Chapter 773 Accident

Contradictory moods are intertwined in the hearts of the women. And Elisa was the first to see something wrong with Ulu. Because compared to others, Ulu is too calm. Even being calm is a bit abnormal.

Elisa decided that Ulu must know some secrets.

So I started to ask about Ulu Mukuro at intervals. At the beginning, Ulu also told everyone that Mukuro was out to practice and would be able to return soon. But the girls are not fools. In the first few months, they all believed what Ulu said. But Mukuro’s absence for several years left the women very worried and began to inquire about Mukuro’s news.

But even if Elsa started the entire Fairy Tail, she didn’t get anything.

“Elisa, I have already told you. Mukuro just went out to practice… and will be back soon.” Ulu said in a deep voice.

“But… Sister Ulu.”

Elisa wanted to say something more.

But he was interrupted by Ulu, and said, “With Mukuro’s strength, even the world’s strongest black wizard, Jeff, is not his opponent. Mukuro escaped from Sirius Island. In this world, who do you think will be Mukuro’s opponent?!”

The fighting on Sirius Island.

Elsa heard Makarov describe it to herself.

“Okay! The Fiore Kingdom’s annual Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts is about to begin. This time the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, we will also participate in the Garden of Quiet Spirits.” Ulu said, seeing the scene dull. Changed the subject and said.

“Big Demon Fighting Fight!?” Elisa.

“We…what are we doing in this kind of event!?” Lucy wondered.

Madara Dove and Netivoka stood aside, without any words… As for Urutia, his eyes were slightly clear, Melty stood timidly behind Urutia, and Wendy She was holding Xia Lulu sullenly.

“This time… we must show our strength!”

Ulu’s expression condensed, and the magic of horror escaped. He said coldly: “Let the people of the entire Ishugar continent see clearly. Even if Mukuro is not there, our Quiet Spirit Garden is the most powerful magic guild in the world, and no one can provoke it.”

“Hehe… it should have been this way.” Netivoka held his Ten Commandments spear: “I’ve seen these bastards in the Magic Council a long time ago.”

“Cheng!” Madara Hato didn’t say anything, but pulled out the sword from his waist.

When Mukuro just disappeared, there was nothing. The Magic Council, headed by Crawford Seam, knows exactly how terrifying Mukuro is, so even if Mukuro disappears, the attitude towards the Garden of Quiet Spirits remains the same as before.

However, it was in the third year that Mukuro disappeared.

Crawford Sim has too many kingdoms for offending. He was unanimously removed from the post of Speaker of the Magic Council. And a wizard named Guran Doma parachuted as the new Speaker of the Magic Council.

When a new official takes office, it will inevitably burn three fires.

In order to regain the credibility that the Magic Council lost after the two events of the Tower of Paradise and the Generals of the Six Demons, it was located on the continent of Ishurgar. Guran Doma, who had never witnessed how horrible Mukuro was, burned the first fire on Mukuro and the Garden of Quiet Spirits. And the reason… but it is also impossible to refute the slightest!

As the first member of the Magic Council, he has repeatedly failed to attend the Magic Council.

Directly dismissed the status of the first member of the Mukuro Senate!

For the Court of Quiet Spirits, Guran Doma did not directly punish him. After all, the Court of Quiet Spirits has not done anything out of the ordinary, even if Guran Doma is the head of the Magic Council, it is impossible to punish a magic guild for no reason. You know, such behavior is equivalent to challenging the nerves of all magic guilds on the continent of Ishugar.

Who knows, this time it is aimed at the Garden of Quiet Spirits… Will it be aimed at its own magic guild next time! ?

For this kind of thing, the Magic Guild will be very united.

But this does not mean that Guran Doma can’t help it. He was instructed that the Court of Quiet Spirits must accept the review of the Magic Council! As for the reason… Guran Doma suspects that the Garden of Quiet Spirits has a connection with the devil’s heart…

Urrutia was once a member of the Devil’s Heart.

The people in the Garden of Quiet Spirits naturally cannot accept the review of the Magic Council. And even if there is no reason for Urutia, it is impossible to accept it. Because in their opinion… if they accept the review of the Magic Council, it is tantamount to an insult to the Court of Quiet Spirits.

Because of this incident, the Court of Quiet Spirits and the Magic Council almost started a war.

However, in the Magic Council, there are still Oug, Mi Guyro, Belluno… the original members of the Magic Council, as well as the existence of Elsa. With their dealings, the war between the Garden of Quiet Spirits and the Magic Council did not start.

However, there is also a deep contradiction between the Garden of Quiet Spirits and the Magic Council.

Maybe it will explode someday. Moreover, in the past few years… The Magic Council has also increasingly targeted Jing Lingting.

If it weren’t for Ulu forcibly suppressed.

I am afraid that Netivoka and Madara Dove… have chosen to go to war a long time ago.

After all, they are very clear. Even if Mukuro is not there, their strength alone… is enough to blow up the Magic Council. First of all, not to mention that Ulu can be able to overwhelm the terrifying power of the four Uranus of Ithugar alone! Even Madara Dove 2.8, Netivoka…These all possess the same strength as the four Uranus of Ithugar! In the original plot, the Gate of Hades can destroy the entire Magic Council by relying on the wolves of the Nine Ghost Gates alone. Although it was taking advantage of the precautions, it could also be seen that the members of the Magic Council were not so powerful.

Not to mention facing these terrifying women in Shangjing Lingting.

I definitely don’t know how to die. you say! ? The Magic Council also has a large number of magic supervision forces! ?

Sorry… Ulu has a record of the Ice Age, and teaches them how to be human in minutes.

Even if Ulu doesn’t make a move. The Ten Commandments Gun held by Netivoka unlocked the tenth seal and directly blasted the Holy Spear·Sacred Stone World, with similar consequences.

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