Chapter 725 Shot

“You know me!?” Felid’s eyes condensed, and his nerves became tense! He was pretty sure he hadn’t seen the person in front of him.

But he knows himself…Is he also a wizard! ?

However, I didn’t feel any fluctuations in magic power… I couldn’t help but asked sharply: “Who are you anyway!?”

“Me…but shouldn’t you answer my question first!? I’m very interested in the magic you set. Teach me…I can spare you. If you don’t agree…not only It’s you. The so-called Thunder Gods, and Ragasus…I’ve killed them all. Hurry up and think about it, how about it!?” Mukuro said.

“Damn it!”

Philip looked stunned.

Several light curtains suddenly appeared around the area where Mukuro and Felid were located! On the barrier, the words of the Fairy Tail World appeared-[Rule: Before one party loses the ability to fight, it is forbidden to leave this technique. 】

“No matter who you are, insult Ragosas, insult the Thunder Gods…you are about to die!” Looking at Mukuro Felid said coldly.

“Really? Why do I feel that your behavior is idiotic.” Mukuro said silently.

Does this kind of behavior count as digging a grave for yourself! ?

Philip did not continue to speak.

The sword in the hand of the long sword suddenly released black magic power, the magic power attached to Mukuro’s body, and then formed a kind of text that was different from the fairy tail world.

“Dark text-[Pain].”

Felid pointed the long sword in Mukuro’s hand, and said coldly: “The words engraved on my body will become reality and become your feeling.” Felid’s words fell, and Mukuro felt it. The pain in the thigh spread all over the body. But for Mukuro, the pain is minimal. It can’t cause any harm to him at all.

“Dark text-[Fear]!”, “Dark text-[Sadness]!”

Philip did not stop, and the black magic continued to surge… Countless dark words were engraved on Mukuro’s body.

“Dark text-[Annihilation]!!!”

In the end, Philip directly drew the deadly dark text!

In Philip’s view, Mukuro is not a fairy tail person. And the insulting Ragasus and the Thunder Gods, then there is a reason to die!

But in the next moment…

Philip was stunned. Because the mysterious wizard who was inscribed with countless dark words in front of him… unexpectedly did not have any reaction!

Pain, fear, sadness…

Philip didn’t see it at all, let alone the final annihilation.

“You… how did you do it!?”

Philip looked at Mukuro. There was a trace of fear in his eyes. This was the first time he had seen the magic of dark text since he had learned the dark text, and his dark text would still be invalid after being engraved on the opponent’s body.

“It’s easy!” Mukuro smiled.

As soon as the magic power of the whole body was shaken, the dark text on his body disappeared.

“Damn… how could it be possible!?” The expression on Felid’s face was shocked. Gritting his teeth: “Although it is a taboo magic, there is no way. Since it is useless to engrave on you! Then engrave on myself.”

“Dark text——[Darkness]!!!”

Philip raised his hand and wrote a series of incomprehensible symbols on his body. Suddenly, Philip’s figure swelled…

A terrifying monster appeared in front of Mitarashi Mukuro!

“Dark Light Bullet!!”

Philip’s strongest magic! The hands formed a powerful dark magic bullet to smash the target, and the terrifying black energy bullet blasted from the hands of Felid in the form of a demon! To Philip’s horror, the mysterious wizard in front of him raised his hand and grabbed his strongest magic in his hand… and then seemed to just hold it gently, and the dark light flare disappeared.

“How…how could it be possible!?” Philip said with a stare.

Standing on the spot blankly… I completely forgot that I was still fighting. Or, for Philip, he doesn’t know how to continue fighting. Because the dark light bullet just now is the strongest magic he can know!

“That’s it!? So… then it’s my turn.”

Looking at Philip. Mukuro slowly spit out two words:

“Black Coffin!!!”

Hadō No. 90·Black Coffin!

In the look of Philip’s astonishment and horror. The jet-black light wall, like a coffin, confined herself in it… Then countless jet-black long swords pierced the dark coffin. In it, Philip also heard a miserable cry. After Black Coffin’s light curtain dissipated, he fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

Flashing away, Mukuro disappeared in place.

In the next moment, the guild of Fairy Tail had already appeared.

“Makarov… you really failed in your education for the offspring! Your son established a dark guild second only to the Baram League. Now his grandson has turned Magnolia into the current smog. Look like.”

Sitting on the counter of the Fairy Tail Guild, Mukuro drew out a red wine at random. Then he poured the red wine into the glass…and drank it by himself.

Seeing Mukuro’s movements, Makarov’s mouth twitched.

Because the red wine that Mukuro took out is the most precious bottle in the entire fairy tail. I’ve never been willing to drink it!

“Well, not bad.”

After taking a sip of red wine, Mukuro nodded. He continued: “Well… for the face of this glass of red wine, I will help your fairy tail clean the skin drum this time. But… you beat your grandson so badly, don’t blame me.”

Then before Makarov could say a word, Mukuro disappeared again.

Makarov just breathed a sigh of relief… Then he raised his mood again. But this time it wasn’t the wizards who were worried about Fairy Tail. But he started to worry about his grandson… How terrifying Mukuro Makarov knows better than anyone! Not to mention a ragsas, even a hundred ragsas is definitely not Mukuro’s all-in-one enemy!

However, Makarov, who was banned by the technique, could only pray… Pray that Mukuro could show mercy to Elsa and not to beat Ragasus too badly.

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