Chapter 692 Go home

Mitarashi Mukuro! ? The expression on Madara Hato’s face was stunned again… Originally, she thought she had been shocked enough today, but she did not expect to hear it again!

Who is Mitarashi Mukuro! ? No knowledgeable wizard would ask such a stupid question…

The first member of the Magic Council!

Saint Ten Great Wizards!

It is said that no one knows the identity of Mitarashi Mukuro except a few people in the Magic Council. If it is said that the Garden of Quiet Spirits is the most mysterious magic guild on the continent of Ishogar, then Mitarashi Mukuro is the most mysterious wizard!

Unexpectedly… Unexpectedly…

The chairperson of the Garden of Peace… is actually Mitarashi Mukuro!

If this is known to the magic world… I am afraid it will cause a huge uproar!

Madara Hato didn’t know. Um… It should be said that Mitarashi Mukuro doesn’t know now. Because of the Fairy Tail…The residence of the Garden of Quiet Spirits is located in Magnolia, which is already a well-known thing in the entire magical world.

And Mitarashi Mukuro, who is the president of the Garden of Peace, spread like wildfire.

Mitarashi Mukuro is the chairperson of the Garden of Quiet Spirits! ?

This news can be said to have directly detonated the entire Magic World of Ishugar, and now I don’t know how many wizards came to Magnolia with different ideas.


Mitarashi Mukuro threw the sword in his hand to Madara Hato.

At the same time, he said: “As the third member with combat ability in the Garden of Jingling, I appoint you as the captain of the Second Division of the Garden of Jingling.”

Madara Hato took the sword and put it in the scabbard.

Then he nodded, accepting Mukuro’s appointment. At the same time, I also understood why the Garden of Jingling is so mysterious and no one has ever seen the members of the Garden of Jingling.

Because…there are too few members!

After hesitating for a while, Madara Hato asked, “President…I want to know why you invited me to join the guild!?”

Regardless of strength or other conditions, Madara Hato doesn’t think he can join the Garden of Quiet Spirits. At the same time, I have nothing worth plotting! And Madara Hato doesn’t think that Mukuro is coveting his appearance. Because for Mukuro, who is the first member of the Magic Council, as long as he waved his hand, a lot of beauties who were more gorgeous than himself would be thrown into his arms one after another! Besides, if Mukuro is really coveting his appearance… Then he doesn’t need to be as polite as he is now as a member of the Dark Guild!

Even if you forcibly take yourself captive, you won’t lose any tongue!


Looking at Madara Dove who was staring at him very seriously.

Mukuro smiled, and said faintly: “On this land where magic is prosperous and rich, and swordsmanship is declining… You are the only swordsman I have ever seen who enters the room in swordsmanship. And a swordsman who can reach this level, There must be a belief that I stick to in my heart. I don’t want to see this belief gradually being blackened and eroded by the darkness!”

Mukuro didn’t deceive her. For Madara Hato… Mukuro really loves talent.

But Mukuro does not deny that there will be some meaning in that respect. Assuming that if Madara Hato was a man, even if he was stinking eroded by the darkness… Mukuro would never care about it. Even…maybe they will take action for the people.

Hearing what Mukuro said… Madara Hato was shocked!

After a while… Suddenly bowed down to the ground and bowed to Mukuro!

If you say that at the beginning, Madara Hato chose to join the Jingling Garden because he wanted to learn more powerful swordsmanship and was afraid of Mitarashi Mukuro. So from this moment… Madara Hato is completely devoted to Mitarashi Mukuro!

And regard yourself as a member of the Garden of Quiet Spirits!

“Alright… Madara Dove, it doesn’t have to be like this… From now on, they will all be companions of the Garden of Silent Spirits. There are very few members of the guild, so just consider it as a home.” Mukuro lifted Madara Dove with repulsive force. , And then said with a smile.

“Sister Madara Hato… Lucy also thank you for keeping me safe all the way. Then we will be family in the future, great.” Lucy said suddenly.

family! ?

For Madara Dove…

It can be described as a very unfamiliar word.

He was an orphan since he was a child, and then he was brought back to train by the Skull and Bones assassination team. After that, Madara Hato had only two choices in life…kill the enemy, or be killed by the enemy! Only in Kendo, Madara Dove can have some comfort! Even if Madara Hato has stepped into the kendo, if she is allowed to continue to kill like this… then only madness is left waiting for her, and a swordsman, if the heart is already mad, then It’s like a third-class crippling… a battle between the real strong, if the swordsman’s slashing loses the perfusion of will. So even the slash that looks terrifying, it’s just as weak as corrugated paper!

But from this moment today…

Madara Hatoaki realized her heart and found the reason for her to swing a knife…

Your own sword should be guarding Lord Mukuro, guarding Lucy… guarding the entire quiet garden! And Ming Wu realized his own heart, which also represented Madara Hato’s kendo will is more powerful. If Madara Dove was far from the level of the Saint Ten Sorcerer before, but now Madara Dove… has stepped into the threshold of the Saint Ten Sorcerer with one foot!

“Then… let’s go.” Mukuro smiled and said.

Mukuro was not surprised at Madara Hato’s ability to understand his heart… and strengthen his kendo. Because this is the way of kendo, enlightenment is enlightenment… It may be a moment, or it may be hard for a hundred years. Besides, Madara Hato is not only the original kendo aptitude, but also the accumulation of swordsmanship is very rich…

It’s natural to be able to accumulate things and make things happen!

“Brother Mukuro…we don’t care about them!?” Lucy pointed to Zala, who had fainted because of the magic torrent that Mukuro had just released on the slave ship. For Zala, Lucy doesn’t have any good feelings.

“Don’t worry… someone will take care of it.” Mukuro smiled and said.

It’s exactly the same as what Mukuro said…It didn’t take long for Mukuro to leave. The first force-monitoring force of the Magic Council appeared on the slave ship, and then arrested Zala and his men for no reason. Awaiting them will be the penalty of the Magic Council and the life imprisonment of the final deadline!

And Mukuro… doesn’t pay attention to the fate of such a small person.

Taking Lucy and Madara Dove to tour Haruji Urn City… Mukuro and the second daughter rushed back to the small town of Magnolia.

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