieza smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth. In Frieza’s eyes, Badak’s 10,000-point combat power was as weak as an ant.

“You…you bastards.” Badak said angrily.


Author’s words: Lao Na can finally breathe a sigh of relief… The world of Fairy Tail is not familiar, causing Lao Na to be trembling when he writes. But now returning to Dragon Ball, Lao Na is a familiar one. The feeling when I wrote Hokage has also returned. After all, Dragon Ball is the originator of passion. The protagonist is not invincible in the Dragon Ball world, the following is absolutely infinitely exciting.

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