Chapter 717 reaction

It was originally an expansion of the size of the house, the Truth-Seeking Ball, after rising into the sky…they began to expand exponentially!

Just breathing time, it occupies the entire sky!

The fallen stars that were summoned by the Star Spirit King instantly disappeared into nothingness when they came into contact with the expanding Truth-Seeking Ball…

The Star Spirit King looked at such a scene dumbfounded!

He couldn’t believe that he had exhausted his entire body of magic power and released the history of the super magic star map of the ancient celestial spirits… it was so easily resolved by others! Moreover, this terrifying dark sphere that is constantly expanding in the sky! Give the Protoss King a feeling of death, if it is allowed to expand like this… the whole world will eventually be destroyed!

Magic Council.

At this moment, it is already fully fried!

Headed by Crawford Sim, the speaker of the Magic Council and seven members. All were concentrated in front of a huge magic crystal.

On the top of the magic crystal, a string of numbers appeared.

“Master Speaker! The magic power measured based on the magic response has reached the magic power of 600 billion concepts…No! It is 610 billion…630 billion…670 billion…Master Speaker , The magic power is increasing faster and faster. It’s not good… the magic power has exceeded the theoretical value of the magic response measuring device! It is impossible to survey!”

Everyone present was stunned.

“What is the theoretical value of the magic reaction measuring instrument!?” someone suddenly asked.

“The magic of the trillion concept.”

The person in charge of the magic response measurement said: “This is our estimate of the total magic power of the entire Ishurgar continent! That is to say, the magic power gathered in this place now… exceeds the total amount of the entire Ishurgar continent. The amount! And… it seems to be increasing, but the magic reaction measuring device can no longer measure the value.”

A magic that surpasses the magic power of the entire Ishogar continent! ?

Where did this so much magic come from! ?

And it continues to increase… If this kind of magic explodes! Not to mention the entire continent of Ishugar, I am afraid that the entire world will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Crawford Sim couldn’t help but shiver! Shouted in horror: “Where is Fez!? Quick! Use Fez immediately… destroy me the magic of the entire continent! Only in this way can the entire world be preserved.”

Crawford Sim’s words made all the members of Parliament shine!


We still have Fez!

As long as you use Fez, you can destroy all the magic power of the entire continent. This horrible magic will be completely invalid!

“Agree!”, “Agree!”, “Use Fez immediately!”, “Agree!”…

Together with Geral, all the MPs agreed. After all, Geral is not a fool… If the world is gone, then Jeff, who is still a fart, will be resurrected! Although Urutia was missing from the vote of the MPs, no one was thinking about it in this meeting.

“But… it will take two hours at the earliest for Fez’s unblocking start! We… can we wait until then!?”

Oge suddenly asked in confusion.

Hear Ouge’s voice. Everyone, including Crawford Sim, was taken aback. Immediately afterwards, only a piece of despair was left in his eyes! Yes… if it is calculated at the rate of increase of the magic power just now. Let alone two hours, even only twenty minutes! The whole world will be over!

Crawford Sim slumped directly to the ground, with ashes in his eyes!

Far in the West Continent.

In the palace of the Albares Empire.

Jeff, who was smiling and lazy, suddenly changed his expression! But he stood up directly from the throne! He looked towards the direction of Yixu Jiaer mainland.

Touching his right arm, he muttered to himself:

“Such a terrifying magic reaction!? Even Akunorokia couldn’t do it at all. Could it be… him!?”

Jeff’s eyes flickered, and he couldn’t help but recall a scene from four hundred years.

The man who claimed to be Mitarashi Mukuro crossed the eclipse gate… and cut off his arm directly! And he can’t heal it at all! No way, in the end, Jeff could only receive a prosthetic limb, although it did not affect the performance of his strength!

But Jeff has not forgotten for four hundred years!

For a while, Jeff was frantically looking for Mitarashi Mukuro. Because Jeff thinks… Mitarashi Mukuro can kill himself! He wants to die… He wants someone to end his sinful life! !

But after a hundred years, I found that my search was in vain!

And ten years ago, in Jack Bu Rexio, who had returned from the defeat of the expedition to Ishogar, Jeff heard the name of Mitarashi Mukuro again!

But this time, Jeff flinched…

Because he found that he still wanted to meet his brother again, and hadn’t killed Akunorokia… Jeff was scared.

Jeff was afraid that Mitarashi Mukuro could really kill himself!

There was a moment of silence. Jeff looked at a young man with eyes, white hair, and a light blue coat next to him, and said, “Imbel, I’m going to the mainland of Ishurgal. During this period, the affairs of the empire You will supervise it all.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Inbel bowed and said respectfully.


This is the nearest town to the Expanded Truth-Seeking Ball.

Fortunately, the residents of the town were just a little frightened. But the wizards in Fairy Tail are all shocked!

This kind of magical breath…no! This can no longer be called a breath of magic!

It’s… the breath of extinction!

what’s going on! The world… is going to perish! ?

In the Garden of Quiet Spirits.

Ulu is looking at the swelling Truth-Seeking Ball in the sky.

Muttered in his mouth: “This should be the swelling Truth-Seeking Ball that Mukuro said. Mukuro…what enemy did he meet!?”

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