Chapter 594 Hōgyoku’s final state of integration

Once again, Mukuro’s heavy fists blasted Aizen Sōsuke into the ground. It directly broke a cliff hundreds of meters high.

Mukuro did not continue the offensive, but looked at Aizen. Faintly opened the mouth and said: “Why… is it limited to this!? It really disappointed me!”

“Stopping my sword can make you so excited… can it!? Kidō that can destroy me can make you so excited… can it!? Hurting my body can make you so excited… can it!?” Aizen looked directly at Mukuro.

Suddenly, he shouted: “Mitarashi Mukuro, less arrogant!!”

With Aizen’s roar. The shape of his body also began to change. There was only a crack on the forehead. Suddenly opened… a scarlet eye pupil was revealed, and a drop of scarlet blood was left in the pupil, across Aizen’s face…

At this moment, Aizen’s entire face turned black. The skin of the previous face was torn from the middle and located on both sides of the black face. It looks very strange, and there are three holes in the chest of the upper body. Hōgyoku is in the top hole, and Zanpakutō is completely integrated with the right hand!

And on the six huge butterfly wings behind the original itself, a “skeleton” has grown at the top of each 487 wing spine!

Aizen now has no Shinigami characteristics at all!

Feel the full power of the body and the restless Hōgyoku in the heart!

At this moment, it looks more like a virtual Aizen. Muttered in his mouth: “So that’s it… Hōgyoku, are you angry? A mere human… actually dominates me!?”

“Do you really think so!?… Aizen.”

Mukuro interrupted Aizen suddenly. He said lightly: “Hōgyoku is telling you…hurry up and run for your life. Otherwise…you will be beheaded by me! And Hōgyoku once again urges you to evolve, just to give you the ability to escape.”

“What a joke!?”

Aizen was furious in an instant, and the hideous black face yelled: “I am invincible now! See how I kill you now!”

“Fibere Break!!!”

A skull at the top of the butterfly wing behind Aizen. The steel teeth suddenly cracked, and the endless horror Reiatsu crazily condensed.

The purple hyper-density Reiatsu sphere appeared in front of the skeleton of the wing spine!

The density of Reiatsu has condensed to a state that can’t be described in substance. This kind of horror, if the Reiatsu sphere explodes…

It can definitely turn a plain into a canyon in an instant!

Radiant broke heavily on Mukuro’s position. Boom… a violent explosion, the sky-reaching spiritual power pillar blasted into the sky!

“It’s horrible…explosion…!”

“Captain Mitarashi Mukuro, won’t you die directly in the explosion?”

“Probably not… Captain Mitarashi Mukuro is so amazing. If Captain Mitarashi Mukuro is really dead… Then we’re done.”


This time, Kyoraku Shunsui rarely said anything. Watching the location of the explosion. Although he didn’t think that Mukuro would die in such a simple way, but before he saw Mukuro with his own eyes. Kyoraku Shunsui won’t relax his mood, after all, Mukuro is the only hope now.

The pillar of spiritual power produced by the explosion gradually dissipated.

There is nothing about Mitarashi Mukuro in the state of armed color bully, prestige, and Susanoo. Seeing Aizen spoke slightly mockingly:

“Aizen… are you tickling me!?”

As soon as the conversation turned, Mukuro looked at Aizen. He opened his mouth and said: “Since you have attacked me. Then the courtesy…I should be the next one.”

Having said that, Mukuro disarmed the state of Seba·Wei·Susanoo.

Although the state of armed color bully, prestige and Susanoo is very strong! Even with Aizen Hōgyoku’s final evolutionary form, there is no way to deal with it. But in this state…the offensive methods are really lacklustre.

Mukuro returned to normal, but he didn’t hesitate for a moment.

Both hands are like butterfly and flower-like knot fingerprints, just a moment of time. The complicated handprints were completed in Mukuro’s hands…

“Sage Art Wood Style· Shin Su Senju on top of the Buddha!!”


A huge Buddha statue with closed eyes appeared behind Mukuro. Although the eyes are closed tightly, everyone can feel…When this Buddha statue opens his eyes, the whole world will feel the anger from him!

Although my Buddha is compassionate…but there are also times when King Kong succumbs to demons in anger!

Just when everyone was still shocked and sluggish. Closed eyes Shin Su Senju Buddha statue suddenly opened his eyes.

The eye-catching gaze makes everyone’s heart tremble…

The originally still Buddha statue suddenly moved, and the countless arms behind him, each carrying a billion-dollar force… blasted towards Aizen!

Although Shin Su Senju’s arms are wooden. But that is Mukuro casts Xianshu Chakra, and then injects Yang Dun to add life… Although it is still called wood in name, it is ten thousand times stronger than stainless steel!

Under the bombardment of Shin Su Senju, the whole earth shook.

“This is too… terrible!? If Mukuro came to Soul Society once before, I am afraid that the entire Jinglingyuan will disappear now.” Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Shin Su Senju who was attacking Aizen, stunned. road.

“It seems Mukuro… hasn’t really been angry before.”

Jūshirō Ukitake also said with emotion.

But they are even more depressed: Why are they all graduated from the same session of the Mao Spiritual Academy? How can the gap be so big! ?

Of course, Tessai Tsukabishi, who was once a big Kidō, feels the same way.

Shin Su Senju’s attack on the top of the Buddha lasted for nearly half an hour before it gradually stopped.

The rising smoke, it took another quarter of an hour to dissipate…

The landform has been completely changed. The landform that could have been called plains has now been completely transformed into ravines, cliffs, boulder forests… But Aizen Sōsuke is lying on the ground in an impersonal form.

Two arms, one leg, and half of the body have disappeared…but they are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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