Chapter 780 Massacre of Wanlong

Looking at the dead Roger, Mukuro sighed. Because of the death of the companion who accompanied him all day long, he was eroded by darkness. In the future, Roger is only a tragic character. Mukuro murmured: “Roger on this timeline is not as tragic as you.”

“Roar! The humans of Damn it dare to release magic to the noble us.”

“You are dead, damn human.”

The death of Roger in the future caused all the dragons under his control to wake up. However, the group of dragons who woke up clearly remembered their experience of being controlled by Roger, thinking that their noble self would be controlled by a tiny human. The dragons were even more furious… and the future Rogge had already been killed. They could only vent their anger at the moment on the wizard they saw in front of them, which was Mitarashi Mukuro.

Obviously they didn’t know that the meteorite that just fell was made by Mukuro.

If I knew it, I would have fled.

“The roar of the earth dragon!!!”

“The roar of the fire dragon!!!”

“The roar of Fenglong!!!”

Various dragons blasted their own attacks on Mukuro. But just in an instant, a black fist-sized sphere appeared in front of Mukuro…It was Truth-Seeking Ball! Then it spread out like flowing water, wrapping Mukuro in it.

Immediately afterwards, various roaring attacks blasted on the Truth-Seeking Ball.

The space blasted by the terrifying energy attack was shattered layer by layer, and then surrounded by the Truth-Seeking Ball, the seemingly small Mukuro was submerged in it.

After nearly half a moment, the dragons’ attack stopped.

“That human… should be dead!?”

“Idiot, this kind of attack. Even a dragon king like Igunir can’t bear it. What’s more, it’s just a small human!? Let’s go… Now let’s eat some delicious food. Humans.”

“Although I don’t know where this is, there are quite a few humans.”

The dragons all thought that Mukuro had been buried in their own magic, and they were all preparing to leave to devour delicious humans.

“That’s it!? It’s time for me to come.”

The sudden sound echoed in the ears of the dragons, and the dragons were all taken aback. After searching for a long time, I discovered that the sound was coming from the tiny human position just now. After watching the past, the smoke and dust from the magic attack gradually dissipated.

“How is it possible!?” Seeing the scene after the smoke dissipated, the dragons’ eyes widened, and it was hard to believe the scene in front of them.

His own attack did not blast the black ball that wrapped the human being! ?

This… how is it possible! ?

This makes it difficult for the self-confessed noble group of dragons to accept or even go crazy. They can’t believe that their proud attack can’t cause harm to a human being! ?

The Truth-Seeking Ball turns into a state of flowing water and regroups into a big ball of fists.

Truth-Seeking Ball can not only change it into any shape according to the will of the surgeon, for attack or defense. It can also annihilate any energy attacks [except the same Six Paths power], and any objects that touch the Truth-Seeking Ball will also be eliminated. So don’t look at the roaring attacks of the dragons, but when they first came into contact with the Truth-Seeking Ball, they were nullified by the ability of the Truth-Seeking Ball. Not to mention Mukuro wrapped in Truth-Seeking Ball. Nothing…not even the horrible explosion sound, because the sound is also a kind of energy.

Mukuro raised his hand and snapped his five fingers.

The Truth-Seeking Ball in front of you changed shape again, suddenly becoming bigger! A huge screen covering the size of the sky was formed, covering the dragons.

As a creature that has ruled an era, the wisdom of the dragon is by no means inferior to human beings.

They naturally saw the weirdness of this black substance.

They want to flee. But I was horrified to find out… his body seemed to be frozen in place by a huge force, no matter how hard he struggled to break free, he couldn’t move, and he couldn’t even roar.

I can only watch in horror at the huge dark screen wrapping myself in it. The Truth-Seeking Ball, which envelops the dragons in the sky, forms a huge sphere! Then it shrank quickly, and finally became the size of a fist again. The dragons wrapped in it turned into pure energy and merged into it at the moment when they came into contact with the Truth-Seeking Ball.

The Truth-Seeking Ball floats in front of Mukuro, Mukuro stretches out his hand to hold it, and disappears from his palm.

“Okay. I will help you solve the problem of the dragons in the Fiore Kingdom. Don’t do such dangerous things in the future. As a princess of a country, you can believe anyone. I am also drunk… The brain is a good thing. If you don’t need it, you can use it.” Mukuro looked at the emerald princess who couldn’t help thanking him, and educated.

If the emerald princess was a man, Mukuro would have slapped it. Damn, I have never seen such a stupid person. If others say, you believe it? I said I am Ultraman, believe it or not! ? Um… Maybe this green-haired princess… really believes it.

“That’s right… and remember to return the Eclipse Gate to the Hatfilia family.” Mukuro finally confessed the emerald princess, and then returned directly to the Magnolia’s Quiet Spirit Garden with the girls. As for the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, no one is in the mood to participate. Besides… The Garden of Quiet Spirits had already locked the champion of this session.

“Brother…you mean, in the seven years of disappearance. You went back to 800 years ago, and then killed all the legendary gods?!” Elisa’s small face was sullen. , Even know that his brother is very powerful. But some can’t believe it, my brother actually went to do things like killing gods.

“This kind of god deserves to be killed,” Urrutia said.

Since abandoning the status of the seven dependents of Purgatory, Urrutia has become more and more kind. According to Urutia, it was to make up for the evil things done in the heart of the devil before, and when he heard that the gods were enslaving mankind, he was extremely angry.

“Well, let’s not talk about it. Tell me about what happened in the past seven years.”

Hearing what Mukuro said, Ulu hesitated. So he told Mukuro what happened in the past seven years. As for Mukuro, the more he listened, the more gloomy his face became.

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