Chapter 727 Crusade against the Generals of the Six Demons

The lightning released by Mitarashi Mukuro was not something Laxus could absorb. Among the thunder and lightning released by Mukuro, it is the thunder mixed with Ultimate’s yin power! It is equivalent to mixing Mukuro’s spiritual power!

With Laxus’s body, there is no way to resist the erosion of this force. Under the attack of Mukuro’s thunder and lightning fist, Laxus was directly electrocuted into Kurozumi!

But at this time, Elisa and Fairy Tail’s other strongest alternates, Mystergun, Naz, Jajrou, and Hobbit, who had solved Eba Greene, all rushed over. The scene I saw was Laxus who had been scorched by thunder and lightning.

“Just… what happened!?” Gajiro.

“That dark thing on the ground… Is it Laxus!?” Naz.

Mukuro also put away his thunderous state. Looking at Elisa, she smiled and said, “Don’t worry, this guy can’t die.”

“Brother, you beat Laxus too badly.”

Elisa said with a headache, clutching her head. Although it was said that the Fairy Tail civil war started against Laxus, Elisa was very angry about it. But no matter what, Laxus is also a member of Fairy Tail… and is also the grandson of President Makarov. Elisa’s original intention was to teach Laxus a lesson, and then hand it over to President Makarov to deal with. But fortunately now, even if he can’t die, it is estimated that he will be disabled for life.

“Don’t worry, it’s a simple matter.”

Mukuro snapped his fingers, and a magical power flowed through Mukuro’s fingertips. Then wrapped around Laxus. Later, I saw that Laxus’s body quickly recovered.

The arc of time! !

For Urutia, the arc of time cannot act on life forms. But for Mitarashi Mukuro, there is no such problem. After all, whether it is magical power or an understanding of the power of time… Mukuro is far beyond Urutia!

For Mukuro, the arc of time is more like a key. Broken Mukuro’s cognitive barrier! As the saying goes, if one method works, then everything works. Mitarashi Mukuro’s understanding of time is definitely that every second is an essential leap from the previous second!

“I… my body!?” Laxus was shocked.

However, when I saw Mukuro, anger surged into Laxus’s brain… he didn’t even consider why his body could regain consciousness.

“Exterminating Dragon Profound Meaning…”

“Laxus, stop!” Elisa yelled, trying to stop Laxus.

But it was too late. Because Laxus has released his moves! As the Dragon Slayer, the ultimate secret of Laxus!

“Extinguish the Dragon Uprising·Ming Yu Lei!!!”

Laxus is desperate, and all the magic power burst out! The golden violent thunder flooded the entire Caldia Cathedral, as if to swallow the entire land! Torn the space… the golden thunder struck Mukuro!

Laxus is full of madness!

It seems to have seen Mitarashi Mukuro shattered into dregs by his own magic!

“The Eighty One of Bakudō·Splitting Void.”

Seeing the thunderous Ming Yulei, Mukuro’s expression didn’t change at all, and a few words were faintly uttered in his mouth. A transparent barrier appeared in front of Mukuro! The violent golden Ming Yu thunder blasted on Splitting Void, but even the slightest crack did not appear!

“Ninety-one of Hadō·Senju Jiaotian Taipao!!”

Immediately after Bakudō Splitting Void, there is also Kidō in Shinigami’s world. Hadō Senju on the 91st. Countless bright red light bullets emerged from Mukuro’s body… and then all poured onto Laxus. In an instant, Laxus was beaten again by Mukuro into a state of dying.

But it was much better than the scorched appearance just now.

At the very least, after healed, Laxus could retain all his magical powers. Will not be left with a miserable and tragic end of life-long crippling.

After all, the nature of Laxus is not bad, it’s just that because of the expectations and pressure brought by Makarov’s reputation since childhood, it has led to more and more paranoid pursuit of power! Want to become the guild leader of Fairy Tail and surpass Makarov!

Under Mukuro’s strong intervention, the Monster Tail Civil War ended in a disastrous defeat for Laxas.

In the next few days, Fairy Tail’s annual magic parade… The entire Magnolia was caught in a carnival.

The magic parade is over.

But the wizards of Fairy Tail were obviously still reluctant to give up.

The whole guild is full of noise.

But suddenly, the fairy tail calmed down… Even the two masters, Naz and Hobbit, who couldn’t be idle for a second, were sitting still like a stone statue at this time.

Just because someone walked into the fairy tail-Mitarashi Mukuro! !

“Chairman Mitarashi Mukuro, are you here to see Elisa!?” Makarov stood up, after all, it was rude to sit on the table and talk to Mukuro.

Mukuro shook her head and said, “Elusa is now in the manor in the Garden of Quiet Spirits. I am here this time to find you something…President Makarov.”

“Find me!?”

Makarov was taken aback first. Then he asked, “What’s the matter!?”

Mukuro raised his hand and threw a scroll containing magical information to Makarov. And he said: “The Magic Council passed the bill… formally began the crusade against the dark guilds of the Baram Alliance! The four guilds were formed by the Fairy Tail, the Scales of the Snake, the Blue Pegasus, and the Garden of Quiet Spirits… Select several core members separately to carry out a joint crusade against the Six Demon Generals, one of the Baram Alliance!”

“Crack against the General of the Six Demons!?” Makarov’s pupils shrank sharply.

As a member of the Dark Magic Guild Alliance-Baram Alliance. The Six Demon Generals is definitely one of the strongest dark magic guilds! Although there are only six wizards in the entire Magic Guild, each member has a strength far surpassing that of an S-rank wizard!

“Okay, I’ve already notified you… Then three days later, we will gather in the villa of President Bobu of the Blue Pegasus. Don’t be late.” After that, Mukuro disappeared.

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