Chapter 732 Illusion showdown

“Bu Canaan!? You know Bu Canaan!?” The turning earth stopped. Hotai’s eyes widened, and his expression eagerly said, “Please… please tell me where Buchanan is now. I…I can tell you the news of Nirvana.”

Hotai is also a miserable person. After being brought out by Brian from the tower of the paradise, he found his brother and became obsession. He also thought that “finding a younger brother” would require a lot of money, so he became a miser.

“Your brother has always been in the Tower of Paradise, but before I destroyed the Tower of Paradise. He threw them out of the Tower of Paradise. It is estimated that they are traveling somewhere in Ishurgar.” Mukuro said. Because of Elisa, Mukuro did not directly kill anyone except Geral, but before Tengai Shinsei destroyed the entire paradise tower, he used the two-stage method of God Pro to transfer them all out. The tower of the paradise.

Hotai’s younger brother is one of the guys in the black suit with a square face.

“It’s great… My brother is still alive… It’s great.” Heteai’s expression was first sluggish, and then turned into ecstasy.

After a long while, Heteai came back to his senses.

Watching Mukuro speak, “About Nirvana, it…”

Hot Aigang spoke. Suddenly a voice interrupted him and said: “Heteai, are you planning to betray your father!? This is not okay… It doesn’t matter if you are known by your father, but if you are known by Master Wu, you think you Will there be life?” The voice fell, and a man with black hair and red eyes fell from the sky and appeared in front of Heteai.

“Dark…dark night!?”

A hint of panic was revealed in Hotai’s voice.

Because the one standing in front of him is the “Dark Night” Mark Beth from the Six Demon Generals! Magic ability even surpasses the powerhouse head Brian. Markbeth turned his gaze to Mukuro, frowned and said, “Did you kill Kebra and Lisa!? Who are you…Ishgar’s Ten Great Sorcerer!? ”

Mark Beth was working with Brian to unblock Nirvana, but the lines on Brian’s face representing Kebra and Lisa disappeared, which meant that the two of them were defeated. In order to prevent any changes, Brian sent Mark Beth over.

“I don’t know if Heteai will be killed by the so-called Wu adults. I only know that you must be dead next.” Mukuro said lightly.

“What are you talking about… damn it! Spiral pain!!”

Mark Beth’s expression turned ugly.

As a wizard who surpassed Brian, the head of the six demon generals, Mark Beth has never been so despised.

The fuchsia magic vortex hit Mitarashi Mukuro.

But when the magic power Uzumaki invaded Mukuro’s side, Mukuro just raised his hand and spread his fingers… The repulsive force was vented from Mukuro’s fingers… Then, like a cage, the magic vortex of Mark Beth was dead. Trapped in it.

With a fierce grip, this magic power was squeezed into unknown space by Mukuro.

The look of jealousy on Markbeth’s face was obvious.

He had never seen such a method before… but Mark Beth did not retreat, because his shot just now was just for testing. After all, being able to kill Kebra and Lisa proved that the wizard in front of him was definitely not a general.

“Magic-twists and turns!!”

Mark Beth’s most proud magic. Magic that can distort all objects and magic attack directions in a designated space except for “people”. You can also set the space on the target, making it strangled by clothes or armor.

But what surprised Mark Beth was…

The wizard in front of him has nothing to do.

The clothes on his body that he has obviously twisted… shouldn’t he be held tightly by his own clothes now! ? How… why nothing happened! ? Could it be that my magic hair has failed! ?

“Magic-twists and turns!” Mark Beth used his magic again.

But the result is exactly the same.

There was no change in the body of the wizard in front of him! It seems… completely immune to his own magic! ?

“This…how is it possible!?” Mark Beth murmured.

The expression on Markbeth’s face became more and more ferocious. Suddenly he roared frantically: “No! This is absolutely impossible! I’m going to kill you!!” With that, Mark Beth was constantly changing his body shape. Then a terrifying monster appeared… and roared with red fangs, and then attacked Mitarashi Mukuro.

“Really… there is a bad enough illusion!”

Mukuro sneered slightly disdainfully, under the gaze of Samsara Tenseigan! Everything in front of me was clearly seen by Mukuro. There is no demon… This demon is nothing more than the sight that Mark Beth used magic to warp the light to make the target see. But Mark Beth was taking advantage of this opportunity to sneak over to him.

“Let me show you what a real illusion is.”

“Magic·Songhang Technique!!”

Staring at Mark Beth hidden in the figure of the demon, Mukuro said faintly.

Mark Beth’s attention was all focused on Mukuro’s body. I didn’t hear anything from Mukuro’s mouth at all.

He just suddenly saw a few thick wooden wedges appearing in front of him… and then pierced the joints of his body straight, nailing him to the side of the rock wall. No matter how hard it broke free, the wooden wedge showed no signs of loosening.

But in the eyes of others…

Mark Beth just straightened his limbs and stood there without moving.

“Brother…what’s wrong with him!?” Elisa couldn’t help but asked with some doubts. Jura and others also looked at Mukuro with puzzled faces.

“He’s…waiting to die.” Mukuro said as he spoke. At the same time, the Kanhuo Taidao in his hand slashed towards Mark Beth… the sword of fierce fire! A terrifying explosion spewed out from Canhuo Taito’s knife! In just an instant, Mark Beth was burned out!

At this moment, the earth shook violently!

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