Chapter 757 Completely crushed

The lush and lush forest suddenly appeared before everyone’s eyes. The birth of the tree world is not simply to create a large forest. Its branches can restrain the enemy under the control of the operator.

What makes this ninjutsu become synonymous with Wood Style is because the giant tree born from the birth of the tree world can absorb the Chakra in the earth!

And now, the Birth of the Tree World was released by Mukuro with magic power!

In other words, the present tree world birth can absorb the magic power in the earth. I saw the land that had become restless because of Azuma! Soon it calmed down, and the magic of the riot was absorbed by the tree world birth!

“How is it possible!?” Azuma was dumbfounded.

Obviously Azuma couldn’t believe it. I was defeated so easily… and it was the magic I was best at.

“The Tower of the Gods!!” At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Mukuro.

Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely majestic tower. Suddenly rise from Mukuro’s feet… the relief on it is extremely luxurious! Ancient savage beasts, supreme gods… all the existences in the legends can find their traces on them!

But Mukuro was besieged by this towering tower.


Urrutia exclaimed and recognized the person.

Seven relatives of Purgatory-Russiros, known as the “Rust Rose”.

Although the seven servants of Purgatory are all wizards who control lost magic. But even if it is Lost Magic, it is divided into different ranks. Some are easy to master, and some are not easy to master. Take, for example, the arc of Urrutia’s time, which is the most difficult to control in Lost Magic. And Rusiros’s arc of manifestation is not inferior to the arc of time.

Lost Magic·Arc of Realization! ! !

Magic that can turn all imaginary things into reality.

Although there are certain restrictions and a certain degree of concentration, but the degree of toughness is beyond doubt.

But in Russiros, he saw Mukuro and easily defeated Azuma. Naturally, he didn’t dare to keep his hands in the slightest, and he blasted his strongest magic at Mukuro!

Tower of the gods! !

Then the tower of the gods that Rusiros manifested suddenly had a terrifying explosion! But Mukuro was submerged in it.

Luxiros breathed a sigh of relief, although the sneak attack from behind was not very glorious!

However, he abruptly suffered the tower of his own gods. Even if he didn’t die, the magician in front of him would definitely lose his combat effectiveness, Russiro couldn’t help thinking like this in his heart.

But in the next moment, Russiros was shocked! Because he found… Mukuro was standing still intact.

Even the smile on his face is the same!

“How is it possible!? Unscathed!?” Rusilos’ eyes widened. The gaze in his eyes was nothing but incredible. Swallowing hard…I couldn’t help but step back a few steps, but there was an urge to escape in my heart.

At this moment, the rest of the purgatory seven dependents also rushed over.

Kain Shicaru!

It’s exactly like a fat man.

The lost magic to control is “The Ugly Time Comes”.

Insert the opponent’s hair on the cursed doll, and you can control the opponent’s actions. At the same time, the person being manipulated will have a terrifying power beyond the original physical fitness!

You can also plug in your own hair and strengthen yourself by changing the material of the doll. The disadvantage is that the doll can easily control the actions of the person whose hair is inserted no matter who it is in the hand. Although it sounds like there is a sense of unconsciousness.

But this fat man is definitely the bottom wizard among the seven families of Purgatory.

Garp Lico!

It turned out to be one of the protoss of Layla Hartfilia, but then Layla felt tired and quit her job as a wizard. He gave his three keys to the Golden Zodiac to three new users. Among them, Capricorn gave Zudir. But Zudir was slowly swallowed by darkness and used taboo magic to merge with Capricorn, staying in the world for seventeen years. He also joined the heart of the devil and became one of the seven family members of Purgatory.

The lost magic under control is “subordination of human nature.” It can weaken human strength and magical strength, and can also summon human beings to become their own puppets by summoning protoss, which is called “the magic of the ruler”. But you can’t use this magic in life other than human beings. Once it is used on non-human life, it will be integrated with the goal.

“Dazzling flash pushing hands!!” Kain Shikaru’s attack.

A white light appeared on Kain Shicaru’s hand, and then blasted a terrifying shock wave toward Mukuro! Kain Shicaru inserted his hair on the cursed doll, and then turned the cursed doll’s material into a light source body. The attack at this time will not only increase its power exponentially, but also emit a dazzling light when attacking the opponent.

“Human Gate!!!” Garp Rico also suddenly attacked Mukuro.

The soul jumped out of the body directly, and then swallowed towards Mukuro… but wanted to directly use the human subordination to swallow Mukuro’s soul.

“You… are too weak!” Mukuro said lightly.

Mukuro’s magical power surged, pouring out like a mountain torrent…rough, but the most direct attack method!

Under the torrent of absolute magic.

All the magic is just a daze!

Russiros was the first to be swallowed by the magic torrent. Then there was Kain Shikaru, and Garp Liko…no one can escape the engulfing of the ocean of magic. Under the pressure of ultra-high-density magic power, Russiros and Kain Shicaru were directly assimilated into the purest magic particles.

Garp Lico turned into a key and was put in Mukuro’s pocket. The Protoss of Capricorn in the zodiac naturally took them back as gifts for Lucy.

In an instant… Mukuro crushed the three purgatory seven dependents.


Author’s words: Nothing. Lao Na is about to be consumed by the nun… The world of the fairies strives to end within Chapter 30 to Chapter 40.

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